Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 595 Men with children also have a share

"Where did this come from?"

Su Yun turned her head and sat down beside her.

Since Zhao Meiyu is willing to speak, she must listen.

Zhao Meiyu sighed heavily again, lowered her head and said with a choked voice: "My mother, after my elder brother divorced that Liu Meizhu, she must go back to her hometown to take care of the child. I told someone to send the child to Come here and let her take it with you here, but she said that this is not the Zhao family after all..."

It turned out that during the few days when Su Yun and the others went to Xiangjiang, Zhao Cheng really divorced Liu Meizhu.After the divorce, the child must no longer be raised by the Liu family.

Wan Zhaodi had someone take the child back to Zhaojiacun.

Everyone in the family is busy with work and no one is taking care of the children, so she naturally wants to go back and take care of her grandson.

It was because of this matter that she had a disagreement with Zhao Meiyu.

Zhao Meiyu thought that if she brought the child to the capital, she could also take the child with her.But Wan Zhaodi thinks that multiple children have multiple burdens, and that it is not easy for Gu Jinnian to earn money. As a mother-in-law, it is impossible for her to have the cheek to bring her grandson to eat with her son-in-law...

Su Yun: ...

that's it?
"So that's why you're feeling down and crying?"

"Sister Meiyu, you are a bit too fragile!"

Zhao Meiyu was taken aback by Su Yun's words, she raised her head and stared at her, her eyes were red with tears of grievance.Su Yun sighed and took the handkerchief and handed it to Zhao Meiyu.

"I'm crying now? Auntie loves you and loves you. She refused you because she was afraid of affecting your husband and wife life. This is good for you. Why can't you figure it out?"

"The water splashed by the daughter who is still married? How sad will the aunt be when she hears it?"


Zhao Meiyu looked at Su Yun suspiciously: "My mother is really doing it for my own good? It's not that she thinks that her daughter is always married?"

Su Yun: ...

Maybe Wan Zhaodi has some thoughts in Zhao Meiyu's heart, but it doesn't matter, she believes that Wan Zhaodi must be more out of love for Zhao Meiyu.

She really didn't want to affect the relationship between Zhao Meiyu and Gu Jinnian.

Therefore, Su Yun replied resolutely: "That's for sure. You see, you asked her to come to the capital to take care of you before, and she came here without saying a word, right? If she thinks that the married daughter splashed water, then it is still necessary." come?"

"Tell me, you like to think about things all day long. This habit is not good. It needs to be changed."

She had heard Song Yinyin talk about postpartum depression before. Although she felt that Zhao Meiyu's personality would not cause postpartum depression, she had to be cautious.

After all, after giving birth, people's emotions are indeed easily affected.

Zhao Meiyu is relatively easy to be persuaded. After Su Yun said this, she thought about it again, and then she figured it out.I no longer have red eyes and am energetic in doing things.

It looked completely different from before.

"Tell me, is it fun for you to go to Xiangjiang this time? It's a pity that I have to take care of the children, otherwise I will go with you."

Su Yun snorted and said, "School will start soon, why don't you ask an aunt to take care of the child at home?"

"We searched, but couldn't find the right one."

Zhao Meiyu and Gu Jinnian searched several times, but found that it was not suitable for their request.Either the other party was too careless or the other party's sanitary conditions were not very good. If you want to entrust the child to such a person to take care of, not to mention Gu Jinnian, even Zhao Meiyu can't be at ease.

"It would be great if we could find someone like Mama Zhang."

Zhao Meiyu sighed, she liked Zhang Ma very much.Look how well Mama Zhang took care of the triplets by herself (Xiao Lin and the old lady must be responsible for this). She just wants such a person who can make people feel at ease.

But it's hard to find.

"Well, did she find that voice? Is she going to work too?"


Zhao Meiyu was not sure either.Xiao Mingzhe of Song Yinyin's family is so old that he can walk and talk. It is much easier for such a child to find someone to take care of than their family.

It is such a small milk doll in their family, it is very difficult to find someone.

"I'll go back and ask Mama Zhang and Aunt Lin to see if they know any suitable and reliable people." As a good sister, Su Yun must find a way to help Zhao Meiyu solve her problems.

Zhao Meiyu hummed: "Then shall we ask now?"

She was really exhausted taking care of the child by herself, and she was going crazy in just two or three days.And Gu Jinnian was very busy every day, Zhao Meiyu couldn't bear to ask him to help, and couldn't take care of it by herself.

The best way to do that is to hire someone.

After listening to Zhao Meiyu's words, Su Yun felt a little helpless: "I said that no matter how busy Gu Jinnian is, he is still the child's father, right? You should let him participate in raising the child, instead of doing it all by yourself."

She has always felt that raising a child is a matter for two people, no matter how busy the other party is at work, it is never an excuse to ignore the child.

Especially for those who have just had children, if they don't let each other touch their hands from now on, will it form a habit over time?Of course, she felt that Gu Jinnian might not be such a person, but there was no need to gamble, was there?
Therefore, it is better for the child to be brought together by two people.

Zhao Meiyu felt sorry for Gu Jinnian, and she wanted to defend Gu Jinnian a few words.Su Yun said directly: "Are you planning to be tortured like a crazy woman by the child without complaint or regret, and not let him know the hard work of raising the child?"

Anyway, she couldn't do it.

Like Brother Lin of their family, he takes care of most of these three babies, but she will also participate in it.She knows that Xiao Lin has worked hard, but he is also the father of the child after all, isn't he?
And she was very hard in her ten month pregnancy, right?

Zhao Meiyu half understood Su Yun's explanation.She nodded in a daze, Su Yun didn't ask her to drag Gu Jinnian back to bring the child right away.That is to say, don't let men develop a habit of raising children that has nothing to do with them.

The two walked out of their house together and came to Song Yinyin's side again.

Su Yun handed the gift to Song Yinyin, but Song Yinyin looked at her with burning eyes and said, "Compared with the gift, I want to eat the food you cook."

Su Yun stretched out her hand without hesitation.

"Then you return the things to me, and I'll get you a bowl of noodles when I get home."

"Is this okay? Can you take back what you gave away? Xiaoyun, why are you so stingy?" Song Yinyin protected the gift, for fear that Su Yun would snatch it.Su Yun was a little funny: "Didn't you say that you like my cooking more? I will fulfill your wish!"

"Hey, forget it, let's be satisfied another day." Song Yinyin 'compromised', with a look on her face that she is very understanding, making people dumbfounded.Su Yun was thinking about talking when Li Wei walked in from the outside.

"Sister? Are you back?"

Li Wei walked in with Li Mingzhe in his arms, his voice as loud as ever.

"Let's have dinner together tonight, I've made a reservation."

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