Chapter 578
Wan Zhaodi still felt that something was wrong.

"Ma'am..." Song Yinyin, who had been observing from the side, stepped forward to speak. "My mother passed away when I was very young, but my father raised me and my elder brother alone."

"That's because you are in the city. No one in our countryside gets divorced."

Wan Zhaodi's thoughts are still relatively traditional. She really can't accept the divorce of her son and daughter-in-law.

"Mother..." Zhao Meiyu's voice came from outside, she handed the child to Gu Jinnian, stepped over the threshold and walked in, "Mother, a person like sister-in-law is not a good person, why don't you support elder brother?" Divorce her?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Wan Zhaodi glanced at her daughter in disapproval: "Your sister-in-law is also your nephew's mother, you..."

"Then after the divorce, she will be too!" Zhao Meiyu felt that her mother's thinking was really wrong.She walked up to Wan Zhaodi and sat down next to her, and told Wan Zhaodi what her brother Zhao Cheng hadn't said well.

"Mom, do you know why big brother won't go back after he came to the capital?"

Wan Zhaodi raised her head in doubt.

Zhao Meiyu didn't intend to save face for Liu Meizhu, she had long since disliked Liu Meizhu, as if she always felt that she was very smart, and made fun of the Zhao family members.

Little did they know that she was unwilling to expose her because of Liu Meizhu's face, otherwise, who wouldn't know about Liu Meizhu's scheming?
"She thought that she would have a good life in the capital, and that she could get money when she went out. So she coaxed my elder brother to let her natal younger brother take the position of teacher. She said that she would go back when the elder brother saw that the capital was not suitable, and the job was also my elder brother's. .”

"But when she arrived in the capital, she changed her mind and said that her younger brother had already applied for the entry job. Isn't this a scam or what?"

Zhao Meiyu was still angry when she thought of this.

Wan Zhaodi listened to it at the beginning, thinking that they did not go back to the younger brother of the Liu family to apply for the entry. Unexpectedly, when they set off for the capital, Zhao Cheng's brother-in-law had already completed the entry procedures.

This is indeed what Zhao Meiyu said, a fraudulent job.

Wan Zhaodi sighed heavily: "I also know that your sister-in-law is not good, she likes to take advantage of small things, but isn't she your nephew's mother?"

"Because she is my nephew's mother, she can forgive everything? Then my eldest brother is still my nephew's biological father and your own son. Why don't you know how to feel sorry for my eldest brother?"

"Look at what kind of life he lived with Liu Meizhu? He was paid every month, but he didn't change a new piece of clothes this year."

The more Zhao Meiyu thought about it, the more indignant she became. When she spoke, there were tears in her eyes: "Mother, only Liu Meizhu married into our Zhao family, not my eldest brother who sold it to the Liu family. Why don't you feel sorry for your own son?"

At the end, Zhao Meiyu had shed tears.

Zhao Cheng also secretly wiped his tears from the sidelines. It seems that his marriage these years really did not bring him happiness.

Su Yun and Song Yinyin, two outsiders, would not be able to stay for a long time. The two quietly left the room while they were fascinated by their memories.

When they came out of the yard, they met Gu Jinnian who was holding the child and looking at the stars in the street outside. Su Yun and the others didn't say anything, they nodded and went home.

This family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. As for whether Zhao Cheng and Liu Meizhu want to divorce, it is really difficult for outsiders like Su Yun and the others to participate in too many opinions.

But having said that, if it was her and the other party was a man like Liu Meizhu, I'm afraid she would have divorced without hesitation.

In the evening, I had an in-depth exchange with my man, hugged and chatted about this matter.

Xiao Lin looked down at the girl lying in his arms, wrinkling the tip of his nose: "Daughter-in-law, you think your man is Liu Meizhu?"

Su Yun pursed her lips and raised her head in protest.The blush on her cheeks after exercising has not yet faded, and her rosy cheeks are very attractive.If Xiao Lin hadn't thought that his daughter-in-law would have to catch the train tomorrow, he probably couldn't help but hugged and kissed me and I had an in-depth exchange.

Su Yun didn't know that his thoughts were so dangerous.

I also don't know that she 'got away with it' because she was going out tomorrow.She curled her lips and said: "Anyway, if it's me, I can't bear the other half like her. I can't bear it for a moment. "

"Well, so the daughter-in-law is indirectly praising your man for being great, right?"

Xiao Lin spoke with a cheeky face.

"Why? Are you great?" Su Yun gave him a sideways glance: "Don't be proud brother, you can only barely pass."

"Oh, what do I need to do to get full marks? Teacher Su, teach me?" The peaceful hand on her waist began to become restless.Su Yun didn't realize it, but in her mind, after the death of her previous life, what exactly did the 24 filial boyfriends that later generations often said in the white mist refer to.

After much deliberation, I didn't come up with a reason.When she came back to her senses and wanted to sleep, she found that her clothes were gone?

"Brother Rin?"

"I came up with an idea that makes my daughter-in-law think I'm great. Shall I make it for my daughter-in-law?"

Su Yun: ...

She believed he was a ghost!

The next day, when Su Yun boarded the train, she still had back pain.

Seeing her like this, Xu Meifen kept covering her mouth and smiling, which made Su Yun's face very dry.Raising his hand and pushing the man who was still putting her luggage and folding the quilt, he said angrily, "Aren't you going down? The train is about to leave."

They went to Xiangjiang by train.Xu Wanhao bought a first-class sleeper ticket, and there are only two sleeper berths in each box, Su Yun and Xu Meifen share one, and Xu Wanhao and Fan Wei share the next one.

Before Xiao Lin could speak, Xu Meifen smiled and said, "His little uncle, you don't need to pay attention to his little aunt, it's still a few minutes before the train leaves, so talk slowly, I'll go see if that brat Ahao has anything Forgot to bring it."

"Thank you, sister." Xiao Lin answered kindly.

Xu Meifen smiled even more, she blinked at Su Yun and waved her hand to leave the box gracefully. Her action made Su Yun understand for a moment why her sister and Dr. Song became good sisters.

Because their personalities are exactly the same!

Seeing Xu Meifen's actions just now, she thought Song Yinyin was possessed.

Su Yun raised her hand to pinch her eyebrows, but Xiao Lin's hand took a quicker step to pinch her eyebrows for her.

"It's my fault, which caused my daughter-in-law to not have a good rest. After the train leaves, you should have a good sleep. I will tell Ahao and Fan Wei to pay more attention to the surrounding situation."

It's fine if he doesn't talk about it, but when he mentions it, Su Yun gets flustered.

"Sleeping in broad daylight, do you want people to know that I didn't sleep last night?"

"Also, what's the use of apologizing afterwards? If you hadn't gone for a vasectomy, I'm afraid there would already be a child in my stomach. Can you apologize again and the child will come out?"

(End of this chapter)

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