Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 611 Don't let people play like monkeys

Seeing that Li Cuifen was about to finish a large bowl of rice, Su Yun immediately backed away and returned to Xiao Lin's side.She wouldn't bet on safety with a lunatic.

After Su Yun backed away, Li Cuifen wiped her mouth and stood up, shaking her head and muttering something that no one could understand, and left the door of Xiao's house.

Seeing her figure disappear from sight, her frown never loosened.

"What's wrong with my daughter-in-law? Did you find anything unusual?" Xiao Lin's concerned inquiry sounded from beside her.Su Yun recovered and nodded: "Li Cuifen's madness is very strange. I found a long scar on the back of her head. I wonder if this madness is related to the scar on the back of her head."


"Well, it looks like it's been a while, and the blood has coagulated so tightly that the hair is firmly fixed."

When Su Yun thinks about it now, she can still judge from the blood that coagulates her hair, that Li Cuifen must have shed a lot of blood back then.It can be said that luckily she was lucky, otherwise, she would have confessed long ago.

Xiao Lin was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand to hold Su Yun's hand: "You have to ask Yu Er about this."

Su Yun raised her head to look at him.

Xiao Lin chuckled lightly, and while the people in the room couldn't see, he reached out and scratched the bridge of her nose: "In the eyes of my wife, is your man such a cold-hearted person?"

The two have been married for two or three years, and they are together every day, so it is easy to judge what the other party wants to say from a look in the other's eyes.

Just like when Su Yun looked at Xiao Lin just now, she just wanted to ask him why he still cares about Li Cuifen.

"Not at all."

Having been exposed, she smiled a little embarrassedly: "It's just that Li Cuifen has nothing to do with us, and Mr. Xiao is busy with work, so we really shouldn't waste time on such a person."

"Well, I think for the sake of her giving birth to my daughter-in-law, it doesn't matter to ask the insider."


Su Yun didn't say anything, she didn't expect it, her brother Rin thought carefully.She could think that Li Cuifen's madness had an inside story, and I believe Xiao Lin must have thought of it a long time ago.

It's just that they haven't been in the village all the time, and it may take some time to find out the real reason.

Su Yun didn't want to inquire about anything, she just felt that someone had asked Li Cuifen to visit them just after they came back today to make them unhappy, so could the person behind the scenes be the one who made Li Cuifen crazy?
Su Yun was not interested in this person, and she didn't want to avenge Li Cuifen.But if she wanted to blame it, she would blame the other party for being too smart, and she couldn't stand Li Cuifen disgusting them.

Since they don't want to have a good time, she certainly doesn't mind spending a little time inquiring about it.She would be very happy if she could send people to prison or something.

Su Yun is not used to letting people play like monkeys.

Both Su Yun and Xiao Lin thought of going together.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and then smiled tacitly.

"Go in and eat!"


Both of them pressed their plans and went home to have dinner with the waiting elders.

And when they were having dinner, Wang Yuhua walked out from behind the bamboo forest in the bamboo forest outside Xiao's house.She didn't expect the members of Xiao's family to be so calm. When Li Cuifen, a lunatic, came to the door and yelled, none of them came out.

Oh no, Su Yun came out.

When Wang Yuhua thought of Su Yun's performance, she became very angry.

"This wolf-hearted thing really feels so great when he goes to the city, and he doesn't even care about his own mother."

While talking, Wang Yuhua walked towards Zhao's house, and at the same time, she was thinking about how to find a way to disgust Xiao's house.In short, the Xiao family plotted against her to replace the good marriage that should have belonged to their Zhao family, and then it became so prosperous that it is impossible to just let it go.

She, Wang Yuhua, must expose the plots of the Xiao family to the sun.

Let everyone know that the Xiao family's good life today was obtained by stealing from their Zhao family.And she, a simple and honest person, fell into the trap of the Xiao family, and handed over the glory and wealth that should have belonged to their Zhao family to the Xiao family...

Of course, Wang Yuhua would never admit that she was wrong, she felt that she was calculated and she was innocent.The most hateful ones are the people of the Xiao family.

How do you say something?After pretending to be a good person for a long time, I mistakenly think that I am a good person.These words are very appropriate for Wang Yuhua. In the past two years, she has been "honest" for a long time, and she really thinks that she is an honest person.

"Damn the Xiao family, those who kill thousands of swords will definitely not end well."

Wang Yuhua was cursing.

Zhao Weimin walked in from the outside, and when he heard Wang Yuhua's words and saw Wang Yuhua's wrinkled face, he suddenly felt dull.He turned around with his hands behind his back and was about to go out again.

"His father, are you back? Where are you going?"

Wang Yuhua saw Zhao Weimin sharp-eyed, and couldn't care about anything at the time, so she immediately got up and chased after him: "It's time for dinner, don't you want to eat?"

"I'm going back to the quarry to eat."

Zhao Weimin obviously didn't want to go back to this house anymore, and when he was talking to Wang Yuhua, his brows were always frowning.

His distaste for this woman who had lived with him for decades grew day by day.

At the beginning of the year, he rented a quarry and took advantage of the fact that many people in nearby villages were building new houses. His stones sold well and made a fortune.If this man is rich, he must be looking for a woman.

Zhao Weimin is no exception.

Because of his wealth, he fell in love with a woman in the next village whose husband had just died.At first, the two had a furtive tryst, going out into the wild and rolling in the woods.But later, Zhao Weimin became more and more courageous, and simply took him directly to the quarry to live there.

Both Wang Yuhua and Zhao Qiming understand this matter.But the reaction of the mother and son was different.

When Wang Yuhua first found out, the sky was about to fall, but Zhao Weimin said that Zhao Qiming had no way to succeed the Zhao family. As the Zhao family, he had to find a way.

Zhao Weimin thought of finding a new widow who could be his daughter and conceive his child again.If Wang Yuhua still wanted to be the daughter-in-law of their Zhao family, then this matter would just turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye.

If you can't rub the sand in your eyes, then you should go back and forth.

This means that Wang Yuhua is about to retire!

Wang Yuhua can't help it. Her brothers from her natal family are all married and have children and grandchildren. If a person like her is really divorced by Zhao Weimin and returns to her natal family, wouldn't she be waiting to die without even a place to live?

Finally she endured it.

Not only endured it, but also defended Zhao Weimin when rumors spread in the village, saying that the widow was just someone Zhao Weimin hired to work.No, I'm doing it, and I'm going to give birth soon.

Zhao Weimin also didn't return to this house for ten days and a half months. He came down from the quarry today because he heard that the Xiao family had made a fortune and came back.He just wanted to come down to see if he could catch the line of the Xiao family.

This Zhao Weimin is an ambitious man!

Although he is no longer the village chief, his scheming is very deep, otherwise he wouldn't have been the village chief for so many years and only stepped down two years ago.

Wang Yuhua didn't know the twists and turns in Zhao Weimin's heart, she simply thought that Zhao Weimin still couldn't let go of this family.Immediately with a smile on his face, he was busy serving tea and pouring water, entertaining the 'guest' Zhao Weimin.

When Zhao Qiming came home from the consignment store, he happened to see Zhao Weimin sitting in the main room.

The father and son looked at each other for a moment, and Zhao Qiming walked into his room as if nothing happened.

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