Chapter 566

The next day, the third day, and the fifth day, Wang Ling didn't know that Mrs. Wan was hospitalized in a coma.It was Fang Huiwen next door who waited for her for a long time before she told her.

"What does that have to do with me?"

Wang Ling glanced at Fang Huiwen, asking if she was full and had nothing to do?Why do you like to meddle in other people's business so much?

Fang Huiwen: ...

The heart that wanted to persuade Wang Ling was poured head-on with ice water.She paused: "Forget it, whether you like to go or not, I'm just telling you for the sake of the neighbors."

After she finished speaking, she didn't linger long, and turned around and entered the courtyard of the Chen family.

"Dogs take mice, mind your own business!"

Wang Ling's voice came from behind.

Fang Huiwen's face turned green with anger.

She bit her lip and walked into the living room. Chen Shennan, who was sitting at home watching TV, saw her coming in with a very bad expression on his face, so he knew she had hit a wall.

He was a little helpless, his daughter-in-law was just too kind-hearted.A pig brain like Wang Ling doesn't need others to be kind to her at all, nor does she need others' kindness.

His daughter-in-law just didn't understand this truth, so she ran into a wall, right?

Chen Shennan put down the remote control and stood up, walked over and took Fang Huiwen's hand and looked down at her: "We have been neighbors for decades, don't you understand who she is? Someone who is extremely selfish like her is It’s impossible to listen to other people’s words.”

"I'm just uncomfortable." Fang Huiwen must know what kind of person Wang Ling is, and it is precisely because she knows what kind of person she is that she feels even more uncomfortable.

Mr. Wan and Mrs. Wan are two such good people, and even Wan Guowei is also a good person. How could they get a daughter-in-law like Wang Ling?

Not only did she not go to see the old man in the hospital, but she didn't even care about it at all?How could there be such a cruel person in this world?
Fang Huiwen couldn't figure it out.

In fact, she doesn't need to figure it out.

Because there are such selfish people as Wang Ling in this world.Although she married into Wan's family, she never regarded Wan's family as her own, so she definitely couldn't integrate into this family.

Naturally, she felt that the Wanjia matter had nothing to do with her.

Chen Shennan explained, and Fang Huiwen sighed heavily again.

"I'm going to buy a chicken to make some chicken soup for the old man, and you can send it over later."

"Well, I'll go too."

Chen Jinzhou went to the construction site today, so the food delivery was naturally handed over to Chen Shennan.

Unlike their Chen family, the Wan family has several relatives in the capital.It's true that the Wan family has no relatives at all, and it's not true. In fact, there are still relatives in the Wang family.

But Wang Ling is so careless about this matter, does she still count on the rest of the Wang family?

Chen Shennan sighed: "In the future, our family will have to be more cautious in choosing a daughter-in-law. We can't just let Azhou marry a woman like the next door, or we won't be able to bear it."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Azhou is not the kind of person who can't figure it out." Although Fang Huiwen refuted her husband, she was still a little worried secretly.

Her son, she understands that since he met his brother and the others, he has treated his brother and sister-in-law the same as his own brother and his sister-in-law, without any overstepping.But she was afraid that her son would be too stubborn.

What should I do if I have to find someone similar to Xiaoyun who is willing to marry?
Fang Huiwen was worried, but she didn't know how to say it.This is an unspoken secret...

Chen Shennan is a man, not as careful as Fang Huiwen. Seeing her frowning, he couldn't help but tease her for thinking too much.Fang Huiwen regained consciousness and thought about it, I hope she really thinks too much...


After Su Yun rested for a whole week, she was checked by the doctor, and Song Yinyin also helped to check her. After making sure she was fine, she was finally able to go out to work.

At the same time, the police also gave Wan Hengwang's verdict.

Because he ordered others to destroy other people's property, he was convicted of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and was sentenced to ten years of farm education.

Let's not talk about Wang Ling's reaction after learning about this, just talk about Su Yun.

She brought a copy of the verdict given by the police to the factory, and when the employees were getting ready to go to work in the morning, she asked Xu Wanhao to notify the heads of various departments to hold a meeting before going to work.

Su Yun is the type who rarely holds meetings for others.The last time we had a meeting was when we were arresting the mole in the factory.At that time, their factory lost a lot. According to inaccurate news, the company lost a full 1 yuan.

1 yuan, that is a huge sum of money.People like them don't eat or drink for a lifetime and don't know if they can earn it?

Because of the previous experience, when Secretary Xu informed all the staff to hold a meeting together again, they couldn't help but guess again, is there another traitor in the factory this time?
For a while, everyone was observing the people around them, to see if they could find any clues.

Su Yun didn't know that the employees had so many thoughts in their hearts. She waited for everyone to arrive, and then read the verdict on Wan Hengwang to Xu Wanhao in front of everyone.

After reading, Xu Wanhao continued.

"This person, he not only bribed Comrade Yuan Fang from the former personnel department, he also installed other people in our factory, the purpose is to bring down our factory."

After Xu Wanhao finished speaking, he paused slightly, glanced at the dark heads below, and continued to speak: "Boss Su said he would give everyone a chance, and now he won't name the person who was bribed by Wan Hengwang in person. As long as she takes the initiative to go to Mr. Su and confess her mistakes, then Mr. Su will not send her to the Public Security Bureau because of her confusion."

"However, if we still take chances and think that we don't know that she is an insider, then we will resolutely send her to the police. At that time, it will be difficult to say whether she will be locked up on the farm for ten years or will be shot."

In order to make his words more deterrent, Xu Wanhao also described the harsh living conditions on the farm in an eloquent way. His trick was to scare people.

Needless to say, his trick really worked.

No, as soon as Xu Wanhao's words fell, a low cry suddenly came out from the panic-stricken crowd.

That Liu Meizhu, who was standing upright, fell to the ground in full view of everyone.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Zhao Cheng, who was on the other side of the team, walked quickly towards this side, Su Yun glanced at Gu Jinnian on the other side, Gu Jinnian frowned.

Liu Meizhu was indeed the bomb that Wan Hengwang buried in their factory.

Xu Wanhao asked someone to carry the unconscious Liu Meizhu to the rest room of the factory, which is the security department.Then Su Yun winked at Gu Jinnian, Gu Jinnian nodded slightly, turned around and put his hand on Zhao Cheng's shoulder to follow him out.

"Brother, I have something to ask you."

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(End of this chapter)

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