Chapter 573 It must be beautiful
When she came back in the afternoon, everyone in the family, including grandma, Zhang Ma, and Aunt Lin, saw her permed hair and praised her for looking good.Even the three babies were babbling, curiously grabbing her curly hair and looking around, very curious.

But when Xiao Lin came back and saw her curly hair, she didn't say anything to her, neither praised her beauty nor said it was ugly, which made Su Yun a little unsure whether men's eyes were different from women's.

After all, after she got her hair permed, all she got was compliments from lesbians, and she hadn't heard Xiao Lin praise her yet.

In fact, Xiao Lin never praised her.

He had eaten as usual, played with the child, bathed the child and put him to sleep, then went to take a bath by himself, read a book by the bedside for a while and waited for her to come out of the bath, then turned off the lights...

So he also thinks his new curly hair looks good?Su Yun was a little secretly happy, and her heart was sweet.

She hugged Xiao Lin's arm and acted coquettishly: "Brother, you think my hair looks good too? It's been a few hours since you came back from get off work, and you haven't said anything or looked at me twice. I thought you thought your daughter-in-law She's so ugly, she's not like your daughter-in-law anymore!"

Her voice was delicate, like a hook in the darkness.It was easy to arouse Xiao Lin's anger.

The light from the street never came in through the closed curtains, Su Yun could only faintly see the familiar silhouette on her body, but Xiao Lin could see her expression very clearly.

This was practiced while in the army.

His Adam's apple rolled, and fire was bubbling from his throat.

"Who said that?"

As a couple, especially at this special moment, Xiao Lin is willing to admit that his calmness in the afternoon is all fake.He deliberately didn't look at Su Yun too much, not because he thought she was unattractive, but because he thought she was too good-looking, so he didn't dare to look at her more.

I'm afraid I'll lose my temper after watching too much.

After hearing this explanation, Su Yun couldn't help giggling.

"Brother Lin, your mouth is really sweet, should I try it with honey?"


The man who originally wanted to talk a lot, but after his wife asked to taste his mouth for honey, no amount of words could be said.

Forget it, it's important to satisfy the daughter-in-law first, as for the matter of the daughter-in-law going to Xiangjiang, we will talk about it tomorrow.

(Su Yun: Wait a minute, who satisfies whom?)


The next day, Su Yun woke up under Xiao Lin's gaze.With that scorching gaze, one could tell at a glance that he had something to say to her.

Su Yun propped herself up with one hand and sat up.

Although the bangs I just cut yesterday are curled, but because they are too thin and too thin, two hairs curled up after I slept, and I looked a little dull.

"Why don't you go to the company?"

Su Yun asked curiously.

"What do you think?" Xiao Lin asked back, reached out to help her up, pulled away the thin blanket that was covering her body, and took the folded clothes on one side to put on her.

This action has been done many times.

Especially in winter, when Su Yun wanted to stay in bed, she would play tricks and ask Xiao Lin to fish her out of the bed, and then put on warm clothes before she got up again.

Lazy as if she had no bones, she asked Xiao Lin to help her get dressed, and she stretched out her hands to grab his neck and let him get out of bed.

Xiao Lin was happy to serve Su Yun.

After serving her to wash up, his temper was almost worn out.

Su Yun squinted her eyes and smiled like a sneaky cat: "Brother, you see that you can't take care of yourself without me. Do you still think that I will be liked by others?"

Xiao Lin knew what she was referring to.

Xiao Lin pinched her cheek: "There are a lot of bad people in Xiangjiang, and it's very chaotic. I don't worry about you going there by yourself."

"I'm with my sister, and Ahao."

Xu Meifen often goes to Xiangjiang, so she shouldn't worry too much about safety.And they are there to investigate, not to fight, just don't go to messy places.

Xiao Lin was still not very happy.But it just so happens that he has a big contract in the final signing stage these days, and he can't leave.

"Okay, if you're so worried, I'll let Fan Wei go with me?"

Fan Wei is a personnel of the company, so he should not be needed for business trips and inspections.But Xiao Lin was really worried about her own safety. In order to make Xiao Lin feel at ease and also for herself to feel more at ease, Su Yun arranged for Fan Wei to go there together, she thought it was appropriate.

"You don't believe in anything else, don't you believe in the soldiers you used to have? As long as we don't cause trouble, it's more than enough for him to protect our safety, right?"

"Brother, you can't be like a tyrant in the feudal period, dictatorship and keep people from walking around."

It's too late for her to say good or bad things, what else can Xiao Lin do?He could only reluctantly agree.

Seeing Xiao Lin like this, Su Yun couldn't help being a little funny.She reached out and hugged his arm to act like a baby, coaxing softly like the three children in the family.

Xiao Lin was angry and funny.

The husband and wife went downstairs together, and Su Yun and Xiao Lin went to the company after breakfast.She told Gu Jinnian about the fact that she was going to go outside for investigation, and asked Xu Wanhao to inform Fan Wei about the business trip.

"Mr. Su."

Gu Jinnian stopped in front of Su Yun's desk, and he handed a document to Su Yun: "As for the handling of Liu Meizhu, I have handed her over to the police."

Su Yun hummed and raised her head: "Meiyu and the others know? Will this make it difficult for you? Auntie..."

No matter how Liu Meizhu is, she is Wan Zhaodi's daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law of Wan Zhaodi's grandson after all.Gu Jinnian is the son-in-law of the Zhao family, so I don't know what they will think.

"It's okay, mom, she understands." Gu Jinnian paused, and just when he was about to add a few words, someone knocked on the door of the office from outside.

"Come in."

After finishing speaking, Xu Wanhao walked in, followed by Zhao Cheng.

Su Yun glanced at Gu Jinnian in surprise.

Gu Jinnian probably knew the purpose of his uncle's visit, but Zhao Cheng was already here, so Zhao Cheng must have said it himself.

Su Yun understood what Gu Jinnian meant, turned her face and said to Zhao Cheng with a smile, "Brother Zhao, please sit down."

Zhao Cheng smiled shyly.

" need...Su...President Su...I came here to resign with you."

Su Yun let out a groan, and looked at Zhao Cheng in surprise: "Resign? Why? Brother Zhao is not satisfied with his current job. Do you have any other good choices?"

If so, she can understand.

Zhao Cheng quickly shook his head: "No, no, I didn't find anything else, I just...just..." He looked at Su Yun in embarrassment, and really had no face to finish his sentence.

Because of Liu Meizhu's matter, he really has no face to work here anymore.

Although it was said that Liu Meizhu hadn't had time to cause any harm to the factory, it was because Wan Hengwang hadn't instructed her.

What if Wan Hengwang instructed her?Then she will definitely do it without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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