Chapter 574

I have taken so much money from others, is it because I want to take it for nothing?
The more Zhao Cheng thought about this, the more he felt guilty, feeling that he couldn't manage well, which made Liu Meizhu do such a sorry thing that hurt others and himself.He thought about it all night last night, and finally decided that he resigned.

His conscience can't let him continue to act like a normal person, and continue working here as if he doesn't know anything.

After hearing Zhao Cheng's inner journey, Su Yun didn't know what to say for a while.

Although Zhao Cheng and Liu Meizhu are husband and wife, they are obviously not alike at all!One is greedy for money and ungrateful, while the other is kind and sincere. Such a combination will come together and become a husband and wife?
I feel a little strange.

"Brother Zhao, sister-in-law Zhao has nothing to do with you. Although you are husband and wife, you are also independent individuals. We are all adults, and she has the right to choose what she wants to do. So you don't have to Take this responsibility upon yourself."

Su Yun looked at Zhao Cheng, paused and continued, "If you feel that the negative influence she brought has caused trouble to your work, then you don't have to resign, I can change your job for you."

She didn't have a bad impression of Zhao Cheng.

When she was young, because of Li Cuifen's relationship with Su Ying, many people in the village would not let their children play with her.They all felt that Su Yun was a villain after hearing what the family said, and anyone who stayed with her would be in bad luck.

Only Zhao Meiyu always likes to be with her.

They met Zhao Cheng a few times when they played together, and Zhao Cheng did not stop Zhao Meiyu from playing with her like other adults did.On the contrary, he would also tell them to be more cautious when going up and down the mountain.

Su Yun remembered that Zhao Cheng gave her a candy when she was admitted to high school...

After recovering from the memories, Zhao Cheng was still looking at her in slight astonishment.

Su Yun smiled: "What's wrong?"

Her proposal is weird?
Zhao Cheng shook his head.

"Little Su...No, Mr. Su..."

"Brother Zhao, you don't need to be polite, you can also call me by my name." Su Yun has no official addiction, so Zhao Cheng doesn't have to call her Mr. Su.Besides, I'm not talking about work matters now.

Her attitude made Zhao Cheng gradually relax: "Will it not affect the factory if I stay and work?"

"No, what's the impact?" Su Yun was more puzzled than Zhao Cheng. After she finished speaking, she asked Gu Jinnian, "Does anyone else know about Mrs. Zhao?"

"No, it is handled in secret, no one knows."

"That's it." Su Yun looked at Zhao Cheng again and said, "Brother Zhao, if you have no other better place to go, then stay here and work hard. The factory will not treat anyone who works hard."

She didn't promise anything to Zhao Cheng, but these words seemed to reassure Zhao Cheng.

"Okay, okay, then I'll go back to work."

After Zhao Cheng said a few good things, he left the office briskly, and it seemed that the awkwardness in his heart finally disappeared.Su Yun looked at his back as he left, feeling a little sorry that Liu Meizhu dragged him down.

If Zhao Cheng's wife is well-educated and reasonable, then their future lives will definitely be the same.

So, hey, a good wife is really important to a man.

But she can't take care of other people's affairs so much, so let's prepare for going to Xiangjiang.Su Yun stayed in the company until the afternoon, seeing that the time would be off work in an hour or two, so Su Yun left the company early to go for a walk in the village.

Because of her head injury, she hadn't been able to visit He Xiaogang in the village for a while, and she didn't know how they lived with Granny Luo?
Su Yun came outside Granny Luo's house, and before she entered the yard, she heard Xiao Gang's laughter coming from the yard. The joyful voice made Su Yun, who was worried that she might not be used to it, completely relieved.

She smiled and opened the door.

"What is Xiaogang playing? So happy?"

He Xiaogang often sees Su Yun, and under Yaya's explanation, he knows that Su Yun is a good person who helps them, so He Xiaogang is also very close to Su Yun.Seeing her coming, he immediately put down the rope in his hand and ran over.

"Aunt Su."

Yaya, who was spreading the corn on the side, also stood up: "Sister Su."

Su Yun hummed, and looked at the two of them at home, she was a little puzzled and asked where Granny Luo went?

"Here, here!" Granny Luo came out of the backyard with a smile, holding a basket in her hand, which was full of freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

There are eggplants, cucumbers and peppers, a full basket.

Yaya immediately walked over to fetch the basket, and helped Granny Luo sit down.Granny Luo smiled and said, "You girl, I say that my legs and feet are flexible, so don't be so nervous."

Yaya is a person who doesn't like to talk much, she just smiled at Granny Luo's 'accusation', and after helping her to sit down, she took the vegetable basket to the well to wash up.

Seeing this, Su Yun smiled: "Grandma, you are getting older, so you should leave more things to young people. You can just guide me by the side. You should give young people a chance to learn in everything, right?"

"You, you are the best at talking." Grandma Luo was coaxed by Su Yun to smile and squinted her eyes: "Those vegetables were picked for you to take back to eat. I originally wanted the siblings to deliver them to you at the intersection. It just so happened that you came over, and you took it with you immediately.”

"How dare you? I have food at home."

Su Yun was really embarrassed.

Ever since she became acquainted with the people in this village, her vegetables have never been cut off, all of which are given by the villagers in the village.One basket was given to this one today, and one basket was given to another one tomorrow, they couldn't finish it, and they even gave it to Zhao Meiyu, Xu Meifen and the others.

Granny Luo snorted: "You spend money to buy what you eat in the city, but in our village it doesn't cost money, so we can grow it ourselves." After she finished speaking, she paused, then said again: "The new rice will come down soon. When the time comes, you can ask Xiao Xu to come with you. I'll decorate the rice and bring it back for you."

Facing such enthusiastic Granny Luo, Su Yun had no choice but to nod and agree.

She sat at Granny Luo's house for a while, and when she saw the juicy vegetables, she suddenly had an idea.

The people in the village are hardworking, and every household grows a lot of vegetables. Their factory is now providing food for the employees. Then you can tell the people in the canteen that you can come to the village to collect the surplus vegetables from the farmers.

She thinks this idea is very good, it will provide an extra income for the villagers, and it can also save some time to go to the town to buy vegetables for the canteen.

Su Yun thought of something and had to do it, otherwise she was afraid that she would forget it all at once.

Taking a basket of melons, fruits and vegetables washed by Yaya's gang, Su Yun left Granny Luo's house.On the way, she met Lao Hongmei who came back from the field, and Su Yun stopped Lao Hongmei.

He briefly talked about how he asked the villagers to send the extra vegetables at home to the factory canteen.

"Send the food to the dining hall?"

(End of this chapter)

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