Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 612 The Zhao family's house is restless

During the whole process, he didn't look at Zhao Weimin more.

Wang Yuhua just went to pour water and came back. After seeing this scene, she immediately smiled and said: "Father, don't be angry. My son didn't call you because the Xiao family came back, which affected his mood. He is not angry with you." .”

A woman who farms for a living, has little culture and no other money-making skills.The biggest education concept I have received in my life is that my husband is my god.

Like Wang Yuhua, Zhao Weimin found a woman outside and she was about to give birth. Although she was aggrieved, she felt that her problem was more of her own.

If it wasn't for her not taking good care of her son, if it wasn't for her son being unable to carry on the Zhao family's lineage, Zhao Weimin would not have gone out to find other women to have children to carry on the Zhao family's lineage.

Yes, Wang Yuhua still thinks that Zhao Weimin's going out to find women is not because of the inferiority of men, but because of Zhao's family inheritance.Only a person like her would use this excuse to deceive herself.

Although Zhao Weimin had already lost hope for Zhao Qiming's son, Zhao Weimin was still very angry when he saw Zhao Qiming walking in from the outside and treating himself as nothing without saying a word.

But he didn't dare to scold Zhao Qiming.

He could only turn his head and stare at Wang Yuhua: "What have you been used to? He is a son, and when he sees his father, not only does he not come up to say hello, but he also puts on a bad face for who to see?"

"Do you think that if your wings are hardened, you won't be disciplined by Lao Tzu?"

Zhao Weimin has earned money from quarry mining this year, and his speaking style and attitude have changed.

Wang Yuhua bent down and continued to explain with a contrived smile: "Don't be angry, father, his son is in a bad mood. You don't understand that he is the most filial at ordinary times. You see, he goes to the consignment store to guard every day when it gets dark. He just came back to eat, and he worked very hard."

"Is it a man to cry bitterly at this point?"

As soon as Zhao Weimin finished speaking, there was a bang in Zhao Qiming's room, and the closed door was opened from the inside. Zhao Qiming stood behind the door with a gloomy expression and stared at Zhao Weimin in the main room.

Both Zhao Weimin and Wang Yuhua were taken aback by the sudden sound of the door opening. They looked towards Zhao Qiming, and were even more surprised when they saw Zhao Qiming's gloomy eyes.


Before Zhao Weimin could react, Wang Yuhua came back to his senses and walked quickly towards Zhao Qiming: "Qiming, don't be angry, your father didn't do it on purpose." Since Zhao Qiming couldn't carry on the family line, the most taboo thing in their family is "You are Not a man' is the word anymore.

Wang Yuhua anxiously explained that she didn't want to make her son angry, nor did she want to make Zhao Weimin angry.She is sandwiched in the middle like a meatloaf, which is very difficult to make.

But neither Zhao Weimin nor Zhao Qiming seemed to have considered Wang Yuhua.The father and son looked at each other, Zhao Qiming squinted, while Zhao Weimin widened his eyes.

One gloomy, one grumpy.

Neither of them is in a good mood.

Zhao Weimin opened the mouth first: "What? After seeing the consignment store for a few days, your temper has risen? Did you slam the door when you came home and dared to follow you outside?"

"Tired and exhausted?" Zhao Qiming looked at Zhao Weimin, with a cold smile on his lips, and the tone of his speech was like a cold poisonous snake crawling on the dark ground: "When you are old, you still sleep with women desperately. What are you doing?"

"Zhao Qiming!"


Zhao Weimin and Wang Yuhua spoke at the same time. Zhao Weimin yelled out the previous sentence. He slapped the high table beside him, and the table slapped loudly.

If the table hadn't been made for five or six years and was still strong, I'm afraid it would have been slapped to pieces by him.

The last sentence was said by Wang Yuhua. Wang Yuhua's tone was full of fear and nervousness. She was afraid that Zhao Weimin would be angry, and she was nervous that Zhao Weimin would leave home again when she was angry.

Fortunately, Zhao Weimin is not planning to leave home yet.

He slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Zhao Qiming and yelling: "Zhao Qiming, you wolf-hearted bastard, I will feed you and drink for you, and let you go to the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. Is this how you treat me?"

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

Zhao Qiming's eyelids moved, and his expression was as disdainful as possible: "Didn't you get involved with someone within a month of his man's death? Hehe, Zhao Weimin, you are more than 20 years older than her and you are as old as her." Can you be her father? You can do such a thing? You are shameless and we have shame."

"Aren't you afraid that after the wild species is born, it will call you grandpa?"

"Zhao Qiming...Zhao Qiming..." Zhao Weimin was impatient. He looked around, and his eyes fell on the bowl that Wang Yuhua had just brought him water.

"Nizi, Nizi!" The Dahai Bowl hit Zhao Qiming's head accurately, and there was a bang on Zhao Qiming's head, and the broken porcelain sliced ​​across his cheek, drawing a bloodstain.

Zhao Qiming was unmoved.

There was even a laugh.

This made Wang Yuhua on the side yelp, and sat down on the ground, crying loudly.

"Zhao Weimin, do you want to kill our mother and son to move the vixen outside? Then don't open Qiming, you kill me first, kill me!"

Between her son and her husband, Wang Yuhua made an easy choice.

She cried so loudly that the family next door could hear her.

Zhao Qiming watched all this coldly, as if he was completely out of it.Blood trickled down from his forehead, cheeks, and slid down to his feet drop by drop.

Zhao Qiming smiled instead of anger.

That weird laughter gave Zhao Weimin goosebumps...

Next door is Zhao Qiming's uncle's house.

When they heard the commotion here, they couldn't help sighing a little.Although the brother's family, who was originally very prosperous, has not worried about money in the past two years, but at the same time, the house is also restless!

I don't know if it's because of Su Ying's lingering ghost after her tragic death?
Thinking about it this way, Zhao Dashan realized that Wang Yuhua seemed to have committed a lot of murders.First the child in Su Ying's womb, then Su Ying, Su Ying and Wang Mangzi's child, and the stillborn child born to Liu Meimei...

The more Zhao Dashan thought about it, the more frightening he became. His sister-in-law had committed so many murders unknowingly.Although those lives were not directly killed by her, the reason why they died had a lot to do with Wang Yuhua.

So all this is retribution for the Zhao family?Are those who died in vain come back for retribution?

Zhao Dashan's hair stood on end, and he quickly stopped his daughter-in-law who was about to go to the next door to persuade him: "Don't go, we can't get involved in this matter."

"what happened?"

He Meiyue looked at her husband suspiciously: "Brother is arguing with sister-in-law, why don't we go and have a look?"

"Don't go, don't go, don't meddle in their family's affairs in the future." Zhao Dashan pulled He Meiyue into the house and locked the door tightly, and then analyzed with her various reasons why Zhao Weimin's family fell into today's situation.

When He Meiyue heard that it might be Su Ying and the short-lived ghosts who came back to take revenge, she was also very frightened.

"Then what should we do?"

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