Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 586 Don't worry about my daughter-in-law


Miss you, here we come.

He didn't say these words aloud, but Su Yun read them through the shape of his lips.She was shy for a moment.

"Hey? His little uncle? Why are you here?" Xu Meifen who had handed out her business card turned around, and when she saw Xiao Lin who suddenly appeared, she was obviously taken aback for a moment.

Xiao Lin coughed, and raised his hand to cover up the embarrassment at the corner of his mouth: "There is something wrong."

"What's the matter? Could it be that you are worried about our little aunt?" Xu Meifen directly pierced Xiao Lin's thoughts, and the smile on her face couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Su Yun blushed a little, Xiao Lin answered Xu Meifen with a light smile.

"Well, it's chaotic here, I'm afraid she and my sister are in danger."

Xu Meifen clicked her tongue.

Still worried about her?Who believes?But having said that, Xiao Lin came just in time, Xu Meifen turned her head and called Xu Wanhao who was beside her: "Ahao, why don't you hurry up and take a few photos of your little uncle and aunt with the camera?"

"Such a rare opportunity, hurry up!"

Xu Wanhao also came back to his senses, and asked Su Yun and Xiao Lin to stand on the rockery in the hotel lobby.

"Little aunt, you should be closer to my aunt's father. You take his arm and get closer." Xu Wanhao dutifully became his photographer, standing by the side to shoot and directing the movements.

Finally, under his guidance, Su Yun and Xiao Lin took five photos together. After the shooting, they were about to go upstairs when the hotel manager came over.He asked Su Yun and the others if he could give them two of the photos they took and let them hang them in the lobby of the hotel.

They can be paid accordingly.

"Sorry, no." Xiao Lin was the first to refuse.No matter the photos taken by him and Su Yun, or the photos taken by Su Yun and Xu Meifen, as long as there are Su Yun in them, he doesn't want to hang them in the lobby of the hotel.

It doesn't matter if he is stingy or possessive, he just doesn't agree.

The hotel manager did not expect Xiao Lin to refuse so simply!After all, their hotel is considered the only big hotel in Xiangjiang, and many people begged them to hang their photos in the lobby, but they were not happy.

The reason why they took the initiative to mention it to Xiao Lin and the others was because Su Yun and the others were so eye-catching. If Su Yun and the others were more ordinary, they wouldn't even think about asking him.

It's just that Su Yun and the others don't know about the manager's flamboyance.

Su Yun heard Xiao Lin say that she would not allow the photos to be hung in the lobby, and she would definitely refuse when the manager asked her.The manager hit a wall one after another and stopped asking.

This episode was harmless, Su Yun and the others returned to the hotel room, Su Yun originally entered her and Xu Meifen's room, but Xu Meifen grabbed her hand.

"His aunt, why are you going?"

Su Yun hummed and looked at Xu Meifen with some doubts: "Go back to the room and rest, didn't you say you should have a good rest, are you going to attend the dinner tonight?"

The dinner in the evening is the key to determine how much their im.xiang handmade products can sell. Not to mention that Xu Meifen attaches great importance to it, Su Yun also attaches great importance to it.

That's why she wanted to take a good rest and go to the dinner party in the best condition at night!

Xu Meifen glared at Su Yun with hatred: "I know you are going to rest, but his little uncle has chased him here, why don't you go to his room?"

Su Yun: ...

Her face flushed rapidly.

Does her sister know what she's talking about?In broad daylight, let her enter a room with Xiao Lin in front of so many people (actually, three people)?Isn't this 300 taels of silver here?
Even though they were husband and wife, Su Yun couldn't get rid of that face.

It's just that Xu Meifen didn't care whether Su Yun could wipe her face away, and forcibly pushed her to the door of Xiao Lin's room.

"Just rest here, and collect your luggage later."

Su Yun: ...

Xu Meifen pushed her halfway into Xiao Lin's room, Su Yun's face was as red as a monkey's butt.This is really... so embarrassing.

Especially when Xiao Lin still said thank you later.

"Thank you ma'am."

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

What is he thanking?Wouldn't it be embarrassing to say thank you?Su Yun groaned in her heart, Xiao Lin had already closed the door.

There were only the two of them left in the room.

Su Yun, who was already a little embarrassed, felt uncomfortable all over her body as if there were ants crawling when there were only the two of them left.The two of them are obviously husband and wife, but because of the separation for a few days, they have become like a young couple who just fell in love.

Awkward and shy when alone.

It was Xiao Lin who broke the atmosphere.

He walked up to her with her head hanging down, and stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms.

"I haven't seen my daughter-in-law become so beautiful for a few days. Fortunately, I'm here, otherwise I don't know how many men want to hit my daughter-in-law."

A deep voice rang in my ears, I'm obviously used to it, but it still makes my ears numb in another occasion.Su Yun's body trembled slightly, and she even lost her strength.

And Xiao Lin, a man with bad intentions, deliberately turned his voice up when he spoke, which made Su Yun even softer.

Doesn't this make her daydream?

Su Yun raised her face, her eyes were full of mist, she was very pitiful when she looked at people.

Xiao Lin chuckled softly: "What's wrong with my daughter-in-law?"

Su Yun really hates this kind of knowingly asking. She gave him a glare with mist in her eyes, which was soft and not lethal at all. It didn't look like she was glaring, but she thought she was inviting someone.

And who can refuse the invitation of Jiao Didi's daughter-in-law?

Xiao Lin put his big hands on her waist, pushed her against the wall and bent down to grab those delicate red lips...

The lunch break was just a lunch break that didn't deserve the name. Fortunately, Xiao Lin didn't tear her cheongsam, otherwise she would have to strangle this bad man to death with her own hands.

The dinner that Xu Meifen attended started at 06:30 in the evening, and they had to go downstairs to the hotel and wait for the bus at 05:30.

It is worth mentioning that there is already a taxi industry here. There are many taxis on the street, and the hotel can also provide taxi service. This is more convenient for foreigners like Su Yun. of.

According to the original plan, it was Su Yun, Xu Meifen, and Xu Wanhao who went to the dinner together.Because Xu Meifen's friend got three invitation letters, one more person will not work.

But now that Xiao Lin is here, Xu Meifen is in a dilemma.

His little uncle was obviously worried that his little aunt came across the Xiangjiang River. If she took her sister to the dinner party and left her brother-in-law behind, wouldn't she have a reputation for destroying their relationship as husband and wife?

Just when Xu Meifen wanted to change the name of the invitation letter to Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin offered that he would not go to the dinner party.

"I have other things to do, let Ahao go with you."

Xiao Lin squeezed the hand of Su Yun who put on light makeup but her cheeks were still rosy, and spoke softly.

Su Yun's legs were a little weak.

The whole person is delicate as if just fished out of a honey bucket.

"What's your business?"

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