Chapter 579
Su Yun's words were completely out of anger.

But it is also very reasonable!
Xiao Lin held back her laughter, and cautiously continued to make amends.Su Yun groaned twice, but she wasn't very angry, she just wanted to act like a baby to let him know how 'powerful' she is!
When she's almost gone, it's time for the man to feel wronged.

"Daughter-in-law, you don't feel sorry for your man, you've been away for so many days!"

"What happened for so many days?" Su Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at him, and said in a very dangerous tone: "Because I have been away for so many days, so you can't help it anymore, don't you plan to be a human?"

"Daughter-in-law, you wronged me, why don't I be a man? I'm your man."

"Tsk, why keep emphasizing?"

Su Yun glanced at the tired and crooked man with disgust again, raised her hand and pushed his chest: "Okay, let's go back quickly, if you don't take the train, it will really leave."

"That happens to be when I go to Xiangjiang with my wife."

Su Yun:? ? ? ? ? ?

Can you do this?

She opened her eyes slightly, and really took Xiao Lin's words seriously.

Xiao Lin smiled lightly and ruffled her hair.

"Okay, to scare you, those who are unfamiliar with the place over there should pay more attention to safety. If something happens, remember safety first, money and other personal belongings are nothing to do."

Xiao Linchun reminded, it felt like telling a child who was about to go far away.Su Yun smiled and said, "I feel like you are my father, Brother Rin."


Xiao Lin's eyes darkened slightly, if it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, he wouldn't mind if she called him 'Father'.

Su Yun didn't know the bad taste in the man's mind, she talked to him for a while, and when the comrades working on the train came to urge the passengers to get off, the train was really about to leave.

"When you go there and want to buy something, don't save money. There are a lot of novelties over there, and you can buy them back if you like them. I put the money under the box. When you get off the car, you ask Fan Wei to give it to you." You mention it."

Xiao Lin is still not at ease exhorting.

Su Yun raised her eyebrows.

"Brother, did you secretly prepare money for me? How much did you prepare?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

There were voices urging to get off the car again, and he couldn't delay any longer.

Xiao Lin pressed a kiss on Su Yun's forehead, and then reluctantly left the carriage.

Fortunately, there are not as many people in the sleeper car as in the hard seat, otherwise it would be embarrassing.Su Yun rested her chin and thought, with a slight smile on her lips.Xu Meifen pushed open the door and came in, and saw such a scene.

A beautiful girl with exquisite facial features looked out of the window with a sweet smile on her face, and the soft light of the rising sun shone on her face, coating her face with a layer of soft golden light.

Xu Meifen regretted not buying a camera, otherwise she would have been able to take pictures of Su Yun like this.

"Sister? What's wrong with you?"

The train started slowly, Su Yun turned her head and saw Xu Meifen standing there wondering what she was thinking, she asked curiously and amusingly.

Xu Meifen regained her composure, went to the bed opposite Su Yun and sat down.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking that I have to buy a camera when I go to Xiangjiang this time. Otherwise, what a pity to miss the beautiful scenery?"

"Can you buy a camera casually over there?"

In Su Yun's two lives, she has never seen anyone else hold a camera, except that she saw a camera when she took pictures in a photo studio when she married Xiao Lin.

After the death of the previous life, I saw in the white mist that the people of the next life took pictures, but it was called a mobile phone.So her impression of the camera is still the kind of machine that exists in the photo studio.

Hearing that Xu Meifen said that she could buy it anywhere in Xiangjiang, she also became interested.

"Is the camera easy to operate? Is it suitable for ordinary people?" If it is suitable, she also wants to buy one and take pictures of her children and themselves. Things are very precious.

When it comes to shopping, Xu Meifen is good at it.She often goes to Xiangjiang, and knows everything about the market there.What about the latest camera, the latest bags, clothes and shoes, and lipstick and cosmetics...

Su Yun listened intently to Xu Meifen's introduction.

From Xu Meifen's mouth, Su Yun couldn't help but sigh that there is a huge difference in the development of Xiangjiang and here!When it is rare for them to buy anything here, they can already buy it anywhere, as long as they have money.

That's the difference, the big difference.

However, Su Yun thought of the future generations, and their development would be no less than a few decades later, one of the best in the world.She also let go.

The road has to be walked step by step, and the meal has to be eaten bite by bite.

As long as everyone is working hard for the betterment of the country, I believe that the day when it will be better will definitely come soon!
She has this confidence!

As the train bang bang bang, they are getting farther and farther away from the capital. They need to take the train for more than a day to reach the port, and then cross by ferry.

Su Yun chatted with Xu Meifen for a while, and after eating lunch called by Xu Wanhao in the car, Su Yun fell asleep a little sleepy.Originally, she thought she would not be able to fall asleep, but with the sound of the train moving forward rhythmically, Su Yun fell asleep within a short time.

She still slept very deeply this time, and when she woke up again, the afterglow of the setting sun had covered the sky.The sky full of red clouds put Su Yun in a good mood.

"Xiaoyun woke up? It seems that our trip will go smoothly. Have you seen the red clouds all over the sky?" Xu Meifen was obviously in a good mood because of the red clouds all over the sky.

There is an old saying that if the morning glow does not go out, the evening glow can travel thousands of miles.

Although this sentence describes the weather, it is said that it is easy to rain when the morning glow goes out, and the sunset will be sunny and fine.So the ancients would check the weather when they went out.

If it is sunset, it is very suitable for going out.

Not only the ancients, but even modern people are very happy to know that they met a sunny day during their long journey.

Su Yun hummed and nodded.

I hope this trip goes very smoothly, she can successfully order the machine she wants, and Xu Meifen can successfully promote their ethnic embroidery brand.

To make a long story short, I ate and slept on the train, and I don’t need to go into details when I wake up and eat.The four of them finally got off the boat in the afternoon of the second day and set foot on the land of Xiangjiang.

Before Su Yun had time to take a good look at the prosperity in front of her, which was completely different from the mainland, a voice came from one side.

"Let it be... Let it be..."

She turned her head and looked to the side.

Xu Wanhao and Fan Wei immediately stepped forward calmly and blocked the two ladies behind them. Xu Meifen laughed and scolded Xu Wanhao.

"What a fuss, I'm making a movie!"

Su Yun looked at the pier, and there were indeed quite a few people busy there. Some of them were carrying machines, and some were guiding them, chasing away the random people.

People on the side of the road rarely stop to watch, which shows that they are used to it.Most of the people who will stop and pay attention are passengers who come by boat.

Su Yun glanced at it for a second and then withdrew her gaze, not paying much attention.

They turned to leave when another voice came from behind them.

"Hey beautiful lady, are you interested in becoming a star?"

(End of this chapter)

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