Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 609 You Can Smile Zhang Yi Past

How could the old man not know this truth?He knew that they didn't blame him, and it was because of this that he blamed himself and felt even more sad.He'd rather they hate him than say nothing about him.

The old man was sad for a long time in the room.

"You go out."

The old lady Xiao came in from the outside, she looked at Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou and said, "It's ready to eat, go help."

"it is good."

Both Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou obediently left the old man's room.Chen Jinzhou, who was walking behind, closed the door, but both of them agreed and did not leave immediately.

Instead, he stopped at the door.

Old Madam Xiao's steady voice came from the room.

"I supported you when you went. The moment you left home, I already thought about the life I might live in the future."

"Xiao Yuan..."

"I decided to support you to participate in the revolution even though I knew it would be extremely difficult in the future. This is also a life I chose. You don't have to blame yourself, you can only blame the world."

If everything was fine before, she would naturally not let her husband join the revolution.But there is a good saying, how can there be a home without a country?Compared with the little suffering I have suffered and those of other people, it is so much better.

So she really didn't feel that she was suffering, never felt it.She doesn't need Mr. Chen's self-blame.

"Let the past be the past, there is no need to worry about it."

The old lady is really wise and open-minded. I don't know how Mr. Chen would react when she said these words, but Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou who were outside the door felt a lot.

This is the real lady, the real well-bred man.

Comparing the old lady with his own grandmother Guan Qiuju, the judge will be judged!

Chen Jinzhou looked at Xiao Lin with envy in his eyes.Although he was born in the village, he had to work hard to provide food for his family at a very young age, but he has a very good grandmother, and...

Chen Jinzhou looked towards the kitchen, caught a glimpse of the busy Su Yun from the corner of his eye, and quickly turned his gaze away calmly.

There is also a very virtuous wife who understands him well, and three lovely children... This kind of life is much better than those in Beijing.

"Brother, your family is very good."

Chen Jinzhou said sincerely.

Xiao Lin's life like this, he himself will never be able to have.

Xiao Lin glanced at Chen Jinzhou, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, then walked away to the kitchen to help serve the meals.After he passed by, Su Yun was asked to watch the child, and she was not allowed to touch any oil and salt in the kitchen.

Su Yun was a little amused, and Yu Hu was watching beside her. Would he make people mistakenly think that she was a slacker who didn't touch the sun?
"Daughter-in-law worked hard enough before, now she can be lazy."

"Tsk are the only one who can talk." Su Yun joked with a smile, instead of competing with Xiao Lin for work, she turned around obediently and left the kitchen.

In their family, there has never been a saying that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, so of course Xiao Lin took the initiative to do housework and Su Yun was happy.

She went to take the triplets with Mama Zhang.

When it was time to eat, Mr. Chen followed the old lady out of the room one after the other. Although Mr. Chen's eyes were still red, he had a smile on his face. It could be seen that he had seen his son The grave and depressed mood has improved under the comfort of the old lady.

The rest of the family is of course happy to see this happen.

After letting the three old people take the upper seat, Su Yun and the others also sat down around the table and prepared to eat.As soon as I picked up the chopsticks, there was a bang bang bang bang sound from the outside door.

Along with the sound, there was another voice: "Daughter... open the door... daughter open the door... open the door."

There was something wrong with the voice, but Su Yun immediately recognized that it was Li Cuifen's voice.Thinking of what Xiao Dao said about Li Cuifen's madness on the way back, Su Yun frowned slightly.

Xiao Lin beside him said softly: "Shall I go and see?"

The others at the table also looked at Su Yun, with doubts and worries on their faces.

Su Yun shook her head and put down her chopsticks.

"No, I'll just go and have a look. You can have dinner with grandpa and the others."

"Daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin was not very willing to let Su Yun go out alone, no one knew what happened to Li Cuifen, so he was really worried about letting Su Yun go out alone.

Elder Fang on the side spoke first: "Who is Xiaoyun outside?"

Su Yun didn't hide anything, and revealed Li Cuifen's identity.

"She is my biological mother, but when she plotted against Brother Lin and me with outsiders, I severed ties with her, and I still keep the paperwork."

What was calculated at the beginning was so unbearable in her previous life.But this life is different. She died once, but she is actually quite grateful to Li Cuifen and the others for plotting against her.

If they hadn't calculated that they wanted to take away the "good marriage" of the Zhao family, she would not have known that there were such good men as Brother Lin in the world, nor would there be a grandma who liked her more than her own, and it was impossible to have three an obedient baby...

Therefore, she was able to tell the old man and the others calmly and with a smile in a few words, so that they could understand the truth at the beginning.

It's just that Mr. Fang, Mr. Chen, and Chen Jinzhou on the table all changed their expressions after hearing Su Yun's words.

In a place where no one saw, Chen Jinzhou's hand was lightly clenched into a fist.

"There are such people in this world? The conscience is so bad, how can such people be qualified to be parents?" Old Master Fang also put down his chopsticks angrily.

The sound of Li Cuifen knocking on the door was still heard outside, and Mr. Fang looked at Chen Jinzhou.

"Go, throw people far away."

It's not good to let Xiao Lin go. After all, Xiao Lin bears the name of Li Cuifen's son-in-law, even if he has severed the relationship, it's not easy to make a move.So Mr. Fang arranged for Chen Jinzhou to go.

He was a stranger, even if Li Cuifen's leg was broken, no one said anything.

"Okay, Grandpa Fang."

Chen Jinzhou stood up and really wanted to go out.

"Azhou wait a moment." Su Yun hurriedly stopped Chen Jinzhou, she turned her head and said to the old man, "Grandpa, I heard that Li Cuifen's mind is no longer clear, even if you ask Azhou to beat her up, it won't help, I'll go." Look, who told her to let her come to our house to make trouble."

If Li Cuifen really went crazy, then she definitely couldn't have come to Xiao's house to make trouble by such a coincidence. The only reasonable explanation is that someone instructed her to come here.

As for who that person was, Su Yun felt that she could only find out if she came forward, and it was useless for others to go.

She was determined to go by herself, but the door was still banging outside, so Mr. Fang had no choice but to compromise: "Okay, you go, but you have to go with that kid Xiao Lin, so what if the crazy woman doesn't hurt you? "

Even if he didn't hurt him, he couldn't forgive him for scaring his precious granddaughter.

"Okay, I'll listen to Grandpa." Su Yun replied with a smile, and then Mr. Fang was satisfied and let the young couple go out to solve Li Cuifen's matter by themselves.

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