Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 624 The whole village goes together to save people

The quarry collapsed...

This is a big deal!
All the young and old in the village, men and women, came out of their homes after hearing the news.Not long after, a lot of people gathered in the open space at the village head.

They looked in the direction of the quarry, pointing and pointing at each other, noisy and messy.

The village head, Zhao Hongwei, and several other cadres in the village came out in a hurry. They all had anxious expressions on their faces. Seeing the villagers talking, Zhao Hongwei hurriedly walked to the side table.

"Everyone be quiet. The quarry has collapsed, and rescue is urgently needed. The militia reserve in the village, as well as the young and middle-aged people, all brought their fellows and followed me."

The quarry contracted by Zhao Weimin was contracted out from the village.Although the contract was signed at the time of contracting, since the quarry was contracted to Zhao Weimin, everything has nothing to do with the village department.

Like the collapse of the quarry now, this has nothing to do with the village.However, there is still a relationship of benevolence and righteousness.

As long as it is an individual and a village, it is naturally impossible to watch people die in the quarry without helping them.So as soon as the village chief Zhao Hongwei said this, there was a lot of response, and the young people went home to pack their things and went to the quarry on the other side of the mountain to save people.

Xiao family.

"Daughter-in-law, when Azhou and I are not at home, you should close the door and try not to go out, do you know?" Xiao Lin also changed into a set of clothes that are convenient for working, and took Su Yun's hand and instructed.

He and Chen Jinzhou are also going to help and see how the quarry is going.

Because of Ma Liang's lesson a few years ago, Xiao Lin was very worried when he encountered such a thing and went out again.He was just afraid that if something happened again, he would not know what to do.

But now all the young people in the village have gone, and Xiao Lin has to go too.

It's not that if he doesn't go, people will say something about him, but in this situation, as a capable one, it's really difficult to stand by at home.

And he had a strange feeling in his heart, always feeling that something was wrong with the collapse of the quarry.

Coincidentally, Su Yun also had the same feeling in her heart.

When Xiao Lin told her to be careful at home, Su Yun nodded, stood opposite him and straightened his collar: "You should also pay attention to safety when you go there. I don't know why the quarry collapsed. Watch out."

If it is due to weather or geographical conditions, pay more attention.If it is man-made, pay more attention.

Su Yun was taken aback by herself when she thought of artificiality.If so, then...

She didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

"Well, don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will."

Xiao Lin said and pressed a kiss on her head, then turned and walked out, going out with Chen Jinzhou who was waiting in the yard.

Outside Xiao's house, Yu Hu, his elder brother Yu Long, and several other young men of similar age in the village were waiting for them. When they saw Xiao Lin and the others coming out, they all had smiles on their faces.

"Let's go."


They each held possible tools in their hands, including a hammer, a shovel, and even a wooden stick in their hands...

Although I don't know if these things can be used, but anyway, it's good for them to have some tools in their hands. It's like not bringing anything. When the time comes, they can only look up at the sky when they want it.

"Let's hurry up, saving people is like putting out a fire."

Brother Yu Long suggested.

After he finished speaking, he was about to trot, but suddenly remembered that there were Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou in their team.Therefore, Yu Long stopped and looked back at Xiao Lin and the others: "How are you doing? Do you want to walk slowly?"

Yu Long asked this question mainly because he was worried that Chen Jinzhou would not be able to keep up.

He wasn't worried about Xiao Lin, Sui Ran said that Xiao Lin had been in the city for a few years, but Yu Long was still deeply impressed by his agile movements when he went to the village to fish for fish.

"No, speed up!"

With Xiao Lin's words, Yu Long agreed, and immediately urged the people in front to start running.Their rescue team of nine arrived long before the rest of the village.

Before the team got close to the quarry, the group could smell the strong smell of stone chips in the air. Together with this smell, there was also the smell of blood, and a smell of gunpowder that could not be ignored.

Xiao Lin glanced at Chen Jinzhou who was on the side.

It happened that Chen Jinzhou also glanced at Xiao Lin.

Both brothers saw their tacit intentions in each other's eyes.

After turning a corner, you are near the quarry.

The smell was even stronger when he got closer, and the scene in front of him stunned the people who came to help.

Hundreds of tons of stone rolled down from above, filling up the quarry that had been mined for a year.Many big rocks rolled to the distance, hit nearby trees, rolled into the ground, and fell into the river...

Several workers ran to the distance and were bloody and bloody from the rolling stones, but fortunately there was still one life left.Another was thrown into the river and was struggling desperately in the river.

"Hurry up and save people."

As Xiao Lin spoke, he took the long wooden stick in the hands of the villagers beside him, and together with Chen Jinzhou, he fished up the people in the river.

"Cough cough cough...cough cough cough..."

The rescued person let out a violent cough, and Xiao Lin realized that the person's left calf was twisted in a strange posture when he was dragged to the shore, obviously the calf was broken.

Xiao Lin squatted down, stretched out his hand to hold his calf and pressed it lightly.

"Bone pain or flesh pain?"

Hands pressed right to his knuckles.

"Bones... ah... it hurts me to death."

The person crooked on the ground screamed loudly, Xiao Lin knew it was a sprained bone.

"Be patient for a while, and I'll fix your bones." They had learned basic first aid in the army before, and the main purpose was to deal with the situation when there was no team doctor in the field.

All soldiers will provide simple rescue, which can effectively reduce the serious situation after injury.

All soldiers know how to set bones like a wrong bone.

After Xiao Lin finished speaking, the man turned pale and hugged his leg, terrified.Xiao Lin glanced at Chen Jinzhou, and Chen Jinzhou pulled a wooden stick from the side and stuffed it into Chen Dazhuang's mouth.


With Xiao Lin twisting his hand, the injured Chen Dazhuang let out a heart-piercing cry, and Xiao Lin let go of his hand.

Chen Dazhuang's pale face was covered with cold sweat.

However, it seems that the legs really don't hurt so much?

He was about to move his feet, Xiao Lin said coldly, "You don't want legs anymore?"

Chen Dazhuang was stunned.

Xiao Lin picked up two small wooden sticks that were killed, and fixed Chen Dazhuang's newly recovered joints.

"The newly boned bone is still a little fragile, so I tied it with a stick to fix it first."

The brothers rescued Chen Dazhuang, and after making sure that he had no other injuries, they went on to find the next person.

the other side.

A crooked shack caught Yu Hu's attention, and there seemed to be faint crying inside.

"That's where Zhao Weimin lived with his concubine." One of the villagers said.

Yu Long asked a few people to go and see the woman named Du Juan, and the rest were to search among the pile of rocks to see if there was any living person.

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