"Isn't it what?"

These people talk to each other, and under the big tree outside the small shop at the entrance of the village, chatting without saying a word.While these people didn't utter a single good word, the expressions on their faces were full of disdain.

Speaking of it, they may not be able to earn the money that Xiao Lin paid for the doctor's treatment of several children after working for a year. Logically speaking, people like them are not qualified to laugh at or look down on Xiao Lin.

But there are often some people in this world, no matter how poor they are, when they stand at the foot of the mountain and look up at the top of the mountain, they will not have a correct understanding of the top of the mountain.

They will only use their pitiful knowledge to envy others and acidify others.

Yes, the villagers who are crippled by Xiao Lin right now are the ones who are bitter about Xiao Lin.The identities of people like them are very simple. It is undoubtedly that Xiao Lin and his wife have done such a great deed, but they cannot enjoy it.

The villagers in the same village, didn't their jealousy grow crazily?

The sour words from his mouth kept coming out, as if he didn't want money.

Zhao Qiming was holding an abacus on the counter of the canteen not far away.Hearing all the discussions around him, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled.

That's good.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Some villagers who happened to pass by heard what other people said before, and felt that what they said was too much, and those passing by villagers couldn't help but want to intervene and refute.

"The Xiao family did such a great thing, and it fell into your mouth like this? I think you people are purely full and have nothing to do, and it's too hard to be idle all day."

There are quite a few people who speak bitterly about Xiao Lin and the others, but there are more villagers who thank Xiao Lin and the others.Naturally, the two groups formed a distinct team, arguing in front of the consignment store.

Chen Jinzhou watched the old man and the others play chess at home for a while, and when the two old men had taken a nap, he felt a little bored and wanted to take a walk around the village.

Declining Yu Hu's offer to lead him, Chen Jinzhou walked alone on the path in the village.He was wearing a simple gray padded jacket, a style very common in the village.

But the effect of the same padded jacket will be different immediately after being worn by another person.

After wearing the unremarkable padded jacket that others wore on Chen Jinzhou's body, his extraordinary temperament was immediately revealed.Chen Jinzhou was walking on the road, just in front of the commissary.

Naturally, I heard half of the villagers slandering his elder brother, and I also heard half of the villagers defending his elder brother.

Chen Jinzhou frowned slightly, and he probably expected the villagers' reaction.I believe that what he can predict, his elder brother can also predict.So the villagers' reaction is not worthy of his frowning surprise.

What really surprised him was the man of the same age standing behind the counter in that small shop with an abacus in his hand.

He should be about the same age as himself, but there was a lot of noise outside, but he had a calm expression on his face.Chen Jinzhou saw a trace of weirdness in the other party's calm expression.

He took a second look.

Zhao Qiming behind the counter seemed to be aware of Chen Jinzhou's gaze, and raised his head to look at Chen Jinzhou accurately. Zhao Qiming was not too surprised when he saw that it was a strange man.

Instead, he glanced at Chen Jinzhou lightly, and nodded slightly to him.

Chen Jinzhou was somewhat surprised by his reaction.

How could there be such a thoughtful person in this small rural place?Chen Jinzhou became curious about Zhao Qiming's identity.

It didn't make him curious for too long, one of the villagers who got into a quarrel yelled loudly: "Whether the Xiao family is a good person or not, we don't care, you can ask Qiming. See if in his heart, Are the Xiao family good people?"

The yelling person suddenly brought the topic to Zhao Qiming behind the counter of the canteen, and Zhao Qiming's hands that moved the abacus stopped.Wei Wei raised his head to look at the villagers who were looking at him outside.

I cursed stupidly in my heart.

There was still a calm expression on his face, showing a faint smile.

The villagers outside didn't know why, so they continued: "Yeah, Qiming, just tell me, what kind of people do you think the Xiao family is like? Would that cripple Xiao Lin help people with such good intentions? No matter how I look at it, I don't think it's possible. "

"I don't know what the ulterior purpose is!"

The envious villagers really had great opinions.

Those villagers who agreed also looked at Zhao Qiming.

Zhao Qiming smiled, and replied in a gentle manner.

"How did this thing get involved with me? I don't have a good relationship with the Xiao family, and I don't have any children who want them to support me. It's not suitable for me to comment."

Listening to Zhao Qiming's words, Chen Jinzhou felt even more disobedient.

How could a villager have such a calm temperament?
He narrowed his eyes slightly, stood aside with his arms folded, and didn't intend to go away anytime soon.

After hearing Zhao Qiming's words, those who were jealous of the Xiao family became even more arrogant.Shen Chunmei was also among them. When she heard Zhao Qiming's words, she immediately said, "Qiming, you don't have to cover it up for them. I heard your mother tell you that it was the Xiao family who made things difficult for you to miss your marriage with Su Yun. Yes. Although you have feelings for Xiaoyun, you don't have to worry about her too much. After all, she is the daughter-in-law of the Xiao family now, and she has already vented her anger with that lame Xiao Lin."

"Yes, I also think you don't need to save face for her at all. There is a good saying, the grace of taking a wife is irrelevant, you can swallow this breath, and we can't swallow it for you."

As soon as the villager's words fell, Chen Jinzhou, who had been standing aside and listening, smiled coldly.

"Oh, then what do you want to do?" After he finished speaking, he walked out from behind the crowd with his arms folded. That indifferent temperament, coupled with that handsome but cold handsome face, made people immediately see I understand, this person is not from the village.

Those people who were jumping behind their backs to hurt Xiao's family were slightly taken aback by Chen Jinzhou who came out.The person took a step back unconsciously.

But the villagers who were standing on Xiao Lin's side, seemed to see a savior, and gave way to Chen Jinzhou one after another.

Chen Jinzhou didn't pay much attention to their surprise. He walked to the open space in front of the canteen, and his eyes fell on Zhao Qiming who was standing behind the counter.

"What do you call a comrade?"

Chen Jinzhou's tone was neither salty nor weak.He directly ignored the villagers who opposed the Xiao family the loudest, and spoke to Zhao Qiming.

From Chen Jinzhou's point of view, the villagers who only know how to fight fire are really not worth mentioning.What made him more concerned was this man who had been engaged to his sister-in-law and almost got married.

He deserves his attention.

There was a gentle smile on Zhao Qiming's face.

"Zhao Qiming."

"Oh, Comrade Zhao Qiming. According to what you folks said, you think that the original marriage exchange was done by the Xiao family, don't you?"

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