Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 613 Outrageous Rumors in the Village

"What should I do?" Zhao Dashan glanced at his daughter-in-law, frowned, thought for a while before slowly opening his mouth and said: "Since the big brother's family has suffered such a big debt, I believe he is not willing to involve brother Yes." Zhao Dashan paused, and then continued: "Sister-in-law is a difficult person to get along with, you just don't want to be with her in the future."

As for his elder brother Zhao Weimin?He has been in the quarry for a long time and has no food or shelter. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to lean over, he will be fine.

He Meiyue let out a sigh of regret on her face, but her heart was filled with joy.Yes, it was indeed a joy.

In Zhaojia Village, there are quite a few brothers who are really close like brothers and sisters. Even if they get married and start families, they still keep in close contact with each other, as if they were not separated.But there are also quite a few brothers who have turned against each other. For a piece of land, even whoever irrigates the rice in the field with water first can make those brothers turn against each other.

There are also some like Zhao Dashan, when the elder brother's family is powerful, they are the closest brothers.But once the other party has something to do or encounters any trouble, they are also the first to run away.

Such a person will always think of the best way to protect himself wisely.

He Meiyue and Zhao Dashan are a real husband and wife, they have shared the same bed for a long time, and they must be very similar in temperament, so the husband and wife don't think there is any problem with their actions.

They are just protecting themselves.

I believe that the eldest brother is not willing to let the debt find his brother...

Of course, this so-called evil debt is just a figment of Zhao Dashan's imagination.He was afraid that He Meiyue would tell this matter to the outside world, so he repeatedly told He Meiyue not to go outside and talk about it.

"Speaking of this matter is not good for eldest brother, sister-in-law and Qiming."

He Meiyue nodded.

"Who am I? How can I say it with my tightest mouth?"

It is true to say so, but the next day, it was rumored in the village that Wang Yuhua's family came back to settle accounts with them because she committed too many crimes, so that those who died in vain could not go to the underworld to reincarnate properly?

It was still like this when it was first reported, but it changed as it spread.Those hearsay people never forget to add oil and vinegar, take the beginning and end of the original words, and then add their descriptions.

It turned out that Wang Yuhua was yelling about something. Someone saw a woman with a big belly walking up and down the door of their house in the middle of the night, accompanied by three newborn children...

Su Yun heard this outrageous rumor, and it was chatting with Yu's sister-in-law the next morning when she brought them food.

The relationship between the two brothers of the Yu family has always been pretty good. Although Mrs. Yu said that she did not treat her brother-in-law Yu Hu as her own brother, she never treated Yu Hu harshly.

So when Yu Hu gained a firm foothold in Nancheng, he saw that there was a suitable job, so he took his brother and sister-in-law out.Although brother Yu and sister-in-law Yu are not very rich and powerful people in Nancheng, the husband and wife are hardworking and hardworking. They have saved almost 1000 yuan in half a year by their own ability.

For someone who has been farming the land for decades, that is tantamount to a huge sum of money.

While the husband and wife are working hard, they are also very grateful to their younger brother and the Xiao family who gave him this opportunity.

So after Su Yun and the others arrived home, Aunt Yu didn't come to the door immediately, but waited for them to rest all night, and she went to the vegetable field to pick dewy greens, beans, and eggplants early the next morning.

When Su Yun saw that Aunt Yu was delivering food, she naturally took it and asked someone to come in and have a chat. Aunt Yu waved her hand and started talking to Su Yun under the eaves of Xiao's house.

That's why Su Yun learned that someone had 'seen' Su Ying at Zhao Qiming's house from Mrs. Yu's mouth.

"Why are you bringing three children?" Su Yun asked.

With all her plans, Su Ying was only pregnant with two children before she died, but neither of them was born, so it is appropriate to say that there are two children.But when it comes to three children, Su Yun can't understand.

Aunt Yu snorted and said, "Sister, you don't know, the other child they are talking about..." Aunt Yu lowered her voice, looked around, and then said mysteriously: "It's that Liu Meimeisheng The stillborn baby came down. That child also died because of Wang Yuhua, so it became three children."


Su Yun didn't know what to say.

But if you think about it carefully, what others have said seems to make sense.If Wang Yuhua hadn't insisted on driving her out on the day Liu Meimei gave birth, then the child in Liu Meimei's womb probably wouldn't have died.

Therefore, it is correct to settle this account on Wang Yuhua's head.

But then again, isn't this rumor too far-fetched?Let's not talk about whether there are ghosts and gods in this world, just say that the legend is that the person who saw 'Su Ying with three children' didn't sleep most of the night?
Well, even if he doesn't sleep, it happens to happen.Then he is not scared to death but still has the energy to spread rumors everywhere?

Su Yun shook her head, she didn't believe it.

Sister Yu didn't really believe it, but Wang Yuhua had indeed done a lot of evil, otherwise such words would not have spread.

"That Wang Yuhua, it's retribution for her to end up like this now. I heard from your aunt Yu that Zhao Weimin raised a newly widowed widow in his quarry, and the other party sent Zhao Weimin in her 20s. I'm going to give birth soon."

"What are you talking about Zhao Weimin's plan? A person who can be a grandfather, can't manage his family well and wait for his son to marry a wife and make grandchildren happy at home? He wants to raise a new widow who can be his daughter. What is he plotting?"

Sister Yu despised Zhao Weimin a little.

No, or she despises those men who take advantage of the policy, forget their last name after earning a few money, and take care of lesbians outside.

It was so unappetizing.

Su Yun smiled. She didn't want to participate in any comments on the Zhao family's affairs. To her, they were just strangers in a village.

She's not that interested in Stranger Things.

But it happened that Mrs. Yu was here, so she could ask her if she had any doubts.

"Sister-in-law, I heard that Su Jianguo also married a new wife? He also has a son?"

"Isn't that why? You said that your father... ah bah, you said that Su Jianguo is not a joke, in your mother... no, look at me..." Aunt Yu felt that she had slipped her words, and quickly raised her head to look at Su Yun. With an apologetic smile.

Su Yun smiled and said, "It's okay, they have been my parents for more than ten years, so it's normal that it's hard to change their words for a while."

"Hey, well, sister, you are generous." Aunt Yu smiled, and then she stopped referring to Su Jianguo and Li Cuifen as Su Yun's parents.

"I said that Su Jianguo is not a joke, and Li Cuifen has been with him for most of his life. In the end, he divorced Li Cuifen. It was wrong to say that there was no relationship before. Now the society is different, and it is popular. Free to fall in love."

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