Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 591 Fighting will hurt you

Su Yun is not made of mud, she also has a temper.What's more, even if it is really a clay figurine, it still has a three-point temper. It is definitely impossible for someone to bully it in the face, and there is no reaction yet.

Su Yun didn't want to care about like a child like Luo Lili.

But obviously the other party didn't think so.Not only came to find fault, but also brought so many people, which made it clear that this matter could not be done well.

Although Su Yun didn't know why Luo Lili hated her so much, but she had already come before her, so it was meaningless to go after the root cause.

The key is how to get out of this predicament.

Luo Lili smiled flamboyantly: "If you bring someone to block you, then I will block you. Do I need to explain the reason to you, a country bumpkin? You just need to stand at attention and get beaten."

Tsk tsk, this tone of voice is really crazy!
Su Yun bent her lips and smiled.

"Really? Just rely on these children you called?" She paused, and then continued: "Kids, you will be injured in a fight. If you break your arms or legs, will Luo Lili give you the money?" Do you pay for hospital treatment?"

"none of your business?"

Luo Lili's face turned livid: "These are all my friends, and friends don't pay so much attention!"

"Tsk...then they are really unfortunate. They were dragged into fights by their so-called friends, and they hurt themselves when they were injured. Maybe they don't even have the money to go to the hospital."

"That's horrible."

Su Yun shook her head showing a very disapproving expression, Luo Lili was so angry that she yelled at her friends: "Aren't you going to watch this bumpkin step on our faces?"

With Luo Lili's roar, those young people who had been watching from the sidelines rushed up.There was no trace of fear on Su Yun's face, she glanced at Xiao Lin beside her without haste.

Xiao Lin hooked his lips.

"Stay farther away, my wife, and be careful not to accidentally hurt you."

To be able to tell her the words he's recently learned proves that this little thing is a trivial matter to him.Su Yun obediently stood aside, crossed her arms and watched Xiao Lin punch one by one, knocking those youngsters to the ground.

Luo Lili was stunned by the scene in front of her.

When she came back to her senses, her little friends had all been knocked down on the ground, and Xiao Lin was very 'kind' to lift up the staggered people and pile them up into a ball!
Luo Lili:? ? ?

how can that be?

How could the bumpkin be so good at it?

She stared at everything in disbelief with her eyes wide open, and Su Yun, who hadn't been waiting for long, walked over with a slight smile on her face.

"Is brother all right?"

She just saw the truth from the side, and no one could touch Xiao Lin.

But this is her man, after the man returns from the battle, no matter if there is anything wrong, she will ask about it.

Xiao Lin hummed.

"I am fine."

"Okay, then wait for me."

Su Yun walked two steps forward as she spoke, and stopped in front of Luo Lili, whose face was pale and who hadn't recovered for a long time.Before she could speak, Luo Lili took a few steps back in fear.

"You...what do you do? I tell...tell you...I can...but...not afraid of you..."

He said that he was not afraid of her, but actually told Su Yun that she was terribly scared now.

Su Yun clicked her tongue and shook her head.

"You're cowardly, and you want to make trouble for someone, don't you think it's embarrassing?"

Regardless of whether Luo Lili felt ashamed or not, Su Yun felt that it was embarrassing for the Luo family to have such a daughter.

"It's none of your business...what's your business?"

Luo Lili was overwhelmed by Xiao Lin's performance just now, and now she can't straighten her tongue when speaking.But maybe it's her self-esteem at work, she doesn't want to lose the wind in front of Su Yun.Boldly continued: "You country bumpkin, don't think you are very powerful, I won't be afraid of you."

"I don't need you to be afraid of me!"

Su Yun felt that Luo Lili's logic was very strange, and she didn't want to be Luo Lili's boss, so why did Luo Lili need to be afraid of her? "I will only tell the truth about your behavior to Director Luo."


When Luo Lili heard that Su Yun was going to tell her second uncle what happened tonight, she immediately panicked.It can be said that Luo Lili is not afraid of her parents in the Luo family, but she is still very afraid of the second uncle of the factory director.

Because her second uncle didn't like her way of throwing and rolling at all.

"You country bumpkin..."

"My name is Su Yun."

Su Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at Luo Lili: "You don't need to give people nicknames to show how low your quality is. Today, for the sake of Director Luo, I will not turn you over to the police. But there will be another time... "

She didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was already obvious.

Leaving this sentence behind, Su Yun waved her sleeves without taking away a speck of dust, and left the scene with Xiao Lin back to the hotel.When the husband and wife walked into the elevator of the hotel, Su Yun leaned on Xiao Lin's arm.

"Brother Lin, isn't that kind of cool that I did just now?"

Xiao Lin smiled lightly and pinched the tip of her nose.

"Well, my wife is wonderful!"

"Tsk... again! It's even more difficult to hear some truthful words from your mouth!"

Su Yun shook her head, already acquiescing that Xiao Lin's good words are all to make her happy.Xiao Lin chuckled without explaining, and the two got out of the elevator together to their floor.

Su Yun gave the packaged supper to Xu Meifen and Xu Wanhao, and then went back to the room where she and Xiao Lin lived, and called Director Luo.

She said that if she wanted to tell Director Luo about Luo Lili, she must tell.

The phone was connected, and it happened to be Director Luo who answered the phone.Su Yun smiled, and told Factory Director Luo straight to the point.

"Director Luo, when I came back just now, I ran into your niece on the road..."

She explained what happened without any concealment, but she didn't add any details, deliberately accuse Luo Lilian or anything.

Director Luo was in a state of distress because of Luo Lili's troubles everywhere, and now he received a call from Su Yun again, and he was furious on the spot.He repeatedly apologized to Su Yun.

"Boss Su is really sorry. The child in the family has been taught to be lawless by her mother. I am sorry for the trouble you have caused. I will definitely restrain her."

Su Yun didn't mind Luo Lili's behavior.

A young and impulsive child like Luo Lili has no direct influence on her.What she cared about was that if Luo Lili caused troubles like this and got involved with Director Luo, it would be bad if it would affect the cooperation between them.

She finally found a suitable manufacturer for the machine, and she didn't want to ruin the cooperation because of external affairs.

"Director Luo, you don't need to apologize. I have nothing to do with it. It's just that the children in the family should not be spoiled too much, and what should be taught should be taught. Otherwise, if this lawlessness continues, if you offend someone who can't afford to offend in the future, then you will be punished. But it can be solved with a single blow.”

"Director Luo, you have been in Xiangjiang for many years, you should know better than me."

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