Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 580 Are you interested in being a star?

Chapter 580 Are you interested in being a star?
A short, fat man with a crew cut ran up to them and spoke to Su Yun in broken Mandarin. "You are beautiful, ma'am. I haven't seen such a beautiful lady as you for a long time. As long as you are willing to sign a contract with me, I promise to make you famous!"

Don't look at his Mandarin is a bit lame, but his eloquence is very good.

There is no pause in the words spoken in a snap.If there are words that he does not understand, he will substitute them in dialect.

"I'm Huang Cong, a scout from Big Star Company. I can assure you that as long as you sign a contract with our company, ma'am, I will definitely make you famous. Make a movie, you know? It's the kind of movie on TV. star."

Afraid that Su Yun would not know, Huang Cong explained in detail.

Huang Cong handed over his business card to Su Yun.

Su Yun took the business card and looked at it.The name of the company is really a big star!It's an interesting company name.In addition, the scout named Huang Cong in front of him is also very interesting.

Su Yun smiled and put the business card in her palm.

"Thank you for your invitation, but I'm not interested in being a star."

Huang Cong, who thought he would get an affirmative answer, did not expect Su Yun to refuse.Nowadays, young and beautiful ladies, as long as they hear that they have the opportunity to become a star, they will never refuse.

How could this young and beautiful lady in front of her refuse?
Huang Cong couldn't figure it out.

Su Yun smiled, she doesn't have a business card, otherwise she can give Huang Cong one, and invite him to work as a salesman in their company if he doesn't want to be a scout.She really felt that Huang Cong's eloquence was too good for a talent scout, and he was the most suitable for a salesman.

(In fact, I just want to discover talents for my company!)

Since he is not interested in being a star, there is no need to chat with Huang Cong further.Several people went to the hotel that Xu Meifen had booked in advance.

In order to facilitate travel and check-in, the hotel is located on a street not far from the pier.Xu Meifen booked the largest and most expensive hotel on this street.

A total of two double room suites were booked.

After receiving the key at the front desk of the hotel, she took the elevator upstairs. Su Yun sat in a small box (elevator), feeling very novel about this thing.

Xu Meifen stood on the side and introduced in a low voice that this is called an elevator, while there was a cold snort, the person from the same elevator was mocking Su Yun in dialect as she was ignorant, and had never even seen an elevator.

Although Su Yun couldn't understand what she said, it was hard for Xu Meifen who often came to Xiangjiang!When Xu Meifen heard it, good fellow, this person actually said her sister is a turtle in front of her, who can bear that?
"Ma'am, you look like a human being, why do you drop shit as soon as you open your mouth?"

She spoke in Mandarin.

The unfriendly words made Su Yun understand that the person next to her was talking bad about herself just now.She smiled and stretched out her hand to pull Xu Meifen: "Okay sister, this is indeed the first time I've seen this elevator, and it's not a fabrication when people say I don't know anything about it."

"Xiao Yun..."

Xu Meifen was very displeased that her sister was so soft-tempered.

Su Yun told Xu Meifen to calm down.

She felt it was better to keep a low profile in a place where she was unfamiliar with people and where Xiao Lin said it was very confusing.

Xu Wanhao also felt that his mother's temperament was not good.

"Mom, listen to my aunt, don't go anywhere like a firecracker!"

Fan Wei, who had no sense of presence, pressed his lips tightly in the corner.

Su Yun couldn't help but laugh.

Xu Meifen was about to be pissed off by her good son, she snorted twice, thought about it, and finally decided not to bother with him.

In fact, this matter was not because Su Yun was soft-tempered and allowed others to bully, besides, other people's words were not serious enough to be bullied. Before Hei didn't know who the other party was, they really didn't need to be so fussy.

This innocuous little episode came to an end with the opening of the elevator door.

Su Yun and the others booked two adjacent suites, one with a bed inside and one outside with a bed.Such a suite design is convenient for people like Su Yun and the others who come on business trips.

I have to say that this design pays more attention to privacy than a row of three beds.However, such a design can only be achieved by a powerful hotel.

Now on their side, the more common ones are the guest houses left over from before.

Su Yun didn't feel that she was different from others when she lived well, and she didn't feel unbalanced when she lived poorly.In short, for better or for worse, it's just a place to rest temporarily.

Xu Meifen let her live in the inner room.

Su Yun has no objection to this arrangement.

Putting the things next to the bed, she took a look at the bed and it was still clean, so she sat down and wanted to use the phone next to the bed to call home to report that she was safe.

The current telephone is not popular in every hotel. The cost of a hotel with a telephone like this is more expensive than other costs.Su Yun asked Xu Meifen, and the hotel they stayed in cost 30 yuan a night.

30 yuan, a month's wages of an ordinary worker, can afford to stay in a hotel for one night...

You have to have money, especially in this kind of place where there are so many things, it is even more difficult to move without money!
Su Yun pondered, the other end of the phone was connected.

Grandma answered the call. Hearing that she had arrived safely, the old lady nodded with a smile.

"Okay, okay, it's good when you arrive safely. Don't treat yourself badly when you go out, buy whatever you want to eat and buy, don't think about saving money! And pay attention to safety..."

The old lady's advice was very detailed. She kept saying that Su Yun should not be frugal when spending money outside, but she had to hang up after telling Su Yun, because she was afraid that Su Yun would spend more on the phone bill.

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry!

"Grandma, the phone bill is already included in the hotel's accommodation fee."

"Really? Will it be deceiving if it's so good?" Mrs. Xiao still doesn't believe it. How expensive is it to make a phone call now? 1 minute is a few cents.The telephone fee is included in the hotel's accommodation fee, so the accommodation fee is definitely not cheap.

Although the old lady was a little concerned about money, she still let Su Yun live in a better place.

"Money is not important, personal safety is the most important!"

The old lady exhorted worriedly.

Su Yun nodded her head, her heart felt as warm as if she had been soaked in warm water.She chatted with the old lady for a while, and during this period, Mama Zhang carried the baby to the phone. Listening to the baby's babbling voices on the phone, Su Yun suddenly felt that she missed home very much.

Especially listening to the voices of the three children, she couldn't help but want to shed tears.

Su Yun quickly controlled herself, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a smile: "Grandma, I'll hang up first, I have to make a call to talk to Brother Lin."

"Hey, you can call him! This Anzi, if you are not at home and watch him, he will die when he is working. I woke up in the middle of the night last night and saw the lights in your room. Went out again."

The old lady Xiao thought that the reason why Xiao Lin was so busy was because Su Yun was not at home and no one could control him.

Su Yun was a little amused: "Grandma, Brother Lin has to sign a contract for a big project these days, so he may be busy."

"Is that so? I thought he was doing something wrong just because no one could control him."

(End of this chapter)

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