Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 594: I Want To Visit My Hometown

When the husband and wife returned home, not only the old lady was happy, but even the three babies who hadn't seen each other for a few days were also extremely happy.

They were lying on the mat in the living room, seeing Su Yun coming in, babbling, Dabao and Erbao stretched out their hands to Su Yun and yelled, they wanted to be hugged by their mother.

And Sanbao maintained his usual 'coldness', he didn't reach out his hand like his older brothers and sisters, but he still looked at Su Yun intently, his eyes already expressed his current emotions.

Su Yun was a little funny.

Also very distressed.

She bent down and hugged the little girl of their family first and kissed her, then went to hug her younger brother, and lastly hugged her elder brother.

This can be very anxious boss.

He clenched his hands into fists, with crystal saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth, babbling in protest.

Su Yun burst out laughing.

She looked at Xiao Lin who was standing beside her, and couldn't help but said, "How about you hug my brother in such a hurry?"

Xiao Lin spread out his hands: "It's not that I don't want to hug him, it's that he definitely dislikes me."

After speaking, he reached out to hug his brother.

As expected, he was disgusted by his brother.

Well, because my brother can't speak yet, there must be nothing disgusting to say!But this can't stop him from expressing himself with gestures.Seeing that the person hugging him was not the sweet and soft mother, but the tough father, the elder brother turned his fat face to one side without hesitation to express his dissatisfaction and protest.

This funny little action caused a burst of laughter from the family.

"Our brother is very angry now!" Mrs. Xiao said while smiling.

Zhang Ma immediately replied: "Boys must have a temper, just like a girl, how will you take care of your younger siblings in the future?" emotional.

So after Mrs. Xiao finished speaking, she subconsciously defended the children.

The old lady Xiao laughed even more from ear to ear.

"That's right, this boy has to be a bit tempered, don't be like your grandpa..." She was referring to Xiao Lin's father, her son.

Xiao Lin's father is a soft-hearted person with a good temper and a soft heart, like a girl.The old lady remembered that when Xiao Lin's father was young, someone laughed at her first son for being so girl-like, and the next one must be a girl...

It's still kind of funny looking back on it now.

When the old lady looked at the triplets and Xiao Lin, who was walking around with the children in her arms and softly coaxing them, her eyes gradually became moist.

"Xiaoyun, Anzi, grandma has something to tell you."

"Huh? What's wrong with grandma?" Su Yun raised her head to look at the old lady, and found that there was something wrong with the old lady's expression. She quickly glanced at Xiao Lin, and asked Xiao Lin if something happened.

Xiao Lin was confused.

He and his wife entered the house one after another (the back foot was because of parking), how could he know things that his wife didn't know?
"Don't look at An Zi, it's fine." Seeing the eyebrow-eye lawsuit between the husband and wife, the old lady Xiao felt slightly relieved from her depressed heart.Afraid that the young couple would think about it again, she simply spoke directly.

"It's like this. I've been dreaming about your father these days. I think we haven't been back for a long time. I mentioned it to your grandpa. He said that he will go back with me to see your father these few days."

Mrs. Xiao was a little restless these days because she dreamed about her dead son. Mr. Chen noticed it when he came over, and asked her what was going on, so she told the truth.

Mr. Chen felt very guilty when he thought of his son who had never met, but who was separated from heaven and man forever.

"Then you wait for the children to come back and talk to them? I will go back to my hometown with you to live for a while."

Since the incident of Guan Qiuju happened at the beginning of the year, Mr. Chen has slowly stepped back from work.Now he can say that as long as he makes arrangements, he can leave at any time for ten days and half a month without any problems.

Because of this, he had the confidence to say that he would go back to the village where their mother and son lived with Mrs. Xiao.

Even after decades, he wanted to see where they lived.Take a look at those places where Xiaoyuan took his children and supported him and waited for him to go back in those days when there was no news from him...

Mrs. Xiao agreed.

That's why Su Yun and the others came home, and she started to mention it.

"Grandma, do you want to go home?"

It was only then that Su Yun remembered that it had been almost two years since she left her hometown at the beginning of last year.Although the old lady said that she didn't show her longing for her hometown on the surface, it was the place where she had lived for decades after all, and it was hard to leave her homeland, not to mention that Xiao Lin's father was buried there.

Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin, a little embarrassed.

It's certainly not that she doesn't want the old lady to go back to her hometown, but now she's about to start school... The old lady and the old man will go back by themselves?Su Yun must be worried about such a long distance.

"Grandma, why don't we go back together after Xiaoyun's winter vacation?"

Xiao Lin suggested at the side: "At that time, the children were a little older, and it was not so uncomfortable to take a long-distance bus. When the time comes, we will go back to see Dad as a family, and celebrate the New Year in our hometown by the way?"

Su Yun also thought Xiao Lin's proposal was very good.

"Grandma, Brother Rin is right. You and Grandpa will go back together. Brother Rin and I will definitely not worry about the journey of thousands of kilometers. Besides, we have been away from our hometown for more than a year and almost two years. It doesn't matter if there are any changes in the family. I don't know, just to be on the safe side, you wait until I'm on winter vacation and go back together?"

The grandchildren and daughter-in-laws all said so, and the old lady nodded after thinking about it.

"That's fine, then take the children back to show your dad and see our three big fat grandchildren of the Xiao family."


Su Yun crisply agreed.

After solving this matter, Su Yun handed the child in her hand to Mama Zhang, and then began to distribute the gifts she brought back from Xiangjiang.There is a gift for everyone in the family, young and old.

Not only that, she also brought presents to Song Yinyin and Zhao Meiyu.

When Zhao Meiyu's share was given to her, only she and the child were in Zhao Meiyu's house, and Wan Zhaodi was not there.

Su Yun was a little later: "Where is the aunt?"

"My mother? She's gone back." Zhao Meiyu's expression was a little weary, and she couldn't get any more energy out of it.

"Huh?" Su Yun looked at Zhao Meiyu suspiciously, Wan Zhaodi went back just after her child was one month old?Is my hometown so busy?

"Are you busy going home to collect it?"

"Hmm..." Zhao Meiyu agreed again, obviously not very interested.Su Yun nodded and planned to go to Song Yinyin's house to sit down.Zhao Meiyu stopped her again.

"Xiaoyun, do you think the married daughter is really the water that was thrown out?"

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