Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 598 Pregnant with 2nd child?

This... this smelly man!

Who is waiting for him to come back?

After Su Yun and the others left the room, they immediately took off their clothes, turned off the light, and got into the bed to sleep.Have the three babies space their distance in the middle.She didn't believe that Xiao Lin would crawl into it.

Xiao Lin went downstairs and gave the things to Li Wei, turned around and went back to the house without saying anything.

Seeing the dark room at the top of the stairs, he couldn't help but chuckle.

His wife is so cute.

Su Yun originally wanted to pretend to be asleep, but when she fell asleep, she really fell asleep.In the dream, she felt a pair of familiar hands gently embrace herself, she turned around and chose a comfortable position to continue to sleep soundly.

The next morning, she woke up refreshed.

After breakfast, when he was playing with his children in the yard, Li Wei next door brought Xiao Mingzhe over and asked them to help him with him.

"I have something to go out, he has already had breakfast."

For a moment, Su Yun wondered why Song Yinyin didn't show up.She asked with some doubts.

"Where's Yinyin?"

Li Wei scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "She's still sleeping."

Su Yun: ...

Li Wei went out with Xiao Lin, Su Yun took Li Mingzhe to play, Li Mingzhe shook her hand and looked at her innocently to explain.

"Mom, cry."


Inexplicably, I thought of some pictures that shouldn't appear.

Bending down and stroking Li Mingzhe's head: "It's okay, mom wakes up when she wakes up. Brother and sister are here to play first, okay?"

Li Mingzhe nodded.

It was already afternoon when Su Yun saw Song Yinyin.Seeing that her eyes were swollen like a pair of light bulbs, and she looked like she was about to be drained of Yang Qi, Su Yun couldn't help but gasped.
Man, how crazy is this?
Song Yinyin walked up to Su Yun with disheveled hair, and limply leaned on her shoulder: "Xiaoyun, the thing you brought back from Xiangjiang is very harmful. Are you sure they can sell it?"

"Isn't it true that they are making profits for themselves in the name of doing business?"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

Doctor Song's doubts are also her doubts.

It's just that she believed in Xiao Lin's vision.No, Li Wei is usually so honest, but he can be so crazy in private.So she felt that there must be many rich and powerful people in this capital as well.

She comforted Song Yinyin with a smile, and Song Yinyin let out a sigh and leaned against her unrequitedly.

Su Yun expressed sympathy, but also said that there was nothing she could do.

Men in their thirties are at their peak energy and physical strength, and now that their living conditions have improved, it is understandable that they are extremely restless.Just wait until you get busy.

Su Yun thinks so.

Song Yinyin let out a sigh: "I still have to go to work quickly."

"Well, when are you going to work?"

Song Yinyin is a doctor, she can go back to work anytime.But in order to take care of Mingzhe, she didn't go to work for the time being.Now that Mingzhe is one year old and can walk and talk, she can send him to Yuhong class and then go to work.

However, Song Yinyin's expectation of going back to work finally fell through.


Not long after Su Yun started school, when she came home from school, she saw Li Mingzhe at their house. She wondered why she didn't go home to cook at this point.In the end, I heard from the old lady that Song Yinyin next door had divorced Li Wei.

Su Yun:? ? ?
"Divorce? Why?"

This news really shocked Su Yun, why did she get a divorce when she was so good?She heard the sound of smashing things coming from the next door, Su Yun was worried, and asked the old lady and Zhang Mama to take care of the child and go over to have a look by themselves.

When they came to the next yard, the crying inside became more obvious.

"I can't live through this day. I want a divorce. I want to divorce you."

Hearing Song Yinyin cry so sadly, Su Yun couldn't help frowning tightly.Xiao Lin hasn't come back yet, otherwise she could have asked if Li Wei did something wrong to Song Yinyin to make people cry so sadly.

If so, it is simply unforgivable.

But Su Yun believed that Li Wei would not do such a thing.As for the specific reason for Song Yinyin's divorce, she had to go in and ask her to find out.

Su Yun walked to the door, looked at the half-closed door, raised her hand and knocked, "Yinyin, I'm coming in."

She pushed the door open and went in, just when a small vase fell on her feet, Su Yun raised her foot with a groan, and was almost accidentally injured.

She raised her head and patted her chest with lingering fear. Song Yinyin, with red eyes, did not expect Su Yun to come over. Seeing that she smashed Li Wei's vase and almost hit Su Yun, Song Yinyin burst into tears again.

"Okay, Li Wei, you don't want me to live anymore, and you still want me to be charged with murdering your good sister, right? Okay you, divorce, you must divorce!"

Su Yun: ...

It's really not that serious.

She followed Song Yinyin's trembling fingers to find Li Wei who was kneeling not far away.

The tall figure didn't say a word, and when he saw her, there was a guilty smile on his face.


These two people?
What are you doing?
Su Yun gave Li Wei a reassuring look, she stepped over the mess and walked to Song Yinyin's side.

"What's going on today? What happened to deserve Dr. Song's anger?"

Song Yinyin snorted and sniffed, her eyes swollen from crying looked here and there, as if she was looking for something.Her eyes scanned the messy floor and found the paper thrown in the corner.


Li Wei stretched out his hand to pick up the paper, and offered it to Song Yinyin with both hands.

Really hands down.

Song Yinyin snorted, and grabbed the test sheet in Li Wei's hand, "Get out, I don't want to see you."

Li Wei sighed, and said cautiously: "Don't be angry, be careful to get angry, I'll go out right away, right away."


Song Yinyin pointed at the door, very angry.

Li Wei walked out with a smile on his face, and he didn't forget to ask Su Yun to persuade Song Yinyin before leaving.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

"I'll go now, go right away, don't be angry, don't be angry, daughter-in-law."

Li Wei rubbed his head and left with a smile.

Su Yun: ...

Are these two really arguing?Why does she look a bit like flirting?Is there something wrong with her eyes?

Su Yun didn't dare to guess randomly.

After Li Wei went out, Song Yinyin wiped her tears and handed the slip in her hand to Su Yun with a whimper.

"Look for yourself, do you think I should divorce him?"

Su Yun hummed and lowered her head, looking at the pregnancy test sheet in her hand, she felt that her cognition was about to be shattered.

This is……

pregnant?Three weeks pregnant?

"you are pregnant?"

Although Song Yinyin's name was written on the list, Su Yun couldn't help but want to confirm again.

Are you sure this is not a joke?Mingzhe is only one year old, so she is pregnant?

No, the focus of attention is wrong now. The point is, it hasn't been long since Li Weigang came to Beijing from Nancheng, right?It took only three weeks to survive, so Dr. Song conceived the child the night Li Wei came?

This reminded her of the bag of gifts that Xiao Lin took away for Li Wei...

That thing can add to the fun and help pregnancy?

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