Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 615 Helping one person is different from helping a group of people

After Su Jianguo finished speaking, he and Nong Yanping really knelt down on the floor in front of Su Yun with a puff.

This kneeling posture is really crisp, dry, and brittle.

Su Yun was still a few steps away, and could clearly hear the sound of their knees touching the floor when they were kneeling on the ground.She didn't change her face, and frowned slightly.

Aunt Yu looked at Su Yun, then at the three members of Su Jianguo's family kneeling in front of her. She didn't forget to glance at Li Cuifen who was crazy on the side.

What kind of strange scene is this?

Sister Yu didn't know whether she should stay or leave.

Su Yun pursed her lips, her gaze fell on Su Jianguo lightly, and she glanced at Nong Yanping, who was kneeling behind him with her head hanging.And the child who was held in Nong Yanping's arms, tightly covered with only one head exposed.

According to Mrs. Yu's words, the age of Su Yun's 'brother' is around the same age as her three babies...

Although Su Yun had severed ties with Su Jianguo and the others, she felt very weird for a while when a "brother" who was about the same age as her child appeared suddenly.

Su Jianguo knelt and moved forward a few steps.

"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyun, can you save your younger brother? I beg you, for your grandfather's sake, save the only root of the Su family, okay?"

Su Jianguo burst into tears, looking very pitiful.

At this moment, his face was full of anxiety, and he no longer saw the usual gloom and calculation.Worry and anxiety were written in every wrinkle on his wrinkled face.

Nong Yanping followed and knelt, her head bowed all the time without saying a word.

Su Yun frowned, Su Jianguo turned around and took their son from Nong Yanping's hand and handed it to Su Yun. Su Yun only saw that the child's face was flushed and slightly open. The mouth is obviously more air out and less air in.

How high is the fever?
Su Yun frowned: "What's going on? Why didn't you send him to the hospital because he had a high fever?"

Putting everything else aside, the flushed person in front of him is a child and a life.

If Su Yun let him die, she would have trouble getting over the hurdle in her heart in the future.But when she spoke out, she didn't really want to maintain a father-daughter relationship with Su Jianguo.

She knew it well.

Su Jianguo heard Su Yun's question, and immediately came to explain mentally: "If he has smallpox, he won't be able to see the wind. Your aunt and I just want to cover him so that he can get all the smallpox out. Who knows that he has a high fever all the time? Back off, I even talked nonsense just now..."

When Su Jianguo thought of Lao Zi's twitching appearance before, he became extremely anxious.

That expression was something Su Yun had never seen in her two lifetimes.

When she thought about it, it was no wonder, after all, the other party was the lifeblood of the Su family.

But what did he just say about smallpox?Su Yun frowned.She didn't know what smallpox looked like, and she couldn't tell whether the child Su Jianguo was holding had smallpox.

She seems to have heard or seen some records, saying that the last case of smallpox in the world was in 1978, and the World Health Organization officially announced the eradication of smallpox in 80.

So where did the smallpox infection of the child in Su Jianguo's arms come from?

Although she was suspicious, she would not make fun of the child's life.

"Why don't you send him to the hospital? I'm not a doctor, what are you doing here?"

Su Jianguo freed one hand, wiped his tears and said, "Xiaoyun, is the hospital accessible to ordinary people? Last year's harvest was not good, and your brother was sick again and again..."

Su Yun knew that she was out of money.

Just at this time Xiao Lin came out from the house, Su Jianguo shrank subconsciously when he saw him, as if he was very afraid of Xiao Lin.He walked up to Su Yun and stopped for a while, stretched out his hand and squeezed Su Yun's hand, and walked towards the parked car.

"Still in the car?"

He said to Su Jianguo in a cold voice.

As if struck by lightning, Su Jianguo came back to his senses and looked at Xiao Lin in disbelief.

"Xiao...Xiao Lin..."


Xiao Lin's attitude was not very good, his face with deep features was covered with a layer of frost, it could be seen that he was very unhappy.But he also came out and took Su Jianguo and the others to the hospital.

Su Yun felt sorry for Xiao Lin like this.

She took a step forward: "Brother Lin..." You don't need to do this.

Before she could say anything, Xiao Lin raised her eyes to look at her, and a soft and gentle smile appeared on her frost-covered face: "It's cold, Xiaoyun and sister-in-law go back to the house to talk."

As he said that, Xiao Lin paused and added something, but he said this to Mrs. Yu.He said, "By the way, sister-in-law, I told Yu Hu to ask him to call all the children under the age of 12 in the village and take them to the county for an inspection. Please help my sister-in-law organize it."

As soon as Xiao Lin said this, Aunt Yu and Su Yun were stunned.

Su Yun didn't expect that Xiao Lin would take all the children in the village to have a physical examination. Su Yun didn't need to think much about the meaning of his actions.He was afraid that Su Jianguo would think that by helping him this time, they were the ones who eased the relationship with Su Jianguo.

Taking a child to the hospital alone has a different meaning than sending the whole village to the hospital.

Xiao Lin knew that she couldn't bear to watch Su Jianguo's son die, so he simply took out a sum of money to take care of all the children in the village.He did this all for Su Yun.

Su Yun was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

Xiao Lin nodded slightly to her, and took Su Jianguo's family of three and left for the county seat.

Looking at the vehicle going away, Su Yun's eyes were slightly reddened.

"Sister... Just now... Uncle Xiao said that he wants to take all the children in the village to the county hospital for an examination?" Aunt Yu's voice was full of doubts. She heard Xiao Lin's words just now, but she couldn't believe it. own ears.

Well, there are not a hundred children in their village, but there must be a lot of forty or fifty.And winter is here, and some of these half-grown children are a little bit sick and cold.

Xiao Lin wants to take them all to check?How much does that cost?

Sister Yu didn't dare to think about this astronomical figure, so she confirmed it with Su Yun who was at the side again.

Su Yun also came back to her senses, and when she heard Aunt Yu's words, she bent her lips and smiled: "Well, I would like to ask my sister-in-law to inform you that taking all the children in the village to the hospital for a physical examination can be regarded as a New Year's gift for them. A gift."

Although she and Xiao Lin still owe a lot of loans, they still have flexible funds that can be used at hand.Zhaojia Village is their hometown. Although their husband and wife don't have that deep relationship with the villagers here, they just think that they have not forgotten their roots after earning money, and do something good to repay the village that made them grow up.

Aunt Yu let out a sigh, and met Su Yun's gentle smile, suddenly Aunt Yu didn't want to ask any more questions.

"I see, I'll notify you right away."

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