Under the recommendation of an acquaintance, Su Yun and the others successfully came in front of the official wife.And as they expected, the unique oriental embroidery on her and Xu Meifen's bodies attracted the attention of any official wife.

She called Xu Meifen and Su Yun over, looked at their embroidery craftsmanship in detail, and kept screaming my god, my god.

"It's beautiful, it's really beautiful. I've never seen anything so beautiful."

Coincidentally, this lady happened to be a lover of oriental culture.It can be heard from her successive interjections that she really likes embroidery.

Su Yun and the others successfully got a lot of orders.

After counting, there were almost fifty pieces in total.

This amount does not seem to be much, but for hand embroidery, it is already a very large amount.In addition, two of the orders require a full set of hand-embroidered quilt covers.

This project is huge.

If it is a person, it is difficult to complete without a year or a half.

Of course, the price given here is also very generous.Take this quilt as an example, they gave 1000 yuan. Note that it refers to US dollars.

At this time, when the whole country didn't have many US dollars, Su Yun and the others chose to use US dollars for settlement, which can be regarded as doing their part for the country's foreign exchange reserves.

As for those foreigners, they have US dollars on hand.As long as Su Yun and the others are willing to settle with them in this way, it will save them a lot of trouble, and they don't have to go out and exchange it for Hua Guo's money.

Of course, the order Xu Meifen received was not just an empty talk. She had to collect a deposit and then issue a receipt to the customer. On the receipt, she had to write down the delivery time by hand.

They can't decide on this matter, they have to discuss it with Wu Shishi in the studio.

Wu Shishi, who was in Beijing, learned from the phone that Su Yun and the others had gotten so many orders, she couldn't believe her ears for a moment.

"Sister Yun, is it true?" She stood up excitedly, which frightened Lu Zhenghuan, who had just arrived at the door of the studio on vacation.He walked in a few steps and supported Wu Shishi: "Slow down, Shishi, be careful."

Wu Shishi's stomach has been in for more than six months, and it's already quite dangerous at this time, and she really can't stand her being so emotional.

Wu Shishi, who hadn't seen Lu Zhenghuan for a month, should have been happy, but at this moment, because something that made her happier happened, she has already voluntarily ignored Lu Zhenghuan.

Letting him sit down with his support, she took the phone and asked uncertainly: "Sister Yun, you and Aunt Xu are not kidding me, are you?"

"Why am I teasing you?"

Su Yun was also a little funny.

"It's not that you don't know my sister's social skills. It's about [-] pieces of orders. I keep reminding her to take less orders, otherwise she will have to take hundreds of orders."

"Really? Are the works of our studio so popular?"

Wu Shishi is now in full charge of the handmade embroidery studio. It is normal for her to be overjoyed when she learns that the things she is responsible for are so popular outside.

It was Lu Zhenghuan's hard work.

He was worried that too much mood swings would affect his daughter-in-law's body, and stared at Wu Shishi with a good look, for fear that she might make a mistake.To be honest, Lu Zhenghuan was not as nervous as he is now when he was shooting a target.

Wu Shishi didn't notice her husband's nervousness at all.

After confirming repeatedly with Su Yun and the others that the order was not to make her happy, she immediately hung up the phone and started arranging work for the masters in the studio.Only after she finished busying around here did she have time to 'discover' the people around her.

"Why did you come back?"

Wu Shishi's tone was full of doubts, and she couldn't tell whether she was happy or not.

Lu Zhenghuan, who had been neglected at first, was a little unhappy, and when he heard Wu Shishi's words, his face turned even darker.A gay man with an incomparably resolute face showed a look of grievance at this moment.

"I haven't seen Shishi for a month."

Does she miss him?
He missed her in the army.As long as it is not training, he will miss her.I even dreamed that their child was born several times...

As soon as the training task became easier, Lu Zhenghuan couldn't wait to come back from vacation.

Even if he can only come back for a day or two nights, it is very good for him.

However, his enthusiasm was almost extinguished by his wife who was busy with work, and he felt very wronged.

"Daughter-in-law, you are usually busy studying when you start school, and you are busy with work after holidays. Don't you spare some time to accompany your man? Don't forget that we are comrades-in-arms of the revolution."

Lu Zhenghuan closed the door, walked to Wu Shishi's side and put his arms around her waist, putting his big hands on her protruding belly, his tone like a big wronged dog.

Wu Shishi was a little funny.

The current Lu Zhenghuan was completely different from the first time he met him.The brother Bing who was once trusted by people at first sight is now aggrieved like a child who can't get sugar.

She also sympathized with Lu Zhenghuan's difficulty in the army, and held back a smile and said, "Okay, okay, I get it, I get it. It's because I ignored our brother Zhenghuan, so I'll be punished for not going to work today, and I'll just concentrate on being with Brother Lu, okay?" it is good?"

"it is good."

Lu Zhenghuan must have answered it.

The young couple packed up and left the studio and went downstairs.This studio is on the second floor of Qiwu Commercial Street. It covers an area of ​​about [-] square meters. The antique decoration makes people fall in love with it at first glance.

It fits the name of their studio very well.

'India. Elephant' national traditional handiwork.

Wu Shishi, the little boss, was going home. Eight or nine embroidery workers in the studio greeted her with smiles.

In short, the person the little boss likes must be a very good person.

When the couple went downstairs, Lu Zhenghuan's bicycle was parked aside. He pushed the bicycle over and handed Wu Shishi an umbrella.It doesn't matter how he tans, it doesn't matter if his skin is rough or thick.

But his daughter-in-law is not good, his daughter-in-law has never suffered, and she must not be exposed to the sun.

"Shall we go back to our house first, and then go to my parents' place for dinner at night?"

Lu Zhenghuan asked.

The corners of Wu Shishi's lips curled up, revealing a sweet smile: "You have the final say, I'll listen to you today."


It's easy to mislead people.Especially for men who are full of vigor, they can't help but think about things.Especially when Wu Shishi still opened her clear and clean eyes and looked at him with great trust.

It made him even more angry.

Lu Zhenghuan's Adam's apple twitched, looking at his wife's attractiveness everywhere.In order not to let himself make a mistake, he needs to use strong self-control to turn his face away.

How could Wu Shishi not know what he was thinking?
She chuckled, and hooked her fingers at Lu Zhenghuan.

"come here."

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