Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 567 Find evidence, a lot of money

Chapter 567 Find evidence, a lot of money
Zhao Cheng walked out with Gu Jinnian's shoulders on his shoulders, and he was still a little dazed.

No wonder.

After all, their identities are different (Zhao Cheng thinks so).

Although his brother-in-law is said to be his own brother-in-law, but because of the identity of the other party, there is an inexplicable distance and estrangement between the two of them who were originally relatives.

Just like now, even if he got close to Gu Jinnian and went out together, Zhao Cheng was still a little guilty and afraid.

It's not because he has done anything wrong, but because it's a natural fear of the strong.

The two walked outside together, and Gu Jinnian also clearly noticed that his uncle's spirit was a little tense.He glanced at Zhao Cheng, and asked with a smile, "Brother, do you know why sister-in-law fainted?"

Zhao Cheng shook his head, he really didn't know.

"Big brother."

Gu Jinnian came to a quiet place with Zhao Cheng, and he stopped and turned his head to look at Zhao Cheng seriously: "Brother, what I say next is very important, I hope you can answer honestly. I, don't have anything to hide, because this matter is very important."

"Huh? What... what's the matter?" Zhao Cheng was a little flustered by Gu Jinnian's tense tone, and inexplicably felt a lot of pressure: "Jinnian, what do you want to ask? I will answer everything I know."

"Okay, then I won't beat around the bush with you, big brother. Just now, at the meeting, Secretary Xu mentioned that the person who was bribed by Wan Hengwang, big brother, does big brother know who it is?"

"Isn't that Comrade Yuan Fang from the Personnel Department?" Zhao Cheng was a little confused.At the same time, I also have a very bad premonition in my heart!Secretary Xu just announced on it that traitors and traitors will be sent to the farm, and they may be shot.And his daughter-in-law Liu Meizhu fainted at that moment...

When having breakfast in the morning, Liu Meizhu ate two big bowls.So it's not possible to faint from hunger, but to be frightened?

The more Zhao Cheng thought about it, the more frightened he became.

As his daughter-in-law, if it's about other people's family, no matter how miserable the other people's family is, she can watch the excitement with great interest, and she will definitely not faint after hearing a few words.

So the only reasonable explanation is?

Zhao Cheng stared at Gu Jinnian with wide eyes.

Knowing that he had figured it out, Gu Jinnian nodded, "That's right, the evidence we have here is sister-in-law."

"What? It's really her? How is it possible?" Zhao Cheng said it was impossible, but he believed it in his heart.Because of his daughter-in-law, he understands that she is greedy for money and lazy, with high eyes but low hands...

"Brother, listen to me..."

Gu Jinnian also knew that Zhao Cheng might find it hard to accept for a while, so he continued to walk towards their dormitory with Zhao Chen's shoulders on his shoulders. For things like money, think about whether my sister-in-law has acted abnormally during this period of time."

When ordinary people suddenly get a windfall, they will definitely behave abnormally.

People like Liu Meizhu must have more flaws.As long as Zhao Cheng recalled carefully, Gu Jinnian believed that he would definitely recall it.

Zhao Cheng also knew the seriousness of the situation, and carefully recalled Liu Meizhu's various abnormal behaviors during this period of time.She would laugh for no reason, and would crawl under the bed to pick up things in the dead of night...

Now that I think about it, could it be that under the bed is where she hid money?
"I got it, I got it. I'll go back and have a look." After Zhao Cheng finished speaking, he strode towards their dormitory. If it was really what he guessed, then all Liu Meizhu's money must be hidden under the bed .

definitely is.

When Gu Jinnian and Zhao Cheng went to their dormitory, Liu Meizhu, who was fainted from fright, also opened her eyes.The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to sit up and run away, when Su Yun's cold voice sounded from the side.

"Where does Mrs. Zhao want to go? Do you want to go home and destroy the evidence?"

"What did you say? What kind of evidence? Don't talk nonsense and don't blame me. I don't even know what Wan Hengwang you are talking about." Liu Meizhu was really frightened by Xu Wanhao's ten-year farm, so Su Yun said After saying this sentence, she subconsciously replied with a long paragraph.

Don't call yourself out.

Su Yun sneered.

"Sister-in-law Zhao, for the sake of you being Meiyu's sister-in-law, I'll give you a chance to not expose you in public, do you really think that I have nothing to do with you?"

"I do not understand what you're saying."

Liu Meizhu firmly refused to admit it.

She thought that as long as she didn't admit it, they would have no way to prove that they had received money from Wan Hengwang if they couldn't find the money.After all, she didn't do anything for Wan Hengwang, she just took a few hundred dollars from him, which was nothing.

Right, that is it.

Liu Meizhu comforted herself not to be afraid.

But that trembling hand betrayed her current mood.

Su Yun didn't pay too much attention to it. When Gu Jinnian found the evidence, Liu Meizhu couldn't hold her tongue anymore.Therefore, not only did she not care about Liu Meizhu's attitude, she even made a pot of tea in a good mood.

While drinking tea, he waited for Gu Jinnian to come back.

She calmed down and sipped tea leisurely, but Liu Meizhu who was sitting on the small bed was not in the mood.The silence made the atmosphere in the room seem to be frozen, Liu Meizhu turned sideways and did not dare to look at Su Yun, but lightly shook the hand hanging by her side.

"Su...President Su..."

Finally, Liu Meizhu couldn't help but speak out.

Su Yun slightly raised her eyebrows and hummed: "Do you want to talk?"

"What did you say?" Liu Meizhu still refused to admit it: "I just want to ask you, will that Yuan Fang really be shot?"

"Huh? You know her very well? I can't bear her kindness to transfer you from outside to the production workshop and want to accompany her? It doesn't matter, I will send you there soon. "

"What did you say? Who is going to accompany her?"

Liu Meizhu was older than Su Xue and the others. In the most strict years before, she saw many people locked up on the farm with her own eyes, and she never heard any news about them.

It is said that the farm is a man-eating demon, and Liu Meizhu is convinced of this.

If she was sent to the farm... no, no, no.

Liu Meizhu kept shaking her head, trying to get rid of that terrible thought in her head.It's just that very quickly, the cruel reality wiped out all the fluke fantasies in her head!

Zhao Cheng and Gu Jinnian are back.

The door opened, Gu Jinnian nodded to Su Yun.

They have worked together for so long, and they can understand the meaning of each other's eye movements without words.The corners of Su Yun's lips curled up and asked Gu Jinnian to come over for tea.

Zhao Cheng hugged Da Tuan, which was tightly wrapped in a newspaper, and rushed in from behind Gu Jinnian, directly in front of Liu Meizhu.

Liu Meizhu was taken aback by Zhao Cheng's actions, and when she saw what Zhao Cheng was holding in his arms, her complexion was as pale as paper.

"Liu Meizhu, where did you get the money from? Tell me clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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