Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 597 Husband and wife donate money

Wu Shishi shook her head and said, "It's nothing important. It's just that he just heard what you told Sister Yufen that Xiangjiang has prosthetic limbs that can grow out of a real person's body, so he wanted to ask Ask if it's true."


Su Yun glanced suspiciously at Lu Zhenghuan who was not far away, then turned her gaze away and answered Wu Shishi's words: "It's true, but the price is very expensive, it seems to cost five or six thousand an arm."


Lu Zhenghuan, who was waiting at the side, came forward again, and he could see a trace of fluctuations in his serious face.



Su Yun thinks she doesn't need to coax Lu Zhenghuan and the others to play, right?
In fact, it's not that Lu Zhenghuan doesn't believe in Su Yun, he just didn't expect such a thing to exist.With prosthetic limbs that are similar to the limbs of real people, there is hope for the document...

Yes, Lu Zhenghuan asked this for his good comrade-in-arms, good brother.

Zhang Wenshu went to the battlefield before, but lost a pair of arms in the battle. Although he didn't have any complaints, the loss of his arms had a real impact on his life.

If there is something that can bring the good brother back to a normal life, Lu Zhenghuan is not willing to give up.

Su Yun nodded after listening.

That Zhang Wenshu is a very admirable person.

Xiao Lin who happened to be talking to Xu Guodong and the others came out, Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin, and a bold idea popped up in her heart.

"Brother Lin..."

"What's wrong?" Xiao Lin understood his wife's eyes and knew that she had something to discuss with him.So before Su Yun called him, he took the initiative to walk to Su Yun's side.

"Did something happen?"

"No, nothing." Su Yun shook her head, and said what Lu Zhenghuan just said: "Brother Lin, how about we order a pair of prosthetic limbs for a hero named Zhang?"

Order it in the name of her and Xiao Lin, and they will pay for it.

Of course Xiao Lin had no objection.

"Yes, I'll ask Ah Zhou to contact you tomorrow."

Lu Zhenghuan was surprised by the generosity of the husband and wife. You must know that Su Yun just said that a prosthetic limb would cost several thousand, wouldn't that pair of arms cost 1 yuan?This astronomical amount, even if it is a government subsidy, he dare not say that he can subsidize it, but the husband and wife want to provide it for a stranger?
Why didn't Lu Zhenghuan be surprised by this?
He looked at Su Yun and his wife, not knowing what to say for a while.

Su Yun smiled calmly and said, "Comrade Lu, please provide me with detailed data on Comrade Zhang's height, weight and physical condition? Brother Lin will arrange for manufacturers in Azhou and Xiangjiang to customize suitable prosthetic limbs."

" good is this?" Lu Zhenghuan still felt that the sum of money was too huge, and he couldn't let Su Yun and his wife spend it.At least not let them all spend.

"Why don't we each contribute half?" Wu Shishi suggested to Su Yun.

Lu Zhenghuan nodded: "Yes, that's it. Each of us pays half? We can't ask you to pay the whole amount, otherwise it really won't make sense."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, we can still get the money we need for business." Xiao Lin said, and Li Wei, who was on the side, also interjected when he heard the words.

"Well, let's go from the company's account. It is the honor of our company to customize the arm for the hero."

Neither Li Wei nor Xiao Rin hesitated about the huge sum of money. They didn't even frown when they said this, which shows that they sincerely wanted to help Zhang Wenshu.

Apart from thanking Lu Zhenghuan for this, he was also very moved.

In fact, they were not afraid of sacrifice when they were soldiers. They were afraid that the people would not support their work, which would chill the hearts of people like Zhang Wenshu.But now, the friends he was lucky enough to know gave generously after hearing about Zhang Wenshu.

No one hesitated.

This made him very moved, and at the same time, it also inspired his heart to defend the motherland.

They protect the motherland well, and then let people with lofty ideals like Xiao Lin and Li Wei build the country... If we all work together, this country will definitely be built better and better.

"Then I will thank you for the documents, thank you." The seven-foot man, the iron-blooded man on the battlefield, couldn't help the slight heat in his eyes at this moment.

Xiao Lin stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

"It's just a little effort. We have set up an organization here to help veterans. If you have a look, you can ask him to contact us if you need it."

"Good, good, good."

Lu Zhenghuan said hello three times in a row, which shows how excited he is.

After this matter was settled, they dispersed completely and went home separately.

Back on Wutong Street, Xiao Lin sent his wife, children and grandma home first, and then went to fix the car.


Li Wei from the next yard stopped him.

Xiao Lin Tingxiao turned his head, and Li Wei showed a simple and honest smile: "So you went to Xiangjiang this time, didn't you bring me anything back?"

Xiao Lin clicked his tongue and stepped into the room.

Because the children were already asleep, Su Yun didn't wake them up to give them a bath.As soon as the three babies were put on their beds, Xiao Lin opened the door and came in.

Go inside and open the cabinet to find something.

"Are you looking for clothes to take a bath? The clothes are in the toilet..." Su Yun raised her head, and when she saw the packaging bag in Xiao Lin's hand, she swallowed her unfinished words.

She hesitated, her cheeks were a little hot: "What are you doing? You are at home now, the children are at home and the grandma is also at home..." Su Yun was too familiar with the couple's items in Xiao Lin's hands.

Thinking that he wanted to use these 'novelty' gadgets to 'increase interest' again, she couldn't help being very nervous.

When staying in a hotel in Xiangjiang, you can mess around, that's just the two of them.But now?Now that the whole family is at home, he still thinks that Hu Lai and Su Yun will not agree no matter what.

Xiao Lin looked at Su Yun's vigilant little face with some amusement, he couldn't hold back a chuckle, walked up to Su Yun, deliberately leaned into her ear and lowered his voice: "Daughter-in-law thinks so?"

The teasing smile in his voice couldn't be more clear.

This made Su Yun immediately understand that she was being tricked.

"What... what do you think?" She raised her head and stared at him, blushing but still staring at him with a straight face: "What nonsense are you talking about? Isn't it you?"

If it wasn't him, how could he be thinking wildly?It's all because his behavior is so bad that she is now like a frightened bird, making jokes at every turn.

Thinking of this, Su Yun gouged Xiao Lin again indignantly, and the knife kept flying towards him, letting him understand her anger.

Xiao Lin laughed louder, Su Yun was afraid of waking the child, so she immediately covered his mouth with her hand.

Lowering his voice, he said, "What are you doing? The children are still sleeping."


Xiao Lin held her hand and bit her fingertips lightly.


Su Yun only felt a tingling electric current hit her, and she almost couldn't hold on anymore.

"wait me back."

A man's low voice with a smile came from his ear, and Su Yun's face was redder than burning coal.

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