Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 576: Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

Chapter 576: Crossing the River by Feeling the Stones

Maybe it's because you can eat fresh vegetables every day, or maybe you have a basket of fresh vegetables that Granny Luo just picked from the field at hand for comparison.Therefore, Su Yun really looked down upon the sloppy cabbage leaves that appeared in the sack that Zhang Wei opened.

"With such a dish, can the food be delicious?"

She is also a person who can cook and knows the importance of ingredients to taste.

Zhang Wei stood with his hands down, listening to the boss's words, not daring to say a word.

Su Yun raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Manager Zhang?"

Only then did Zhang Wei quickly come back to his senses, and after thinking up the words, he said, "That's Mr. Su, because our factory is a little far from the town, and it's inconvenient for us to go shopping, so we buy a few at a time. The food from the sky is back."

Zhang Wei said that this is a considerable factor.

Su Yun didn't blame him.

"Why can't that manager buy it nearby?"

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment: "Near here? Is there a market nearby?"

"There is no market, but there is a village, right? Manager Zhang went to the village to see if any households in the village didn't have a decent amount of vegetable land?" Su Yun's words had obvious meaning.

Only then did Zhang Wei guess Su Yun's intention for coming here.

He immediately replied: "Yes, yes, yes, what Mr. Su said is that in the future, I will make an order with the villagers in the village for the purchase of the canteen. Make sure that the employees can eat the freshest vegetables every day."

Zhang Wei accompanied him with a smiling face, making a solemn promise.

Su Yun looked at Zhang Wei's face, pondered for a while and said, "Manager Zhang, word of mouth is not easy to build, but it collapses faster than an avalanche. I don't want the company I have worked so hard to build to be destroyed in the end." On top of the staff's meals."

She paused as she spoke, and stood up, "Manager Zhang, please think carefully, if you can't meet my request, then..." She glanced at Zhang Wei, and didn't finish her words.

But Manager Zhang already understood what Su Yun meant.

If he commits the crime again, he will have no chance to work in this factory.

"Yes, yes, please rest assured, Mr. Su. I will be careful not to do it again. Please rest assured, Mr. Su."

Zhang Wei expressed his attitude, Su Yun nodded slightly, and asked the canteen to cook fresh vegetables for the staff today.As for the dried cabbage and sprouted potatoes, let them take them back to feed the chickens.

Coming out of the dining hall, it was almost time to get off work.Su Yun went to Gu Jinnian and discussed with him the establishment of the logistics department.The canteen is now under the management of personnel, Su Yun feels that such a system is not perfect.

Of course, because their factory has only officially opened for a short time, it is normal that many systems are not perfect.What they have to do is to slowly explore a system that is most suitable for their factory.

After all, this is the first time for everyone, and there is no experience to learn from, so we can only cross the river by feeling the stones according to our own judgment.

Gu Jinnian nodded.

"Then hand over the canteen purchases to the Purchasing Office first? They usually go to the village to buy raw materials and have dealt with the people in the village."

"Well, but anyone who has direct contact with money should pay more attention to the character of the other party." Money is attractive. When you put all your energy on a certain person, you must consider whether the other party will Relying on the power in his hands, he made some money.

"I have a measure of this, President Su can rest assured."

"it is good."

Su Yun must be at ease when Gu Jinnian handles affairs.

She returned home after get off work, and just after she had had a full meal in the evening and was about to go out for a walk with her baby, she heard the sound of things being smashed from Zhao Meiyu's house across the street.

Su Yun's face changed slightly, and she turned to look at Xiao Lin who was on the side.

Xiao Lin said softly: "It should be Brother Zhao."

He saw Zhao Cheng go into Zhao Meiyu's house just now, so the sound of smashing things should be related to Zhao Cheng.Su Yun nodded after listening, although she wanted to know what happened on the other side, but this is someone else's family matter after all, even if she is familiar with Zhao Meiyu and Gu Jinnian, she shouldn't go there rashly.

"Let's take the kids for a walk."

She went to Xiangjiang with Xu Meifen early tomorrow morning, and the plan was to go five days before returning.Including the time on the road, there will be a total of eight or nine days of difference.

This is the first time she has been separated from the three babies for such a long time, and she doesn't know if the children will miss her, anyway, she is not used to it.

Xiao Lin hummed and pushed the car out.

Since the child was six months old, the changes have been getting bigger and bigger every day. Now it is more than seven months old, and the car that Xiao Lin originally made by himself is no longer usable.Xiao Lin went to the pedestrian street to buy the kind of carts sold in foreign stores, one for two people and one for one person.Just enough for triplets.

The car they made is light and not as bulky as the one they made out of wood.

Su Yun pushed Xiaobao, Xiao Lin pushed his brother and sister, and the family of five went out for a walk again neatly.

"One by one... one by one..." Shouts came from one by one, and Su Yun turned her head to see the toddler Xiao Mingzhe drooling, opening his chubby arms, dangling walk towards them.

"Xiao Zhe can walk now!" Su Yun looked at the fat boy walking towards her in surprise, and was very surprised at the speed at which he could walk.

Song Yinyin came out behind her, and she was a little amused when she heard Su Yun's words: "It's almost a year old, if you can't walk, then there is a problem!"

"Ah, will he be able to walk at the age of one?" Su Yun was a little confused. It was her first time raising a child, and the child was only seven months old, so she was not sure if the child would be able to walk at the age of one.

In the village, many children can only walk when they are one and a half years old. (Because of malnutrition now, many one-and-a-half-year-old children can't even walk steadily.) Even Su Yun herself heard from her grandfather that she didn't start walking until she was over one year old.

Song Yinyin smiled and explained the difference between a child walking early and walking late.

Although nutrition is very important, some obese children also walk late, which is not the reason.If you really want to say that it is probably walking, it depends on the individual, and when the child wants to leave, he will leave.

It's the same as when a child talks.Some can be called mother at nine months, and some can't speak at the age of three...

Su Yun nodded suddenly after hearing this: "I didn't expect that there is such a great knowledge here. Listening to Dr. Song's words is really better than studying for ten years!"


Song Yinyin glanced at her angrily, picked up her chubby son who was tired from walking, and walked with them.

With Song Yinyin joining, Xiao Lin could only step back, leaving room for other lesbians.He pushed the two children to follow, keeping a distance of several meters.

Su Yun pursed her lips and smiled, her Brother Rin was really considerate.

Song Yinyin didn't take this matter to heart, she had something more curious to ask Su Yun: "I heard that Sister Anna said that you are going to Xiangjiang with her?"

"Huh? Sister Anna?" Su Yun looked at Song Yinyin in surprise: "You are not in the same generation as my sister, right? Are you taking advantage of Ah Hao by calling her that way?"

Poor Xu Wanhao, suddenly there is an aunt who is younger than him, and now there are several elders who are about his age!
Song Yinyin snorted and said, "What's there to take advantage of that brat? Besides, Sister Anna is not much different from us in age."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched!
This... This is not much difference, does it mean almost 20 years old?

(End of this chapter)

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