Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 614 Old people are not old

Chapter 614 Old people are not old

free love...

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched vigorously. Su Jianguo is old-hearted, and he knows that free love is popular in society now?But who would fall in love freely with an old and poor man like him?

As long as the other party is not blind, they should not choose Su Jianguo, right?
"Hey, what's the use of a blind man? All I need is a dry meal!"

Seeing that Su Yun was puzzled, Aunt Yu explained the reason clearly to Su Yun.It turned out that in March last year, a few lesbians fleeing famine came from other villages. They fled to Zhaojia Village. After questioning, they found out that they were mountain people living on the mountain.

Their home was destroyed by a wildfire last month, and their man also lost his life while trying to put out the fire.With only a few women left, they had no choice but to run down the mountain to find a way out...

With just a few women, and no food or skills, how can we find a way to survive?Isn't it just that someone who lacks a daughter-in-law will take them back, and give them a bite of food and a shelter from the wind and rain is the way to survive?
Several single bachelors in the village did not dislike them for being skinny and disheveled, and went back one by one.

"So that's how Su Jianguo took one back?"

Su Yun asked Aunt Yu in disbelief.

Aunt Yu nodded: "No, she is still a lot younger than him. At that time, everyone felt that Su Jianguo's behavior was immoral. After all, there are other unmarried men of the right age in the village, right? Why is the wife's old man arguing with the young people? It's not like this, right?"

Su Yun nodded.

It is indeed unreasonable.

Moreover, the other party is so young, with a similar age, there may be some hope in the future.But with an old man like Su Jianguo (about 50 years old), what hope can he have?
"Who says it's not?" Mrs. Yu also disdained it. "At that time, many people objected, and the village chief also came out to stop Su Jianguo, saying that his behavior was not acceptable. But what did Su Jianguo say? He said that it would be up to the opinions of other lesbians. Or no one else can stop it."


Su Yun took a breath, Su Jianguo still has such abilities?To make a young girl willing to marry him?

Sister-in-law Yu was also indignant: "Who knows what tricks he used? After he whispered a few words into that girl's ear, that girl was determined to go back with Su Jianguo as if she had eaten a weight. "

Since Su Jianguo found a young girl outside, Li Cuifen at home must not be able to have it.He brought Nong Yanping (his new wife) back to the Su family.Naturally, Li Cuifen made a fuss, and that's how he made the previous remarks.

Now is a new era, love freely, don't arrange marriage...

Su Yun: ...

I always feel that these words coming from Su Jianguo's mouth are very outrageous.I don't know if she is thinking too much or what is the reason?
Aunt Yu went on to say: "During that time, Li Cuifen made a lot of trouble at home, scolding Su Jianguo for being heartless and so on, and everyone in the village knew about it. But Su Jianguo didn't seem to hear it. Yanping was even more tolerant, and she didn't even answer a word."

Every day I followed Su Jianguo to work in the field, walking behind Su Jianguo with his head buried, neither talking nor looking up, like a puppet.

More than a month after Nong Yanping entered Su's house, Su Jianguo and Li Cuifen had a violent quarrel, and it is said that they started fighting.Su Jianguo's head was smashed open, and Li Cuifen was kicked out of Su's house.

"Did she not be hurt when she was driven out?"

Su Yun thought of the injury on the back of Li Cuifen's head that she saw yesterday, and asked Aunt Yu suspiciously.

Aunt Yu nodded, "I'm not injured. At that time, Li Cuifen was clamoring to go to the city to find the police and let them arrest Su Jianguo..."

In the end, Li Cuifen failed to find the police.

She didn't know what happened after she left the village, and it was already a month later when she came back to the village. She was crazy and didn't even know anyone.

Not to mention remembering that she used to be Su Jianguo's wife.

Su Yun uh again.

So the injury on the back of Li Cuifen's head was not caused by Su Jianguo?She frowned, and was about to say something when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Li Cuifen walking towards their house from the bamboo forest.

She is here again?

Su Yun frowned even tighter.

"Eat meat, eat meat, eat meat..." The corner of Li Cuifen's mouth was drooling, and he said "eat meat, eat meat" without understanding anything.

Su Yun was indifferent.

Sister Yu looked at Su Yun, then at Li Cuifen, and couldn't help but lamented that Su Yun's life was too difficult.How could she meet such a bad parent?

Before Mrs. Yu's thoughts settled down, two more people came from the bamboo forest.Su Yun, one of the two, knew each other, and it was Su Jianguo whom she had just talked about with Mrs. Yu.

And behind Su Jianguo, there was a person holding a child with his head hanging down. Seeing that he was only in his twenties, Su Yun boldly guessed that the person holding the child was Nong Yanping just mentioned.

I don't know what their family is looking for her for?
Su Yun narrowed her eyes slightly, the powerful aura of a person in a superior position subconsciously exuded a little.Aunt Yu, who originally treated Su Yun as an ordinary person, immediately realized that the person in front of her was the wife of their boss...

Mrs. Yu was restrained a lot.

Su Yun looked at Aunt Yu strangely.

"Sister-in-law doesn't like them?" She didn't realize that it was her aura that made Sister-in-law Yu suddenly think of the gap between their two identities.In other words, Su Yun didn't feel that her status was superior to others.

We are all villagers in the same village, and they are not working now, and they have no relationship between superiors and subordinates, so their status must be equal.

That's why she thought that Mrs. Yu didn't like Su Jianguo and Li Cuifen.

Only then did Sister Yu come to her senses.

Thinking of what her brother-in-law said, she smiled and said, "It's okay, I just suddenly feel that Su Jianguo and Li Cuifen are worthy of being husband and wife, even if one is crazy and the other is not, they will both come to trouble you at the same time."

"Hahaha, isn't that why a family doesn't enter a house?"

Su Yun replied with a smile, her tone relaxed and joyful.

Sister Yu also relaxed: "It's true."

While the two of them were talking, Li Cuifen had already walked in front of Su Yun and the others. She first looked at the ground on one side, but didn't see rice.

"Rice, eat meat, eat meat!"

People are stupid, but they are still very persistent about it.

I had a meal here yesterday, and I came here again today, it seems that I am not stupid enough.

Su Yun was unmoved.

She cared more about Su Jianguo's actions than Li Cuifen, a lunatic.After all, Su Jianguo is the oldest and most cunning one.

She raised her eyes slightly, and Su Jianguo had already pulled Nong Yanping to her.

" can save your younger brother! Father and your aunt knelt down for you."

(End of this chapter)

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