Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 616 Don't give any hope

Xiao Lin and Su Yun want to do good deeds for the people in the village, which is a great deed.They could trust her to ask her to help inform, so she should go right away and not let them down.

"I'm going, I'm going."

Mrs. Yu kept talking.

Su Yun hummed and nodded: "Thanks for your hard work, sister-in-law. You help us to inform the news, saying that we will pay for the children to go to the hospital for physical examination. But in the end, it is up to their parents to decide whether to take the children for the examination. "

"Okay, okay, okay, this is a great thing, who will not let it go?" Sister Yu felt that whoever didn't go would be a big fool.

Su Yun thanked Mrs. Yu again, and Mrs. Yu left with a smile and walked to the village.She was busy informing the families with children in the village, saying that the Xiao family and his wife were kind-hearted, and they were going to take their children to the hospital for a physical examination.

Although it is said that since the land has been distributed to each household, the life of the villagers has become better than when they earned work points.But it's only a little bit better.

I can eat enough, and I have two spare coins in my hand.

It's just that adults nowadays are thinking about saving money to build a house or something, and they don't have the awareness to take their children to the hospital for a physical examination.It is a common situation in rural areas that minor diseases are not treated, and serious diseases are not dared to be treated.

The support from Xiao Lin and Su Yun will give many children a chance to check their health, and will also make their parents pay more attention to their physical condition.

Sister-in-law Yu felt that this was a very good thing, so she couldn't wait to inform the people in the village.

After seeing Aunt Yu off, Su Yun turned around and entered the house with the basket in hand. Li Cuifen, who had been staring at her at the corner waiting to eat, yelled twice.

"Meat, eat meat, eat meat."

Li Cuifen was so crazy that she didn't know anything except eating.

Su Yun glanced at her, replied lightly and waited, then turned and entered the house, and closed the door with a snap.

"Xiaoyun, what happened outside? I seem to have heard Su Jianguo's voice just now." As soon as she entered, Old Mrs. Xiao walked over to her face, unable to hide the worry on her face.

It turned out that when Su Jianguo first arrived, everyone in the yard heard the voice.Xiao Lin stopped the old lady and the others from coming out, but he listened to Su Jianguo's words behind the door.

No wonder he was so clear, he took Su Jianguo and the others to the hospital as soon as he went out.

Su Yun bent her lips, and smiled sweetly at the old lady: "It's okay, brother Lin has already taken care of it."

"That's good, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine." Mrs. Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, whether it is the old lady Xiao or Xiao Lin, they all know that it is not so easy to sever the relationship.In order not to embarrass Su Yun, they took the initiative to help Su Yun bear a lot.

Su Yun knew what they did, and it was because of this that Su Yun was particularly moved.

In fact, she was not as embarrassing as they thought. She would not soften her heart whether it was for Su Jianguo or Li Cuifen.

If she is soft-hearted towards the two of them now, then she is sorry for herself in her previous life, and her life is not long, Su Yun does not want to be the kind of person who wrongs herself for others.

Just after two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Lin returned home.

From his mouth, I learned that Su Jianguo's son's fever had subsided, and his fate was saved.Su Jianguo looked at him and wanted to say thank you but didn't dare, he looked cowardly.

Xiao Lin first opened his mouth and made it very clear to Su Jianguo that what happened today was just to save the child for the sake of the child, and it was only a one-time opportunity.Please Su Jianguo don't delusional think that Su Yun and his relationship are restored.

They are strangers now.

After saying this, Xiao Lin didn't look at Su Jianguo again, and left the hospital.

Su Jianguo was left alone standing where he was, not sure if he regretted it in his heart.

"Brother Rin, thank you for your hard work, I have wronged you."

After hearing this, Su Yun took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Xiao Lin's waist, burying her face in his arms.

The two of them were in their own room, and the child was brought by the old lady and Mrs. Zhang. They watched old master Fang and old master Chen play chess in the main room.

So Su Yun could express her feelings without any scruples, and gently hugged Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin lowered her eyes, raised her hand and rubbed her hair, her voice was as gentle and considerate as ever: "I'm not wronged, it's just a small effort to save the life of an innocent child."

Neither Xiao Lin nor Su Yun regarded Su Jianguo's son as Su Jianguo's son.

just a kid.

Su Yun hummed, Xiao Lin's thoughts coincided with hers.

She didn't want to talk about it anymore, so she asked Xiao Lin how to arrange for the children in Xiao Lin's village to go to the hospital for examination?

"I thought that many children in the village were thinner and shorter than those in the city. I asked them to go to the county hospital for an examination and then tell their parents about their physical condition."

Knowing what their children lack, I believe those parents should not ignore everything.

Su Yun nodded.

"Okay, then shall we give each of them a little more money?"

"Huh? This may not be appropriate. Few parents will let their children get money now." So to give those children money, it is better to see who is really deficient in nutrition and buy some milk powder or something for them.

Su Yun hummed.

"I listen to my brother."


Xiao Lin looked down at her cute appearance, and his heart softened: "You really listen to me?"

Su Yun was moved at the moment, so naturally she didn't guess what Xiao Lin was thinking.When he asked repeatedly, Su Yun naturally gave an affirmative answer again.

"The daughter-in-law..." Xiao Lin leaned over to her ear, bit her ear and murmured in a low voice: "Husband wants to try the difficult one, can you?"

Su Yun: ...

The sudden driving caught her off guard, and she turned around in her head before the action in the comic book he got from somewhere a while ago appeared. He seized the opportunity and pestered Su Yun to try it together...

How come a man who is about to be 30 years old with so many children is still so energetic?Aren't you afraid of flashing to your waist?
"Aren't you afraid of back pain in the future?"

"Wife, don't worry, your husband's waist is fine, and he can guarantee to meet all his needs."


She didn't know what to say.

I don't know who needs it anymore.

When they are a young couple, you and me, and the honey is mixed with oil.Sister-in-law Yu, his wife, and Yu Hu have already informed every family in the village that has children under the age of 12 that Xiao Lin will see a doctor for children under the age of [-] in the village.

When this news came out, there was a storm of discussion in the village.

"Have you heard? The cripple from Xiao's family wants to pay for medical treatment for all the children in the village?"

"Isn't it? I heard that children under the age of 12 are fine, or go to a big hospital in the county!"

"Yes, yes, where do you think the cripple of the Xiao family has so much money? I heard the daughter-in-law in front of Zhao Cheng come back and say that the house they live in Beijing is very good, and they drive a four-wheeled car when they go out. Cars, food and drink are served. Don’t you think this is not capitalist hedonism?”

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