Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 575 The attitude is not correct enough

Chapter 575 The attitude is not correct enough
Lao Hongmei was taken aback by Su Yun's proposal. She really didn't expect that the vegetable leaves that their family used to feed ducks and chickens every day could be sent to the canteen to exchange for money.

Su Yun nodded affirmatively.

"The capacity of the canteen may not be very large, because there are only a few dozen employees in the factory. However, vegetables are used for two meals a day, and it will be a source of income in the long run."

Su Yun doesn't care about things like buying vegetables in the canteen, so she doesn't know why the canteen steward didn't buy vegetables from the villagers before, but went around town to buy them?

She didn't think of it before, but now it doesn't prevent her from thinking about the reason.

Lao Hongmei must be very happy that the villagers in the village have gained another income. She saw that the basket in Su Yun's hand was quite heavy. .

"I'll take you there."

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry because of her unrestrained appearance.

She chased after her in a few steps: "Aunt Hong, I can order the dishes myself. Don't forget that I have also been doing farm work for more than ten years, so I still have the strength to do this."

"Just your thin arms and legs, what strength can you have?" Lao Hongmei was very 'disgusted'.

Su Yun smiled and said, "Where am I thin? I've grown flesh now!"

When I was enslaved by Li Cuifen and the others in my previous life, that's why I didn't have any flesh on my body.Later, she had a chance to do it again in this life. She married into the Xiao family. Although she was still poor at the beginning, at least she didn't have to do so much work...

Her body also slowly recovered.Then life got better and better, not to mention it.

Although Su Yun's figure didn't change as much as Zhao Meiyu's, she did feel that she had put on a lot of flesh, and she wasn't really thin.

But it was also her own idea.

In the eyes of others, she is still the very thin one.

Talking and laughing with Lao Hongmei along the way, they came to the entrance of the village. Knowing that Su Yun hadn't gone back, she planned to go back to the factory first, so Lao Hongmei simply helped Su Yun carry the things to the factory gate.

Su Yun was very grateful to Lao Hongmei, and Lao Hongmei waved her hand indifferently, letting her go to the village to play more when she had time.Su Yun smiled and agreed a few times, and watched Lao Hongmei go away before putting away the smile on her face.

Carrying the basket of fresh vegetables and fruits, I went to the dining hall.

The steward of the canteen used to be the manager of a state-run restaurant, and later the state-owned hotel became a public-private partnership, so he came to Suyun factory to apply for the canteen steward.

In addition to one steward, there are two cooks, two or three small workers, and three aunts who wash dishes and sweep the floor.

Nine people in total.

At this time, the people in the dining hall are preparing dinner.The fire was raging in the back kitchen, and the firewood under the cauldron made crackling noises.Su Yun carried the basket into the dining room, and the eyelids of the short and fat man who sat at the table and licked a field of melon seeds moved.

"A starved ghost reincarnated? It's not time to eat, get out of here."

The attitude is very unfriendly.

Didn't even look up.

Originally, she just wanted to tell the steward that Su Yun, who bought vegetables from the town to the village in the future, her face darkened slightly after hearing this sentence.Regardless of why the stewards of the canteen went to the town to buy vegetables, Su Yun felt that it was very inappropriate just because of their attitude towards people.

She didn't go.

Instead, he approached step by step.

Zhang Wei who was sitting at the table naturally heard the voice, he raised his head impatiently: "Don't understand..." After seeing Su Yun's face clearly, he forcibly swallowed it back.

Zhang Wei couldn't care less about nibbling the melon seeds at the moment, he threw away the melon seeds in his hand and got up, feeling a bit like shit.He hurriedly stood up, ripped off the crumpled clothes on his body, with a flattering smile on his well-fed face.

"President Su...President Su...Why are you here? Do you want to eat?"

Su Yun snorted: "Manager Zhang is very powerful."

This is her company, she is the boss here, and she won't beat around the bush if she doesn't understand or is wrong.Just like Zhang Wei's current attitude, Su Yun felt very inappropriate.

When you are at work, you are not required to work hard all day like other people in other positions, but you are sitting in the dining hall eating melon seeds, taking advantage of the situation and scolding people who come in very aggressively, what does this mean?
She didn't spend money to hire someone to be an uncle.

Zhang Wei lowered his head and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I didn't know it was you..."

"Oh, according to what Manager Zhang said, it means that other people can have such an attitude?" Su Yun didn't save Zhang Wei at all: "Manager Zhang, I remembered what I said when you joined the job." It is very clear that our business is people-oriented, what you used to do when you were in the state-run hotel is not fashionable now."

When the state-run restaurant was still on fire, in many places at that time, the person who went in to eat was the grandson... Su Yun didn't want to judge the past, after all, it was like that at that time.

But not now, times are changing now, if you still maintain Manager Zhang's superior attitude, let alone doing business, just pack up and go home early.

Zhang Wei was so regretful that his intestines were turning green.

He really didn't know that Su Yun would come over suddenly, so he habitually opened his mouth and said that.Now being taught a lesson by Su Yun, Zhang Wei stood there feeling like crying.

Su Yun saw that it was almost done, so she sat down and pushed the basket forward: "I don't have to blame Manager Zhang, but it's not easy for a company to run. If you want to become bigger and stronger, you can't let go of anyone. details."

Such a bad attitude towards her today can be said to be a previous habit that cannot be changed for a while.

Then what if a city leader came another day, a reporter or something like that came, and he also had the same attitude, wouldn't that be a sign of Zaoyunji?Yunji is filled with all of Su Yun's painstaking efforts, and it is also a major proof of her self-transformation after rebirth. She will not allow anything that may destroy Yunji's reputation to happen.

Zhang Wei continued to bow his head and apologize.

Su Yun interrupted Zhang Wei: "And what I want is not an apology, I hope Manager Zhang can think about what kind of person this era needs."

After the words fell, she did not listen to Zhang Wei's reassurance, but picked up the green cucumber in the basket and took a bite. It was very crispy, sweet and delicious.

"Manager Zhang, bring me the dishes from today's canteen and let me have a look."

Zhang Wei didn't know why Su Yun came to see the food in the dining hall all of a sudden, but because Su Yun was the boss, and he had offended the boss just now, in order to ensure that he would not be fired, Zhang Wei didn't dare to say anything, and nodded repeatedly After agreeing a few times, he turned around and ran to the back kitchen warehouse, and moved out the potatoes, eggplants and Chinese cabbage bought the day before yesterday.

Su Yun saw the dried cabbage leaves in the opened sack, she frowned: "When did you buy these?"

(End of this chapter)

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