Outside the door, Li Cuifen was dressed in rags, her hair was messed up like a chicken coop, and she was sitting on the ground. She patted the door with one hand and gnawed on a bowl of steamed buns with the other.

"Daughter... daughter... open the door... open the door... eat meat... eat meat..."

Li Cuifen spoke vaguely, firmly remembering that she would have meat to eat after the door was opened.

When Su Yun came to the door and heard Li Cuifen's voice, the hand that opened the door paused slightly.

"Daughter-in-law, you go back to your room?" Xiao Lin looked at Su Yun with worry in his eyes, even if Su Yun acted indifferent, Li Cuifen was Su Yun's biological mother after all, and he was afraid that Su Yun would be difficult to do.

He also didn't want the girl he liked to be in a dilemma.

Su Yun shook her head: "I'm fine, Brother Rin."

She had already persuaded herself that she and the Su family couple were strangers, no matter how miserable they were, it was their business.For the kindness they gave her, she had already repaid her life to them in her previous life.

Therefore, she really owed them nothing.

"I'm ok."

In order not to worry Xiao Lin, she said again that she was fine.

Su Yun took a deep breath and reached out to open the door.

Li Cuifen, who was sitting on the ground, heard the sound of the door opening, immediately raised her head and got up to rush in: "Eat meat, eat meat, I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat."

Xiao Lin reached out to stop Li Cuifen.

The husband and wife blocked the door, and Li Cuifen couldn't get in, so she jumped outside and yelled that she wanted to go in and eat meat.

If it wasn't for her voice and Li Cuifen's features, the person in front of her was so dirty that she could hardly see her facial features, Su Yun would not have dared to admit that she was Li Cuifen.

How did she become like this?

Su Yun carefully looked at Li Cuifen in front of her, trying to find some shadows of the past on her body.But unfortunately, she found nothing.

Li Cuifen was completely crazy. When Su Yun looked at her, she tilted her head and drooled and stared at Su Yun with a smirk. The steamed bun dregs in her mouth fell to the ground, and she immediately squatted down and picked up the steamed bun dregs and stuffed them in her mouth. middle.

"Eat meat, eat meat... eat meat..."

Li Cuifen is still thinking about eating meat.

Su Yun stopped her.

"Who are you? Who asked you to come to our house to eat meat?" Her voice was soft and full of demagoguery.Li Cuifen relaxed, tilted her head and looked at Su Yun in confusion.

She didn't understand what Su Yun said.

Seeing her burst out laughing suddenly, Su Yun was startled by the sudden laughter.

Li Cuifen giggled, imitating Su Yun again. "Who are you? Who asked you to come to our house to eat meat?"

"Who are you, who asked you to come to our house to eat meat?"

Saying it once was not enough, Li Cuifen said it a second time as if it was fun.

Su Yun frowned, turned around and asked Xiao Lin to get meat for Li Cuifen to eat.

"Brother Lin, go get some food." Maybe Li Cuifen has something to eat, so he can tell who called her over?But Su Yun actually had a guess in her heart, she thought it was probably Wang Yuhua.

I just don't know if it's true, because now I can't ask it from Li Cuifen's mouth.

Moreover, maybe Su Jianguo is also possible?
Xiao Lin frowned, she didn't like Li Cuifen, a crazy woman, but she wouldn't be so stingy that she didn't give him a bowl of rice.But he wouldn't let Su Yun stay here alone with the crazy woman, so he turned around and yelled into the yard.

"Second, bring out some food." After speaking, he added: "Add two more pieces of meat."

Yu Hu and Chen Jinzhou in the main room agreed and stood up together.

The two looked at each other.

Yu Hu chuckled and said, "Well, brother should be calling me." His name is Yu Hu, the second child, and his brother always calls him second child.

Knowing that Xiao Lin was not calling him but Yu Hu, Chen Jinzhou felt discouraged for a moment.His brother actually has so many brothers?He is not even the only brother.

A sense of loss arises spontaneously.

"This kid..." Mr. Chen watched from the side and shook his head with a smile: "If you want to go out, you can go out with Brother Yu Hu to see what will happen?"

Chen Jinzhou came back to his senses, and looked at Mr. Chen in surprise: "Is it possible? Will my brother not like it?"

In fact, he was even more afraid that Su Yun would be unhappy.Because this matter can be regarded as Su Yun's private matter, I don't know if there are so many people here, will she feel uncomfortable?

However, curiosity overcame his worries, and he followed Yu Hu to the door with a meal.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

"Brother, sister-in-law."

The two greeted Xiao Lin and Su Yun in unison.

Su Yun nodded, and Xiao Lin also nodded.When Su Yun saw the rice bowl in Yu Hu's hand, she reached out to take it and walked to Li Cuifen with it, instead of handing it to her directly, she put it on the ground aside.

"Let's eat, after eating meat, can you tell me who sent you here?"

Maybe there were too many of them, so when Su Yun asked Li Cuifen to eat, Li Cuifen was a little scared.She looked at Su Yun tremblingly, and subconsciously shrank back.

That is in a state of instinctive protection, which does not mean that she is sane.

Su Yun glanced at Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin understood the meaning and asked Yu Hu to go back with Chen Jinzhou.

The two groaned, turned and entered the yard.

When there were only three people left outside, including Li Cuifen, Li Cuifen became bold again. She quickly picked up the rice bowl on the ground, walked to a corner and squatted down, threw the chopsticks aside and used a large handful of them Grab the food in the bowl and stuff it into your mouth.

It looked like someone who had been hungry for a long time, and finally had a meal.

It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe it as gobbling.

Su Yun stood aside and quietly watched the scene where Li Cuifen stuffed food into my mouth. It would be a lie to say that there was no emotion in her heart.But Li Cuifen's current miserable state is not an excuse for her to forgive her softly.

Li Cuifen has fallen to this point, can it only be said that there is only retribution in the dark?

Su Yun looked away, but her gaze stopped behind Li Cuifen's head.

At first she thought that Li Cuifen's particularly messy hair on the back of his head was because he hadn't washed it for a long time, but now it seemed that something stuck to it, and the hair of different lengths was glued to the back of his head. It looked hard as if it was carrying a large clod of mud on its head.

That thing, like blood.

All right, why is there blood on his head?
Su Yun stepped forward and reached out to brush Li Cuifen's hair, Li Cuifen subconsciously wanted to jump up.

"Don't move, I won't hit you, I just look at your head." Su Yun said softly.

Maybe her voice was too soft, or maybe it was because her face was very friendly, or maybe it was her bowl of meat-laden food that made Li Cuifen less wary of her.

After Su Yun spoke, Li Cuifen did not move.

Of course, Su Yun didn't dare to fiddle with Li Cuifen's hair. She just wanted to make sure that Li Cuifen's head was injured as she thought.

Facts have proved that Su Yun guessed right.

On the back of Li Cuifen's head was a wound several centimeters long, crooked on the back of his head, like a centipede.

So, Li Cuifen's madness is related to this injury?

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