Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 601 The first chapter of the hometown Chinese New Year

The degree of protection of the old man is comparable to that of the old lady and old man Chen at home.

Su Yun could only smile helplessly.

While the old man was playing with the children, she went to the kitchen and asked little grandpa Zhao how he was doing recently.

Xiao Zhao was peeling potatoes, and answered Su Yun's words while peeling: "The old chief's health is not as good as before, especially after winter comes, his health is even worse."


Su Yun thought of the old wild ginseng she had packed in the car before they came: "Xiao Zhao, when you cook, cook more soup, put that wild ginseng in the soup and let grandpa drink it."

"Hey, I have stewed soup." The old chief's health is getting worse day by day, Xiao Zhao must be very worried.He went to ask the doctor, and the doctor also suggested that Xiao Zhao give the old man food supplements.But the doctor also said at the same time that the old man had suffered so many injuries when he was young that he was fundamentally injured.

There is also the possibility that a large number of tonics will not be supplemented.

Su Yun felt a little heavy after hearing this.

She looked up at Old Man Fang who was playing with the triplets in the living room. The gray-haired old man had a smile on his face, and there was no trace of fatigue between his brows and eyes...

He didn't want them to worry...

Su Yun said a few more words to Xiao Zhao, and began to pull up her sleeves to help cook together.She is not a doctor, and she doesn't know how to recuperate the old man's body, so she can only do her best to cook a few more meals that the old man likes...

They didn't go home at night, and the family of five plus Zhang's mother lived in the compound.

Su Yun told the old man by the way that they were going back to their hometown for the New Year.

"Go back for the New Year? It will take a long time to come back."

The old man knew that they were going back to his hometown for the New Year, and he was a little disappointed when he thought that he would not see the three children for several months.

"How about I go with you to see it too? I haven't been able to thank your grandfather before, so I just took this opportunity to thank him." The old man said, feeling more and more that his idea was very good.

It just so happens that staying alone in the capital is boring, so I might as well go back to my hometown with them to celebrate the New Year.


Su Yun didn't expect the old man to propose such a proposal. She didn't know how to make a choice, so she habitually looked at Xiao Lin who was on the side.

Xiao Lin smiled and said: "It's thousands of kilometers, can your body support it?"

"What are you talking about?" Someone questioned the old man's body, and he was very unhappy: "I think it was a hundred times harder than it is now to cross the grass and snow-capped mountains. I can persist. Now I take the train , go out comfortably, why can't I hold on?"

Mr. Fang was determined, but Su Yun couldn't persuade him.

And Xiao Lin's persuasion must have been scolded, so the matter was settled like this.

"Then I'll ask Brother Lin to book a sleeping berth for you."

"Well, my granddaughter is still sensible." Mr. Fang looked at Su Yun and nodded with satisfaction, his eyes full of approval.When the eyes turned to Xiao Lin who was on the side, there was only disgust.

Yes, very disgusting.

Xiao Lin laughed dumbfounded, his worry turned into being unpopular.

But having said that, the old man is quite old, and Su Yun thinks it's okay to walk more when he can still walk.That is, there is no heating in winter in my hometown, so...

"Grandpa, the winter in our village is very cold, much colder than the capital..."

"It's okay, I'm not used to being in this heating room, this winter should be colder to be called winter."

No reason can stop the old man from wanting to go to his hometown to celebrate the New Year together. As juniors like Su Yun and Xiao Lin, besides helping to prepare some warm clothes and medicines, they just try to arrange the itinerary as smoothly as possible. It's a little more comfortable.

In addition to Mr. Fang, those who went back to celebrate the New Year with them also had Mrs. Zhang.

Zhang Ma is because there is no one at home, so she is the only one.If she was allowed to go back to her hometown, she would be the only one in the house, and Su Yun and the others couldn't bear it. Besides, the child still needed someone to take care of her, so it was considered Mama Zhang.

As for Lin Chunhua, Su Yun and the others didn't let her go home with them for the New Year.After all, her home is in a village near the capital, and there are still people at home, so you can't let her go with her.

There is also Mr. Fang's guard, Xiao Zhao, who also has his own family, and he has not been home for several years because of taking care of Mr. Fang.This time the old man went back to the countryside with Su Yun and the others, and the old man asked Xiao Zhao to go home on vacation.

In addition, there is Mr. Chen, Chen Jinzhou wants to go back with Su Yun and the others.

Zhao Meiyu and Gu Jinnian also wanted to go back together to have a look, so Xiao Lin booked a ticket for a sleeper car together, and everyone set off together.

On the fifteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Su Yun finished the company's regular meeting and handed over the company's affairs to Xu Wanhao. Early the next morning, she packed her luggage and went to the train station with her family.

Among them, there were three old people, three children, three young people, and Zhang Ma, a middle-aged woman. They were so mighty and eye-catching.

Fortunately, the car Xiao Lin booked is also the best car. Compared with ordinary sleepers and hard seats, there are much fewer people here, and there are no other people except passengers.

Those who want to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, and those who don’t have a seat and insist on occupying a seat, dare not come to this carriage to be presumptuous, because you don’t know what the owner of the seat you want to do.

If you accidentally offend someone you shouldn't, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Su Yun and the others boarded the carriage without incident, and the train started shortly after putting away the large and small luggage.

Along the way, watching the scenery outside the window change from white snow to green mountains and green waters, Su Yun knew that she was getting closer to her hometown.

After traveling for more than 40 hours, the train that Su Yun and the others were on finally stopped at Nancheng Station.Yu Hu, who got the news early in the morning, came to pick up the people in his company car, and he took a deep breath when he saw their huge group.

Good guy, after his brother arrived in the capital, the family has continued to grow and develop!
(Xiao Lin: ???)
Fortunately, apart from Yu Hu, Xiaodao also drove over.

Xiaodao saw Su Yun and Xiao Lin, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and walked up excitedly: "Sister, brother, grandma..."

After more than a year and almost two years, Xiaodao has changed from a gangster to the second in command of Yunji.It is not accurate to say that he is the second in command, because Xiaodao and He Wanmin are in charge of Yunji's affairs together.

The positions of the two are similar, and He Wanmin just invests in funds a little more.

At this moment, Xiaodao was wearing a brand new cotton coat, a pair of the same black polyester pants, and a pair of well-polished big-toed leather shoes.With a smile on his face, he took the things from Su Yun and the others.

"It's been a hard journey, Sanchun is cooking at home, let's go back to the village for dinner first?"

Su Yun glanced at Xiao Lin, then shook her head: "Let's not go eat, let's go home first. Grandparents may need to rest."

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