Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 600 Triplets Will Call Mommy

In the blink of an eye, a few months have passed.

It seems that yesterday was still in the scorching sun in June, and in the blink of an eye, it has come to the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month with snow falling.

Oh no, it's still the winter moon, and it's only a few days before the twelfth lunar month.

But for the capital city in the north, it starts to snow at the end of October in the lunar calendar.In Dongyue, the ground is even more silvery white.

Su Yun had already finished all the school exams in advance yesterday, so she can sleep late today.

Well, I can't do without sleep. Last night I messed around with her brother Lin until two o'clock in the middle of the night. I was so sleepy that I still want to fight when I open my eyes and eyelids.


Xiao Bao's voice sounded in her ears, Su Yun turned around, looking at Xiao Bao who also slept in with her, she was a little funny.

The three children in her family have been more than ten months old, and now they can crawl on the ground very steadily.No, now Xiaobao just crawled to the side of her pillow, looking at her with round eyes.

All three children in her family can speak very early, and they will be called mother when they are about nine months old.

However, when the three of them called mom, the old lady at home was a little unhappy. She kept guiding the three children to call them dad instead of mom...

It's definitely not that the old lady doesn't like Su Yun, or has any opinion on Su Yun.This is because there is an old saying that it is the child who yells first, who will work harder later.

The old lady thought that Su Yun is a great hero of their Xiao family, no one can make the great hero work hard!So it is definitely not allowed to let the child call mother first, then he must call father first.

Let Xiao Lin do the hard work.

Even Xiao Lin believed in the old lady's rhetoric.He also used toys to attract the three children to call him, but except for the second child, the other two brothers were still resolute mothers, mother...

He didn't pay attention to his father at all.

Xiao Lin is funny and angry.

Su Yun heard the old lady's explanation from the side, and she was also a little funny. She kept persuading the old lady not to believe these folklore, whether it was hard work or not, she lived on her own. She didn't believe it because the child called her first, and later In her daily life, she worked harder than Xiao Lin...

Su Yun came back from the memory, stretched out her hand to tease Xiaobao beside her.

"Where are the older brothers and sisters? Why doesn't Xiaobao get up and go downstairs to play with his older brothers and sisters?" She sat up and picked up Xiaobao as well.

In addition to being able to call mother, the child of more than ten months can't say anything else.If Su Yun talked to him, he would definitely not answer.But a pair of eyes are rolling around, as if looking for someone.

I don't know if I understood Su Yun's words, or if I'm used to looking for my brothers and sisters when I wake up?

Su Yun smiled and put one of the clothes on him.Now the temperature is already below zero, and the capital started heating three days ago, so they don't need to wear thick clothes at home.It's just that the children's skin is delicate and the heater is too dry. Su Yun doesn't want them to be blown directly by the heater.

So I bought them a lot of thin long-sleeved clothes.

The soft fabric is great for wearing around the house.

"Come and let mom see whether our little An'an looks handsome in this dress."

With a smile on her lips, she put the clothes on the third child.

Xiao Lin, who just opened the door and came in to call his wife and son downstairs for dinner, happened to hear the sweet little An'an in Su Yun's mouth.He just felt trembling all over, and suddenly remembered the name that the old man gave his son, didn't he mean to compete with him for favor?
(Who gave him the nickname Anzi?)
When Su Yun called Xiao An'an, he felt that he was calling him.Such a good name is cheaper than the brat Lao San.

"young married woman……"

Xiao Lin's voice sounded behind him, and Su Yun turned her head to look.I saw him smiling strangely.Forgive Su Yun for using the word strange, because it is really strange haha...

"What's wrong with you? Your face was frozen when you went out to shovel snow?"

Xiao Lin shook his head: "It's okay, grandma said to have breakfast early, and then go to grandpa's house."

Su Yun is on vacation today, so she must take the child back to see Mr. Fang.Su Yun was busy with school before, and Su Yun didn't have much time. Now it's not justified to go to see the elderly during the holidays.

"Okay, I'll go downstairs after brushing my teeth and washing my face." She handed the third child to Xiao Lin, "Our little treasure will go to eat with dad first, and we'll go back to see grandpa later."

The third son, Fang Chen'an, is still ignorant, but when he fell from his mother's Xiangxiang's embrace into Smelly Baba's hard embrace, his small face was still wrinkled, his small body twisted, and his chubby hands were still facing Su Yun. reach over.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

"That stinky boy."

Xiao Lin was so angry with his son: "Your father and I used to change diapers, wash diapers and make milk powder for you. Why do you hate your father and me so much?" Staring at Fang Chenan's face that resembled his own wife, he felt angry again. I can't get angry.

You can only be angry with yourself.

Su Yun cast a funny look at Xiao Lin: "How old is he and still has the same knowledge as a son? Why don't you take someone down to feed him?"

"Good wife."

Xiao Lin replied lazily, reluctantly carried Xiaobao who was even more reluctant than him, and went downstairs.

After breakfast, the whole family went back to Fang's house to see the old man together with Mrs. Zhang.When she was about to get into the car in the yard, Su Yun saw that Li Wei was puffing and puffing up snowmen in the next yard, while Song Yinyin and Li Mingzhe, mother and son, were standing under the eaves and constantly directing.

For a while it was wrong here, and for a while it was wrong there.

The little Li Mingzhe was chubby and wrapped into a ball. He wanted to rush up to help his father over and over again, but was dragged back by Song Yinyin.

Doctor Song, who was pregnant with her second child, had been pregnant for several months, but despite this, she never fell behind in 'torturing' Li Wei.

Su Yun: ...

Smiling and shaking his head, their family is also very happy!
The family came to Fang's house, so the old man was naturally very happy.Looking at the three white and tender grandchildren, I didn't know who to hug for a while.

In the end, the second child and the only female treasure won the first hug from the old man.

"Oh, my little Sisi let my grandpa see if she's getting fat again."

Mr. Fang's body is a little worse than before, and with his age, his reaction is not as flexible as before.He hugged the second child, Xiao Yansi, with both hands. Xiao Yansi, who weighed twenty pounds, was already heavy enough to hold her, and the old man couldn't get rid of her.

Su Yun took care of it, for fear of getting caught in the old man's waist or arm.Usually she goes to school and Xiao Lin goes to work, and she goes to the factory on weekends, so she seldom takes care of the house.

The old lady, Mama Zhang, and the others fed the three babies well, and they already weighed 21 catties or almost [-] catties in just over ten months or almost eleven months.

In Su Yun's opinion, this is indeed a bit fat.

"Grandpa Sisi is so fat that you put her down on the ground to play."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was reprimanded by Mr. Fang.

"How do you talk, girl? Why is our Sisi called fat? She is called Fuqi, do you know Fuqi!"

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