Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 572 The purchasing power is amazing

Chapter 572 The purchasing power is amazing
But she didn't have time to think about it, because Xu Meifen had to drag her to go shopping and buy clothes after paying the money.

The price of getting a hair perm is not cheap now, about 20 yuan per hair, which is already a month's salary for many people.However, it is also understandable that this is a technical job after all.

There is no one who has been skilled for several years, but he dare not move around on other people's heads.

It can be regarded as respecting other people's craftsmanship, so it is acceptable for Su Yun to give 20 yuan.It was she who wanted to pay for it herself, but without further ado, Xu Meifen not only threw out two invoices, but also gave the money along with it.

Su Yun is no better than Xu Meifen, so she can only take advantage of others for nothing.

She thought that when she went shopping next time, she had to pay for things first.Who knew that her wish for shopping next time would not come true.Not only did Xu Meifen pay for her clothes, Xu Meifen also bought two sets of new clothes for each of the three children in the family, and bought another set for Mrs. Xiao...

Su Yun looked at Xu Meifen who was rushing to pay with some dumbfounding.

"Sister, my brother-in-law's daily income is not enough for you to buy things for us."

Xu Meifen cheered indifferently: "If he can't earn this little money, then it's too bad." She paused, looked at Su Yun suspiciously, and said, "You don't think your sister and I don't have money?" Income?"

Su Yun blinked, she really didn't know what Xu Meifen's income was.

Xu Meifen saw through Su Yun's thoughts, and she let out a very sad expression on her face: "I didn't expect that my own sister doesn't know what I'm doing, it's so sad."

Su Yun: ...

"Sister, I'm sorry, it's because I don't care about you..." Su Yun followed Xu Meifen and showed a very sad expression. Xu Meifen, who wanted to continue acting, couldn't.

"Didn't the Wu family Shishi girl tell you? I'm now the brand ambassador of our studio."

"Huh? Brand promotion? Ambassador?" Su Yun really didn't know about this.

After the holiday, she was busy going to work all day, so she didn't have much time to pay attention to other things.She knew that the studio they cooperated with, that is, the studio of the ethnic embroidery brand, had opened, but because Wu Shishi was in charge there, she never went to see it.

In addition to being [-]% assured of Wu Shishi, she only paid some money and space for this studio, and then came up with an idea.The two sisters Wu Shishi and Song Yinyin were the ones who really established it all by themselves, so Su Yun was embarrassed to go and point fingers and so on.

She didn't expect that Xu Meifen would become the spokesperson of their studio.

"Sister, tell me?"

"There's nothing to say, I'm just idle and bored, and then the girl Yinyin came to me and said that my image and temperament are very suitable to be the studio's brand promotion spokesperson..."

As Xu Meifen spoke, she lightly fiddled with her newly permed fashionable hair, with a bit of pride on her face, and a bit of subtlety in her mouth: "I think your sister is the same, I won't talk about whether her image is good, just talk about this." Embroidery is something left by our ancestors, and I must be very happy to be able to participate in it."

"No, I didn't go to Xiangjiang this time to play, but to participate in an exchange meeting there! As long as this exchange meeting is successful, I will definitely win a lot of orders for our studio!"

Su Yun snorted.

I didn't expect her sister to have such an important role!
"Yinyin really has a good eye. In fact, if she doesn't look for my sister, I also want to look for her. It's just that I'm always busy, I don't have time, and there are so many things in the factory..."

Su Yun felt a little ashamed.

"Oh, I'm an adult now, it's okay if you ignore me, it's you, no matter how important your work is and how busy you are, don't forget the three children at home."

"Money is endless. When you are busy, your children are growing up. When you are free, they have passed the moment when they need your company the most."

"Hey, just like my Ahao... now I hate it when I see it, hey..."

Xu Meifen spoke well before, but later she couldn't help but wanted to perform.As expected of a person who travels frequently to and from Xiangjiang, his acting skills are much better than ordinary people.

Su Yun agreed with a smile on her face.

"Yes, what my sister said is true, and I will definitely remember it firmly. Then I can't go with my sister on this trip to Xiangjiang."

"Hey..." Xu Meifen was in a dilemma.

She just advised Su Yun to spend more time with the child, Su Yun followed her will, if she repented, wouldn't she slap herself in the face?
Fortunately, Su Yun deliberately teased Xu Meifen, she will definitely take care of work and family, but this time the decision to go to Xiangjiang will not change.After all, if you want to spend more time with your family from work, the first condition must be that you can basically rest assured about work matters.

If the factory uses machines for production, there is no need to worry about leaking commercial secrets during the production process. Su Yun will definitely not put so much attention on work.

"Okay, sister, I'm kidding you, I still want to go over there and get a car back! I heard from Ah Hao that the streets are full of cars over there..."

"Then this is true." Xu Meifen started to introduce Su Yun again.

Su Yun listened with gusto. The two sisters walked along the pedestrian street and saw several western women's clothing stores on both sides of the street. Su Yun didn't want to buy it at first, but Xu Meifen loved shopping, so she took Su Yun with her. Yun went in and did a sweep.

When they came out again, the two of them couldn't hold it anymore.

Big and small, very spectacular.

Su Yun felt that this was really too much, but Xu Meifen said unsatisfactorily: "There are still a little less clothes here, and we can go shopping after we go to Xiangjiang. By the way, the money spent over there is the same as ours." The money is different, so I have to change some in advance.”

Before Su Yun could speak, Xu Meifen spoke again: "But don't worry, anyone I know can exchange it for us..."

Su Yun: ...

The two wandered around for a while, guessing and going home separately, and agreed to set off for Xiangjiang in three days.

Xu Meifen can leave at any time, the reason why she set aside three days is to let Su Yun prepare.Or let Xiao Lin get ready?Because according to what Xu Meifen knew about this brother-in-law, she felt that he would definitely not let Su Yun go to Xiangjiang alone.

The result was not as Xu Meifen expected.

When sleeping at night, Su Yun mentioned to Xiao Lin that she wanted to go to Xiangjiang with Xu Meifen, and the hand stroking her cheek paused slightly.Rubbing her earlobe with her thumb, she murmured.

"So you want to go to Xiangjiang, so you deliberately make yourself so beautiful?"

The deep words tickle in the ears, and their current actions are also very ambiguous and dangerous, so these words can easily make people blush.

Su Yun raised her head, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

"What nonsense?"

(End of this chapter)

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