Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 596 Rich, Bring Chapter One Good News

Su Yun sighed.

"As soon as the elder brother came, he made the elder brother spend money, this..."

"What a joke, his wife has eaten so many meals at your house, so he should treat you to a meal." Song Yinyin interjected: "According to me, he should treat you for the next month." Just eat."

Su Yun pursed her lips and lowered her head, wanting to laugh.

She has never seen that person who is so eager to get someone to spend his man's money like Dr. Song.

However, Dr. Song is Dr. Song after all. He is rich and powerful, and his ideas must be different from others. It is understandable and understandable.It's just that they have so many families, and they all occupy one table when they set off together. Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?

Su Yun was thinking of finding a suitable excuse to push it back, but how could Dr. Song let her refuse?
"That's it. It's just that you dare to come back and don't bother to cook. Go out to eat together. Meiyu, by the way, when is your boss Gu coming back?" Song Yinyin paused after finishing speaking, and then added: "There are also Shishi and the others, Sister Anna, Azhou and the others, Sister Yufen and Big Brother Hu..."

Su Yun: ...

Feelings Dr. Song is going to throw a banquet?

Celebrating the return of your husband?

Su Yun was taken aback by the thought in her mind, and quickly shook her head to get rid of this outrageous idea.

Dr. Song is not that superficial, and he will not hold a banquet to tell everyone that he is back just because he has been separated from the man for half a year. She must think that Li Wei has too much money to spend, so she treats everyone like this.

Right, that is it!

Since Song Yinyin wanted to entertain so many people here, Su Yun stopped being polite and said that their family was too big.She went back and told her family.

When the old lady Xiao heard that the whole family went out to eat together, she still had the same idea as Su Yun at the beginning, but Su Yun added that there were still many people, so the old lady was relieved.

However, the old man still couldn't help saying a few words: "How much does it cost for so many people to eat out?"

Xiao Lin smiled and added: "Grandma, don't worry, brother is rich."

Although they do this trade, it seems that the things are very complicated, and most of them are small things that cost a few cents, but it is not worth the amount of things.He didn't dare to say too much, that is, there is a gross profit of [-] to [-] a month.

He didn't tell the old lady Xiao too much about this, but the old lady had a grandson, so she was relieved a lot.

The old man was really worried that if so many people went to eat, Li Wei would be poor.

So many people had dinner together in the evening, and several tables were booked in Xu Guodong's restaurant.When the lesbians meet and get together to chat, the gay men are also chatting about work matters.

Everyone went home happily with the meal, no surprises.

When leaving, Su Yun gave Wu Shishi and Wang Yufen the gifts she brought back to them respectively.

After Wang Yufen gave birth, probably because of the smooth life, not only did she not look old, but she also seemed to be several years younger.It can be judged from her state that her life is very good.

Wang Yufen was very embarrassed to accept the gift from Su Yun.

"Xiao Su, you are on an errand, remember that it is too troublesome to bring us gifts."

"It's okay, it's just a small silk scarf." Su Yun couldn't bring too many things, so the presents for her little sisters were all silk scarves.

Although things are small, they are not cheap.

Wang Yufen thanked Su Yun a few more words, and then chatted with Su Yun about the business promotion on the commercial street.Now Wang Yufen is the supervisor of Qiwu Commercial Street, Su Yun delegated the power to her, and many things are decided by her.

The two chatted for a while, and the child in Lao Hu's arms quit, and started crying to find his mother.

Wang Yufen glanced at Su Yun with some guilt.

Su Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, it's not working time."

She's not the kind of boss who treats her employees like her servants.

In addition, she and Wang Yufen are superiors and subordinates when they are working, but they are also friends in private, so she can't put on a face all day long, thinking that she is the kind of heavenly king and old man.

Wang Yufen let out a hey and walked towards her husband and son with a smile. When Su Yun saw Lao Hu holding the child in one arm, she stopped Wang Yufen.

"Sister Yufen, Brother Hu, I went to Xiangjiang this time and saw that they produce prosthetic limbs. You can take the time to find out. If it is suitable, you can customize an arm for Brother Hu."

"Really?" Wang Yufen turned her head and looked at Su Yun overjoyed. "Is there really such a thing?"

Su Yun hummed.

"Yes, they do a good job, and they spend a little more money to order, which is basically the same as what grows out of their own body."

Wang Yufen couldn't believe it when she heard it.

She turned her head to look at Lao Hu who was holding the child and said, "Brother Rong, did you hear that? Xiao Su said that Xiangjiang can customize arms that are similar to those grown from the body!"

Wang Yufen was so happy, not because she disliked Hu's broken arm.She felt that it was inconvenient for Lao Hu to do anything without an arm, and she kept thinking about how to help Lao Hu.

Unexpectedly, Su Yun brought back good news.

Old Hu was naturally very happy.He asked Su Yun for his contact information, and planned to make a phone call himself.

Su Yun had specifically asked Factory Director Luo for the phone number of the prosthetic factory before, and it happened that the paper that copied the phone number was packed in her bag.She flipped through it, took it out and handed it to Wang Yufen.

Wang Yufen took the paper with trembling hands, her voice trembling with excitement.

"Thank you, thank you Xiao Su, thank you..."

"It's okay, it's just a matter of little effort." Seeing the excitement of the husband and wife, Su Yun felt very satisfied in her heart.Watching the two of them leave, just as Su Yun turned around, she saw Wu Shishi and his wife standing behind her at some point.

"Comrade Su..."

Lu Zhenghuan looked at her seriously, as if he wanted to say something to her.

Su Yun hummed, and subconsciously stood up straight.

This is really subconscious, that is, when you face a person who stands very straight and talks to you in a very serious tone, you will subconsciously stand upright.

It's like a student facing a teacher.

Wu Shishi was amused by Su Yun's actions, and she reached out to touch Lu Zhenghuan who was beside her: "What are you doing? You're so serious that you scared Sister Yun."

Lu Zhenghuan was a little taken aback.

Is he serious?
Lu Zhenghuan, who was used to being serious, didn't think so.

But since the daughter-in-law said it, he was serious.Lu Zhenghuan tried hard to think about it, and tried to pull out a smile that was no better than crying.

Su Yun: ...

You are still serious!

Wu Shishi also convinced her husband: "Oh, you go away, I think you are really annoying." Stretching out his hand to push the man away, Lu Zhenghuan reluctantly backed away a little distance, standing there looking at Wu Shishi .

Like a loyal bodyguard.

Su Yun was a little funny.

But he didn't dare to laugh out loud.

"What's the matter, Shishi? Comrade Lu is looking for me for something?"

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