Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 585 1 Everything is for selling clothes

Chapter 585 Everything Is To Sell Clothes
"You can't be beautiful here alone, you have to let our little uncle see how beautiful his wife is, right?" Wife is a new vocabulary that Xu Meifen learned in Xiangjiang.

It means daughter-in-law.

Su Yun pursed her lips, a slight smile appeared on her lips.

"Sister, stop making fun of me."

"Why did I become a joke when I said the truth?" Xu Meifen went out after speaking, and called Xu Wanhao to let him take pictures of them with Su Yun's newly bought camera.

It was not enough to take pictures in the hotel room, Xu Meifen became interested and took Su Yun to the lobby of the hotel on the first floor to take pictures.

There is a very beautiful artificial rockery landscape in the lobby of the hotel, where they are wearing cheongsams is suitable for taking pictures.

Su Yun couldn't resist Xu Meifen, so she followed her to the first floor.The appearance of the two of them caused the eyes of those who happened to be in the hotel lobby to widen.

Such a beautiful person, such a beautiful dress.

They were still wondering where such a beautiful person came from. When they saw Xu Wanhao holding a camera and Fan Wei who was like a bodyguard beside him, those curious people figured it out.

It turned out that it was a star who took the photo, no wonder why it is so beautiful.Is that young feeling a little uncomfortable?Is it the first time for a couple to take pictures?
Su Yun didn't know that they had been regarded as stars.

I don't know that others saw her stiffness.

Someone was watching when the photo was taken, and she was still a little bit reluctant at first.But when Xu Meifen kept reminding them that their current words and deeds represented the image of their studio and Yunji Foods, Su Yun's temperament of a boss came out.

So Su Yun, who was stiff just now, immediately became full of aura in the next second.

She raised her chin slightly and looked at the camera, her gaze was full of aura, confident and powerful.

"That's how it feels."

Temporary photographer Xu Wanhao snapped a picture with his camera!After taking more than a dozen photos in a row (the film is quite expensive now), I gave up and went back to their room.

Some people who couldn't hold back had already rushed forward and asked Xu Meifen where they bought their clothes.

"That shawl of hers...beautiful."

A lady pointed to the shawl on Su Yun's shoulders.

The rest of the people also nodded, their eyes full of longing light!
Those who can live in this hotel must have certain strength in themselves.Su Yun and Xu Meifen glanced at each other, and they both saw a tacit business opportunity in each other's eyes.

Su Yun smiled and said: "This is a pure hand embroidery technique. It is not only beautiful but also thick. It can be worn on the shoulders to enhance the style and keep warm at the same time."

Xu Meifen was surprised by Su Yun's words, the style was too trendy.But she is a person with a very strong ability to change on the spot. After Su Yun said this, she immediately followed up and said: "Yes, beautiful lady, you can try it."

"Can you?" The lady obviously didn't expect that she would get the chance to wear this shawl just by asking casually.When Su Yun took the shawl off her shoulders and put it on her shoulders, she always felt extremely unreal.

"There's a mirror over there, we can go over and see how it looks on our shoulders."

Su Yun and Xu Meifen have already become salesmen.At this moment, the two of them are salesmen, doing sales like these people who are interested in the embroidery products of their studio.

Well, although the price of their handmade embroidery is not something everyone can afford, it's good for people to listen to it once, so that they are familiar with each other first, maybe they will have the money to buy it in the future?
Don't underestimate anyone, maybe they are your potential customers.This is Su Yun's motto posted in the company's office, and she has always implemented it.

The lady who wears a fresh shawl on her shoulders and can go to the mirror for a while feels really lucky.She came to the mirror in a daze. Although the skirt she was wearing didn't match the shawl very well, and she didn't have as good-looking faces as those two celebrities, but the shawl was really pretty!
She would love to buy it.

"May I ask where you bought this shawl?"

As soon as the lady exited, other curious people also asked: "And your cheongsam, where did you buy it? I feel that the workmanship is really exquisite and beautiful."

"Can you recommend the store to us? Is it a foreign trade store?"

Xu Meifen let Su Yun say what these people said to each other.

Su Yun smiled and said: "No, this embroidery is Suzhou embroidery, which is not available in foreign trade stores, only in China."


Hearing that in China, those few people were a little disappointed.It's not that I have any thoughts about the country, but it's not easy to buy clothes across the sea.

But having said that, are there such good-looking clothes in China now?
They asked curiously again, and this time Xu Meifen stood up, and she called out to Xu Wanhao who was on the side: "Secretary Xu, bring us our business cards."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

Secretary Xu?Return the business card?
Since when did Ms. Anna Xu become so fashionable that she even has a business card?
No, she also overlooked an important point.

Ms. Anna Xu said about us?
So she has too?

When Su Yun was puzzled, Xu Meifen leaned into her ear to answer her questions: "I saw the business card in the scout's hand the day before yesterday and thought, for people with status like us, we must have business cards."

After finishing speaking, Xu Wanhao took out two beautiful business card boxes from his pocket, handed one to Su Yun and the other to Xu Meifen.

Su Yun:? ? ?
She does.

She opened the business card case and took a look, it was imprinted with 'Yunji Foods, Su Yun, founder and general manager of Qiwu Commercial. '

Su Yun: ...

This name is so loud.

And Xu Meifen did not give up.

'The partner of Yin.ji Workshop, the image promotion ambassador, Anna! '

Su Yun couldn't hold back when she saw the word Anna.

Anna, still in English...

Her older sister is in her thirties, but she is living a much more fashionable life than her in her early twenties. Look at them, they already have English names.

Xu Meifen distributed the business cards in her hands to the lesbians present: "This is my personal business card, with my contact information on it. The cheongsam and shawl I wear are all products of our studio. If you like If you want to, you can contact me, or call the studio above."

Everyone who got the business card: ...

It turned out to be selling clothes?
But having said that, their clothes are really pretty!

At the same time that Xu Meifen was handing out the business card, a deep male voice sounded from the side: "This beautiful lady, can I have your business card?"

Su Yun heard the voice and looked up.

Seeing the man's familiar face and his fiery eyes, she almost couldn't laugh out loud.

"How did you come?"

(End of this chapter)

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