She must ask more about her husband's movements.

Xiao Lin smiled: "I have negotiated with two suppliers to have dinner together, which happens to start at seven o'clock."


It turns out that he really came to Xiangjiang for something, and he didn't just chase after her to have a relationship with her?Su Yun suddenly realized and nodded: "Okay, I understand, that brother worked hard to earn money, I spent all of our family's savings this time."

"Well, don't worry. My husband is here."

Su Yun: ...

As soon as he learned a new address, he immediately put it into practice.

But it's also quite pleasing to the ear.

Let's not gossip, after knowing that Xiao Lin has no time to attend the dinner, it is certain that Su Yun, Xu Meifen, mother and son will go to the dinner.

They took a taxi downstairs and left the hotel, heading for an official's private villa.There is not much land here in Xiangjiang, and those who can have private villas and occupy a lot of land have great power in their hands.

In Xu Meifen's words, if they took care of the high official's wife today, then the studio will be soft on orders in the future.

Su Yun thinks it's a bit exaggerated to describe it as being soft, but it's hard to say the specifics, because no matter what time it is, women's purchasing power is amazing.Among other things, let's take her and Xu Meifen as an example. The two of them are just ordinary people, but it's really scary to buy them.

What's more, what about the official wives who have status and money?

Su Yun has reservations about this.

When the taxi came to the intersection outside the villa, it was stopped. A security guard dressed in an exotic style stepped forward and explained to Su Yun and the others in broken Chinese that cars were not allowed in ahead, and they had to get out of the car and walk in. .

Su Yun was fine.

Come to someone's site to listen to their opinions, not to mention that everyone in front of them walks in, they have no identity, and even the invitation letter came randomly, so they should abide by the rules.

The three got out of the car.

Xu Wanhao paid for the fare.

They walked in slowly after the taxi left.

The people who came to the banquet were all dressed up, the gays wore suits, and the lesbians wore various evening dresses (Su Yun has the memory of later generations, and knows that the curb-shoulder dresses they wear are called evening dresses).And Xu Meifen is in the circle of these rich wives, so she naturally understands it.

Compared with all kinds of evening dresses, the two people wearing cheongsam immediately attracted the attention of others.Especially Su Yun's cheongsam has a beautiful shawl that looks like she has a moving peony flower, and Xu Meifen's cheongsam has a golden phoenix that spreads its wings and wants to fly.

Most of those onlookers don't know how to embroider.

But they could see fresh flowers and live phoenixes from Xu Meifen's skirt and Su Yun's shawl!

The costumes of the two undoubtedly attracted the attention of the audience.

However, the people who came here were all people of status, even if they thought Su Yun and Xu Meifen's clothes were particularly eye-catching and exciting, they would not immediately come forward to strike up a conversation.

Most of the dinner party is free, and it is not too late for them to ask questions after they go in.

Su Yun and Xu Meifen also understand this, so they are not in a hurry.

They walked gracefully into the villa.After the security guard at the entrance of the villa checked the authenticity of the invitation letter, the three of them entered through the foyer and came to an open grass field.

Xu Meifen introduced to Su Yun: "The rich and powerful like to live in such a big place."

Su Yun nodded in approval.

"If I have money and power, and my family can afford more than a dozen helpers, I will live in a bigger house."

As soon as she said this, Xu Meifen looked at her in surprise.

Su Yun touched her face: "What's wrong, sister? Is there something wrong with my face or something wrong with my words?"

"No." Xu Meifen shook her head: "I just didn't expect that you would think so."

"Huh? What do you think? Hire a helper or live in a big house?" In the white mist after her death in her previous life, she clearly saw the changes in her later generations, and knew that in a few decades, no matter whether she hired a helper or lived in a big house, then It's a normal operation for rich people.

Su Yun works hard to earn money and live a better life, so she feels that there is nothing wrong with yearning for the future.

Xu Meifen was surprised because she didn't know that Su Yun was reborn. She thought that a girl from IKEA like Su Yun would not have such "extravagant" thoughts.

Because she had such an idea, and she mentioned it to her parents, and then they said that her idea was wrong, and it was a fantasy.

Now she has finally found a like-minded person.

"It's still my younger sister who understands me, and I think the same as you, but the old men and women at home think I'm too extravagant." Xu Meifen complained.

Su Yun blinked and didn't expect it to be so.Seeing Xu Meifen's aggrieved face, Su Yun let out a chuckle, stretched out her hand and pushed Xu Meifen's shoulder and walked forward.

"Sister, don't worry. This society is getting better and better. In the future, our ideas that seem to be forward now will eventually become reality."


Xu Meifen still didn't quite believe it.

Su Yun nodded affirmatively: "Yes, so in order to realize our dreams as soon as possible and live the life we ​​want, let's work hard and sell more things."

"What I'm talking about is that I should cherish it even more if the boss of Yunji can personally accompany me to sell embroidery." Xu Meifen began to tease Su Yun again.

Su Yun smiled lightly and didn't care, the three of them had already arrived at the main place of the banquet, on the grass with a shed.

There are tables and chairs on the grass, a white shed, decorated with flowers, and a gramophone playing music.On one side, there are chefs making barbecue and the like, which looks no different from the barbecue party of later generations that Su Yun saw in the white mist.

Xu Meifen saw a familiar sister going up to say hello, but Su Yun didn't go with her.

It's not that she's embarrassed, but she's a little tired from walking in these high heels. (I firmly refuse to admit that it's because Xiao Lin made too much in the afternoon, which made her legs weak.) She simply found a corner where there was no one to sit down and rest I'll talk about it later.After all, the main target of her and Xu Meifen tonight is the mistress of this big villa.

Therefore, Su Yun intends to preserve her 'combat strength' before meeting people.She took a glass of water and sat down at the side, took a sip of water and looked at the gorgeously dressed people passing by, with a faint smile on her face.

"Hey, country bumpkin, where did you buy those clothes?" An extremely unfriendly voice sounded beside her ear, and Su Yun barely understood the meaning of her words in awkward Mandarin.

She looked up.

A young lesbian with a somewhat familiar face stood not far in front of her, and beside her were two lesbians who were about her age, and they all stood there looking at her.

Su Yun frowned and thought about where she had seen this young lesbian.After thinking for a long time, I couldn't figure it out.

"Hey, you bumpkin who hasn't even seen an elevator, don't you hear what I'm talking to you? Where did you buy your clothes?"

Oh, she mentioned the key word, and Su Yun remembered it.

It turned out to be the lesbian whom Xu Meifen had met in the elevator.

Didn't expect them to meet again?

Su Yun bent her lips: "Comrade, it seems that you haven't brushed your teeth and rinsed your mouth properly, and what you say still smells like manure!"

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