Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 602 Su Yun has a younger brother?

If there were only Su Yun and Xiao Lin, they would definitely not be polite to Xiaodao.

But they still have three old people here. The mental state of the old people is not as good as theirs. After the journey is exhausting, the first thing to do is to rest.

Xiao Lin nodded.

Yu Hu on the side immediately said: "That's fine, I have someone clean the house at home, so you can live in it when you come home."

Xiao's house has not been lived in for two years, and it must be unclean to come back to live in it suddenly.So after deciding to come back, Xiao Lin called Yu Hu and asked Yu Hu to find someone to renovate the parts of the house that needed to be repaired, make up what needed to be repaired, prepare the quilt, bed and firewood, everything that needed to be prepared.

When Yu Hu got Xiao Lin's words, he immediately found someone to start work.

Now the windows of Xiao's house are bright and clean, and all the rooms have been replaced with brand new thick quilts to ensure that they live in absolute comfort.

Not much gossip, everyone put their luggage in the car, and took two cars to go to Zhaojia Village.

There are still several hours away from Nancheng. Su Yun was a little afraid that the three children would cry in the car, so she put the milk powder and thermos at her feet, and was going to use milk powder to soothe the children when they cried. them.

But the three children are very well-behaved. They take the train and the car, they go to sleep when they are full, and when they wake up, they turn their round eyes curiously, looking around curiously.

His eyes were full of curiosity about the unknown world, and he looked at Su Yun pointing out the window from time to time, making a babbling sound from his mouth.

Su Yun felt like her heart was melting.

"Brothers are so obedient, you don't make trouble at all!" Zhang Ma said with a smile on the side.

Su Yun nodded: "Mother Zhang usually takes care of her well, you have worked hard."

Zhang Ma's efforts are seen by Su Yun and his wife. She is sincere and takes care of these three children as if they were her own.It is precisely because of Mama Zhang's meticulous care that Su Yun and the others can go to work and school with peace of mind.

Mama Zhang contributed a lot, Su Yun never denied this.

Zhang Ma laughed happily after hearing what Su Yun said.

"They are all very good, and I don't worry too much about it. Where is the trouble?" Zhang Ma smiled and teased her elder sister Xiao Yansi who turned her head with a rattle, and the little girl stretched out her hand and babbled and grabbed the rattle in Zhang Ma's hand.

There was laughter from the back of the car.

The knife who was driving also showed a smile.

"Sister, when will you go back? Take the children out to play with our brother another day? Sanchun also said that it has been a long time since I saw you, and I have always wanted to go to the capital to find you."

When he mentioned this, Su Yun remembered that she had told Lin Sanchun back then that when the embroidery workshop opened, she would ask Sanchun to help!

But after thinking about it now, the suggestion I mentioned casually at the beginning was not mature.

There is no other reason, Yun Ji's business in the south is inseparable from Xiaodao, and as Xiaodao's wife, Lin Sanchun can't be separated from Xiaodao for a long time, which may affect the relationship between their husband and wife.

But Su Yun was reluctant to part with Lin Sanchun's embroidery work.

How about opening a branch in Nancheng?
Su Yun thought about it, and only this plan is feasible.Another day, she would have to talk to Lin Sanchun in person to hear her opinion.

If Lin Sanchun is willing, then she will open a branch here.

After making up her mind, Su Yun said to Xiaodao: "Can you spare some time to bring Sanchun and the child to play in the village?"

"Hey, okay. Elder sister, why don't we go back to the village to celebrate the New Year? You know that my family has no relatives, and Sanchun has no relatives..." There must be people in the Lin family, but those people are not the same , so the knife never treats them as human beings.

Su Yun has no opinion on this.

There are quite a few houses in Xiao's family, and Xiaodao's family of three can also live there.

Su Yun chatted with Xiao Dao about other things.While talking, he talked about the case of He Dahua returning to surrender some time ago.

This case is not small. It can be said that it is the only case in the past two years that he escaped but turned himself in. Moreover, the other party killed his biological parents, so it easily caused a sensation.

Many people have paid attention to this case.

"I heard that it was finally determined that she had been abused by her father for a long time, and when she killed her father, she also pushed her mother down because of resisting the domestic violence..." Xiaodao told Su Yun everything he knew. out.

"After the police obtained these evidences, they asked He Dahua's brother for advice. He said he was willing to forgive He Dahua. As long as He Dahua gave him 600 yuan, her murder charge would be cleared!"

Xiaodao wanted to laugh when he said this.

Su Yun was a little speechless.

What does it mean?
He Qiang, a vampire, he didn't let his parents die, and now he wants to use the dead to suck the last mouthful of blood?Of course, no one in Su Yun thinks that He Dahua is right. She just thinks that He Qiang's operation is too incomprehensible.

When Xiaodao heard that there was no sound in the back row, he guessed that his sister couldn't figure it out.

He smiled and said: "Then He Qiang's thoughts are easy to guess? People in their twenties and almost thirty have no daughter-in-law. When my parents were still there, I thought about selling my sister in exchange for a bride price for him to marry. Daughter-in-law. Later, when his parents died and his younger sister ran away, he had no support or money for dowry, and he is still a bachelor. He wanted to blackmail his younger sister so that he could ask for a daughter-in-law to live on. "

Xiaodao said, shook his head and sighed: "But for a person like him, his wife doesn't know what to eat, and he doesn't plant the land at home. It is said that the land allocated in the past few years has been given to others. , such a person, unless his lesbian parents are blind, they will not marry their daughters to him."

Su Yun didn't have much impression of He Qiang, but she didn't think Xiao Dao was entirely right when he said that.It's not that He Qiang is wrong, but there are still many parents who will marry their daughters as long as they can get the bride price no matter what the other party is.

To put it nicely is to marry, but to put it badly is to sell.

Take He Qiang as an example, if he can afford a bride price of 600 yuan, there must be many parents who want to marry their daughters to him.

This is the tragedy of this day and age...

Su Yun sighed: "He Dahua didn't get what he wanted, right?"

"How can that be? He Dahua said that he was penniless, so he had to go to a labor camp to pay off his debts. It is said that he was sentenced to five years."


Anyway, He Dahua killed someone, and the five-year sentence is considered a very light punishment.Su Yun didn't get too entangled in this topic, but Xiaodao looked at her, as if she had something to say.

"What's wrong? What else?"

"No... it's my sister, your father..."

Su Yun frowned.

Xiaodao realized that what he said was wrong, and he immediately changed his words: "Then Su Jianguo, he got another wife, and the new wife gave birth to a son for him..."

Su Yun:? ? ? ?

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