Lu Zhenghuan squatted down halfway, keeping his height consistent with that of his daughter-in-law.

Wu Shishi leaned close to his ear and whispered something, Lu Zhenghuan was full of surprise: "Really? Sister really said that?"

He didn't expect anything at all, but he didn't expect to hear such good news.So he didn't dare to believe it for a while.

Wu Shishi snorted, and her face was a little red: "My sister will still lie to me? She is not only a doctor, but also someone from here..."

"Let's go home, we'll go home right away." Lu Zhenghuan interrupted Wu Shishi's words cheerfully, helped her to sit on the back seat with thick sponge cushions, and drove to their young couple's home on a bicycle.

The July wind blows on the face, and the hot wind makes the heart even more restless.

But it's also understandable, as a young couple, they are in their twenties, and they are at their most energetic...


Xiangjiang, the hotel where Su Yun and the others stayed.

"Don't you know you're tired?" Xiao Lin was also energetic.He said that he had almost finished talking about his affairs, and knowing that Su Yun would not go out today, he stayed in the hotel. He called it to accompany Su Yun, but it was not up to Su Yun to decide how to accompany him.

Xiao Lin kissed the corner of her lips.

"Wife, can you be considerate of your husband? There are so many people in the family, it's hard to come to the hotel..." He didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Su Yun knew that he would definitely say that it was hard to come to the hotel once, and he must have a good time.

Su Yun: ...

He enjoyed himself to his heart's content, but it hurt Su Yun's old waist.

After finally waiting for Xiao Lin to feel tired, the sun had already set in the west.

Su Yun: ...

After taking a nap until now, it goes without saying that others already know what they are doing.

But even so, she still had to put on her clothes and go out with the cheek.Because they were sure that they would return to the capital tomorrow, so Su Yun wanted to go shopping again tonight.

Besides, she hadn't dared to take a good look around here at night before, because she was afraid that she might encounter some gang fights and accidents.After all, when she first came here to live here for the first night, the incident of killing people on the street left a deep impression on her.

But now she is not so afraid, because Xiao Lin is by her side.

Strange to say, as long as Xiao Lin is by her side Su Yun feels particularly safe, no matter what she is doing.This is probably caused by the trust between husband and wife?
She couldn't figure it out.

But subconsciously, Xiao Lin thinks that Xiao Lin will not let her have an accident.

Su Yun and Xiao Lin went out together, she knocked on the door diagonally opposite, called Xu Meifen and asked her if she wanted to go out together.

Xu Meifen yawned and looked at their clenched hands and shook her head: "I won't go, I want to catch up on sleep." This morning, Su Yun and Xu Meifen were working on the order, and then Su Yun went to It's 'lunch break', Xu Meifen confirmed again.

So it will be tiring.

Besides, the things she wants to buy have already been bought, so there is no need to bother the young couple to go on a date.

Knowing that Xu Meifen was not going, Su Yun and the others called Xu Wanhao and Fan Wei, and the answer they got was that they didn't want to go out either.That line, after calling around, it was only Su Yun and his wife.

The two took the elevator downstairs together.

Su Yun wore a long linen dress, a pair of flat leather shoes on her feet, her hair was casually loosened in the back, no makeup was applied on her face, she only slightly tapped her lips with lipstick.

The whole person's complexion improved.

The cheeks are white and rosy, like ripe apples on the branches, and the eyes are full of sweetness, which makes it difficult for people to look away at a glance.

Judging from Su Yun's state, this is a gesture that can only be shown by an absolutely happy woman.

"Brother Lin and the others don't want to go, so why don't we just stay in the hotel?" Su Yun asked while holding Xiao Lin's arm before the elevator went down to the first floor.

The atmosphere here is much more open than in the capital, and no one will feel strange if you hold hands casually on the street.

Su Yun has only been here for two or three days, but she has formed such a habit.

Xiao Lin smiled and nodded her nose: "My wife wants to go back to the room to rest? Then I don't mind." I don't know if it is Su Yun's illusion, but when Xiao Lin said rest, those two words Bite extremely hard.

Su Yun: ...

This rest is no ordinary rest.

She flatly refused!
"No, I want to see the night in Xiangjiang, I haven't visited the night market here yet!"

"Well, let's go for a walk!"

While speaking, the elevator had reached the first floor, and the husband and wife walked out of the elevator holding hands.A tall man with an extraordinary figure, holding hands with a petite woman with a peach blossom face, talking and laughing while walking on the road, always attracts many people's attention.

Seeing Su Yun's face, many people couldn't help but stop and watch.But when she saw the man standing beside her, she took another breath and rushed away.

Su Yun didn't realize it.

I don't know how many men her man drove away for her in one night who wanted to strike up a conversation.

After walking around for more than an hour, Su Yun's feet were also a little tired.And it's getting late, it's not safe to continue shopping in case something happens.Even if she knew that Xiao Lin could fight ten against one, but he was made of meat after all, wasn't he?It hurts to be hit!
So Su Yun called Xiao Lin and turned back to the hotel.

But they didn't go far, and when they were about to reach the hotel, they were still blocked by a group of about a dozen young bad boys and girls.

Xiao Lin held Su Yun's hand tightly.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid."

At the critical moment, he forgot the newly learned vocabulary of wife, and subconsciously called her daughter-in-law.

Su Yun was actually not afraid. She looked at these young people who hadn't read many books at first glance, and were very boldly dressed. She didn't know what they wanted to do for a while.

Or robbery?

Su Yun denied the latter thought as soon as it came to her mind. She didn't think she was so beautiful that people would block her in the street.So it's a robbery?

She was about to talk to Xiao Lin when the young people in front stepped aside, and a familiar person came out from behind them.

"Hillbilly, we meet again."


It turned out to be Luo Lili at the banquet yesterday!Having said that, today she changed into a ostentatious outfit similar to that of the gangsters on the street, and Su Yun almost didn't recognize her.

If it wasn't for the recognizable arrogant face, she would definitely not be able to recognize this Luo Lili.

Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and his gloomy gaze fell on Luo Lili.

"This comrade, speak with respect."

"Haha...comrade? Listen, you listen to this scumbag. The first time he speaks, he smells like a scumbag. Are you calling him a comrade? Who would call someone a comrade except a country bumpkin hahahahahahaha..."

Luo Lili laughed loudly, and her companions also laughed together.

Su Yun frowned, saying that she could bear it, but saying that she was a man would not be able to bear it.

"Luo Lili, I don't have a feud with you, what do you want to bring someone to block me?"

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