Chapter 568

"Brother Cheng, I..."

Liu Meizhu pursed her lips and wanted to explain, but how could Zhao Cheng listen?God knows how desperate he was when he really found the money on the bed board under the bed.

It doesn't matter if their family is poor, but they will not starve to death with their own hands and hard work.

But look at what Liu Meizhu did?For the sake of money, she was willing to be a human pawn to murder Su Yun who gave them a job and a mouthful of food.

For Zhao Cheng, who has taught for many years, this is absolutely intolerable.

"Liu Meizhu, tell me honestly what you have done to the factory?"

Zhao Cheng's tone was still extremely sharp.

It can be said that they have been married for so many years, and their child is nearly ten years old. Zhao Cheng has never spoken to her in such a harsh tone.How could Liu Meizhu bear to talk like this suddenly now?

"what did I do?"

Not to be outdone, she sternly said: "Why do I want other people's money, don't you have any idea? Is it because you have no ability to earn money? Let me suffer with you. If you can be useful like others, can you Earning money will allow me and my son to live a good life, do you think I will take other people's money?"

"What did you say?" Zhao Cheng looked at Liu Meizhu in disbelief, as if meeting the person in front of him for the first time: "You think I can't earn money? Can't you and your son have enough food and clothing?"

His salary of more than 60 yuan a month, he gave Liu Meizhu all without spending a dime, and she even blamed him for making them hungry and clothed?
"Liu Meizhu, you have to be conscientious in life. I gave you all my salary without leaving any money, but in the end you said that I made you unable to eat?"

For an honest man like Zhao Cheng, 60 yuan a month is really a huge sum of money.What's more, they work in the factory, eat and live in the factory, and each person only needs to pay five yuan for food and three yuan for accommodation a month.

Liu Meizhu simply had no place to spend money.

Over the past few months, he should have saved a lot of salary, but she still thinks that he can't make money?

"One month's salary? What is your salary of more than 60 yuan a month? Don't say anything else, just say that your sister's meal costs several yuan, right? Your 60 yuan a month is only enough for people to eat. Food for a few days."

Liu Meizhu has been brooding over this matter.

She felt very angry.Obviously Zhao Cheng is Zhao Meiyu's eldest brother, they traveled thousands of miles to join her, but what happened?Zhao Meiyu considered herself a city dweller, and ignored poor relatives like them from the countryside.

Did she forget that when she was working in the supply and marketing cooperative, she gave Zhao Meiyu a red-headed rope twice?Is this how she repays herself?
The more Liu Meizhu thinks about it, the more angry she becomes. She is resentful towards Zhao Meiyu and her mother-in-law Wan Zhaodi. When those resentments and dissatisfaction add up, it becomes that Zhao Cheng is not pleasing to the eye. No matter what Zhao Cheng does, Liu Meizhu feels inferior to her. on someone else.

Looking at Liu Meizhu's ferocious face, Zhao Cheng suddenly smiled.

"Liu Meizhu..."

He put the big unity wrapped in the newspaper in his hand on the table in front of Su Yun and spread it out: "Mr. Su, this is the money I found under the bed board in our dormitory. It's 600 yuan in total."

Su Yun raised her eyebrows slightly.

Liu Meizhu saw that Zhao Cheng handed her such a huge amount of wealth to Su Yun, she was so angry that she immediately slid off the bed and rushed over, picking up all the big unity on the table before Su Yun had time to reach for it. into his arms.

A hen guards the money as tightly as a chick.

"This is my money, you are not allowed to touch it."

Now that Liu Meizhu is still thinking about the money, it can be seen that she has no regrets.

Su Yun bent her lips and smiled, stroked her sleeves and stood up: "You can deal with Jinnian, just leave the result to me." There is one reason why she disdains dealing with Liu Meizhu, and another, why is that? Said they were all relatives of Gu Jinnian and the others.

She handed over the power to Gu Jinnian and let him make the decision.

Gu Jinnian nodded, and Su Yun and Xu Wanhao left the lounge of the security department.

On the way back to the office, Xu Wanhao asked Su Yun curiously, what would Gu Jinnian do?
Su Yun raised her eyebrows: "If Ah Hao met such a relative, what would you do?"

Xu Wanhao replied without any hesitation: "It must be a matter of business! For a person like Aunt Liu, I feel that even if you give her a chance, she will not cherish it."

Liu Meizhu loves money very much. If such a person stays in Yunji, even if he is not bought by Wan Hengwang, he will be bought by others in the future.

"Well, Jinnian will be sensible."

Su Yun thought of the cigarette butt incident before, she felt that in addition to striving for strict accountability of every production employee, there is also a very important point, that is, it is reasonable to realize mechanized production as soon as possible.

However, it is only the early 80s, and it is still quite difficult to produce mechanically.

"I remember your mother said that you will go to Xiangjiang in a few days?"

"Yeah, she had nothing to do all day, so she went shopping with the money my dad gave her."

"Is that so, the industry in Xiangjiang is more advanced than ours?"

After all, that side is not like this side, she still wants to see something.Xu Wanhao is also a very smart person, he guessed what Su Yun meant by her words.

"Auntie, do you want to go to Xiangjiang?"

"Huh?" Su Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at Xu Wanhao in surprise: "You're very smart!"

Xu Wanhao chuckled, if someone praised him.Then he complied proudly.But my aunt praised him, so I still have to be humble.After all, his aunt is better than him in every way, so he really doesn't have the capital to be proud in front of his aunt.

"Then I go back and tell my mother?"

"No, I'm fine now. I went to find her by myself. I haven't seen her for a long time." Su Yun was about to leave the factory as she said.Xu Wanhao, the secretary and driver, was of course responsible for sending people out.

Xiao Lin went to see the construction site today, the place is far away, so Su Yun asked him to drive there.

Xu Wanhao picked her up when she came to the factory by herself, and Xu Wanhao must have sent her back when she went back.

Xu Wanhao asked Su Yun if he wanted to let her drive it?Su Yun rested for a week and didn't touch the car, her car addiction is not so big anymore.

"Go ahead. It's broad daylight and you'll be in the city soon. I don't dare." Although there aren't that many cars on the streets of the city during the day, there are a lot of pedestrians and bicycles. Su Yun, the new driver, is really brave. Not that big yet.

To be more precise, although she is courageous, her technology does not support it.

Xu Wanhao laughed and joked: "Why don't you get a car too, Auntie?"

"It's a good relationship." Su Yun has always wanted to get a car herself, but isn't it difficult to get a car now?Just like Xiao Lin's car, he had the opportunity to buy it with money only after the army eliminated it.

Because the car is so difficult to get, even if Su Yun had this idea in her heart, she never had the nerve to say it out, she didn't want to make Xiao Lin troubled.

Now that Xu Wanhao mentioned it, does that mean he has connections?
Su Yun looked at Xu Wanhao overjoyed.

Xu Wanhao was so trusted by his aunt, and a sense of pride arose spontaneously: "On the Xiangjiang side, cars are not a rare thing. Their side is full of cars, as long as you have money."

(End of this chapter)

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