Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 603 Arrived at the Village

Su Jianguo, has another daughter-in-law?
Either Su Yun underestimated Su Jianguo, or Su Jianguo was old, ugly, poor, and didn't care about hygiene. That's not all. He was also extremely poor, so would someone like him be willing to marry him?
Picture what?
She suddenly thought of the words of later generations, could it be said that someone really wanted Su Jianguo to be old, ugly and poor?
Not so much, right?

Su Yun was full of doubts, and Xiaodao didn't know the specific inside story. He just knew that Su Jianguo had a new daughter-in-law and that they gave birth to a son for him.

"What about Li Cuifen?"

Su Yun asked in a low voice.

"According to her character, is she willing to give up her position to Su Jianguo's new wife?"

She thought it was unlikely.

Xiaodao let out a sigh: "Li Cuifen is crazy."


"Sister..." Xiaodao still wanted to speak, but he couldn't bear it.No matter how bad Li Cuifen was to Su Yun, it was the mother who gave birth to Su Yun. He was afraid that talking too much about Li Cuifen's tragic situation would make Su Yun feel uncomfortable.

In fact, Su Yun was quite uncomfortable. Li Cuifen and Su Jianguo gave her a life, and she had already repaid it with a life in her previous life.In this lifetime, she owed them nothing.

But Xiaodao didn't continue to talk, so Su Yun didn't continue to ask.

How are they and their husband and wife? She doesn't need to ask when they are in the village. Many people will definitely come to chat.

The two cars that Su Yun and the others took entered Zhaojia Village, but it didn't cause much commotion.In the past two years, the life of the villagers in Zhaojia Village has also gradually improved. Compared with when Su Yun and the others left, the village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The roads have been widened, and the number of brick-and-tile houses in the village has increased significantly. People walking on the roads also wear new clothes. It is rare to see people wearing short sleeves in winter.

They arrived outside Xiao's courtyard.

Yu Hu asked someone to level the ground outside Xiao's yard, and hardened the top. In front of the spacious yard, several cars can be parked.

When the car stopped at the door, Su Yun opened the door and carried the child out of the car.

"Is this Xiaosu's hometown? The scenery is so beautiful." After getting off the car, Zhang Ma looked at the surrounding scenery and couldn't help praising this place.Su Yun is a little funny, but after looking at the city full of houses for a long time, and then going back to the countryside to have a look, I really find that everywhere is eye-catching.

"Xiao Zhang likes to stay longer." Mrs. Xiao got off from another car and said to Zhang's mother cheerfully.

Mama Zhang agreed.

"That's a good feeling."

The old lady Xiao had already walked over with a smile. Su Yun first asked the old lady how she was doing and whether she felt uncomfortable.After getting no uncomfortable answer from the old lady, she went to ask the other two old men.

"Grandpa, how do you feel?"

Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen were also in good spirits, and they shook their heads repeatedly when they heard Su Yun's words.

"It feels very good. This place is full of outstanding people. It looks like a good place."

Mr. Fang's face was full of satisfaction.

Mr. Chen also nodded. He looked at the green brick house in front of him, thinking about how his wife, children and grandson built the house bit by bit through the efforts of three generations.

In that special era, there is no doubt that his grandson who went to the army must have done his best.

Old Master Chen walked up to Xiao Lin and patted him on the shoulder: "Good job, An Zi."

Xiao Lin showed a shallow smile.

"This is my home."

So no matter what he pays, Xiao Lin doesn't feel hard, because this is his home.

Mr. Chen looked at Xiao Lin approvingly, and at the same time, he was very moved by his family, Xiao Yuan, who really deserved to be a lady who went to a private school since she was a child, and she educated her grandson so well.

Presumably his son, whom he has never met, must also be a well-educated person.

They didn't embarrass the Xiao family, but he himself, now he doesn't even have the name given by his ancestors...

Mr. Chen felt a little heavy.

"What's this for?" Mr. Fang glanced at his old subordinate with some disdain. He used to be Mr. Chen's direct boss, and knew that Mr. Chen was just blaming himself or thinking about something.

He didn't like to see a big man who was preoccupied all day long.

"Compared to me, isn't your life much better now?" Mr. Fang blew his beard and stared, extremely dissatisfied: "The house is full of children and grandchildren, and my wife is still by my side, and I even have a great-grandson, but I still don't know what to do." You think about it all day long, and you're not afraid of spoiling others?"

"Still like to dig into corners? How stupid."

Mr. Fang shook his head, snorted and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Mr. Chen, who was stunned for a while, was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that his current life is really a good life that many people can't match.

The old chief was right, he shouldn't dig into the horns anymore.

Having figured it out, Mr. Chen put on a smile again, and walked after Mr. Fang.

"Old chief, slow down and slide up carefully."

"Hehe, don't make it sound like you're much younger than me." Mr. Fang snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with Mr. Chen's behavior of treating him as an old man.

But to be honest, Mr. Fang is indeed older than Mr. Chen, and a lot older, as much as ten years old.

The two walked in while bickering, Su Yun smiled, and also called Mama Zhang to enter the house together.

As for the luggage on the car, it was Xiao Lin, Yu Hu and the others who worked hard to carry it.

The house was cleaned very clean. In the four main rooms of Xiao's house, each bed was covered with brand new and thick quilts.There are two beds in the room where Mrs. Xiao lived before and the room where Ye Wan lived before.

The old lady Xiao led Zhang Ma into the room Ye Wan lived in before, and the room she used to live in was given up to the two old men, and the other room was slightly smaller, which was the old lady Xiao's. The partition of the room is for Chen Jinzhou to live in.

This will make it easier for him to take care of the two old people who get up in the middle of the night or something.

Put their respective luggage into the corresponding room, and it was cold outside, so Su Yun put the children on the bed with guard rails in their bedroom and let them play on it.

When Xiao Lin made the bed before, he ordered a large bed that was close to two meters wide, which was wide enough for their family of five to sleep.So when Xiao Lin asked Yu Hu to buy a new bed, he didn't ask Yu Hu to change the marriage bed in their room.

It is to add a guardrail on the outside of the bed and at the end of the foot, so as to prevent the children from falling out of the bed when they stand up.

Yes, the three children are almost one year old in the twelfth lunar month, and the well-nourished children have begun to wobble and want to stand up.

Although I haven't managed to stand up yet, maybe when will I stand up?So it is also possible to make guardrails around the bed in advance.Be prepared!

After Su Yun put her on the bed, she planned to take a short rest before making dinner.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I'll make dinner with Yu Er."

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