Chapter 625
Du Juan, the child in my belly has been more than six months and almost seven months old.

When the quarry collapsed, she just got up, just turned around after washing, and before entering the shack, she heard a crashing sound behind her. Du Juan looked back, and the rolling stone fell in front of her.

Fortunately, her life was a little bit older, and she rushed to the side, narrowly dodging the deadly boulder, but her leg was hit by the small stone that rolled down and fell to the ground, and she was buried Most of it is under the gravel.

Yu Hu brought a person to Du Juan's side. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Du Juan raised his head and said with difficulty, "Is there anyone...? me..."

She stretched out her hand from the stone, and Yu Hu lowered his eyes to see that there was something on Du Juan's arm.
What is in front of Yu Hu at this moment is no longer Zhao Weimin's concubine, but a living person, a life.No, more precisely, two lives.

"You hold on first, we will remove the stone from your body immediately."

As Yu Hu spoke, he and his companions carefully moved away the stone that was pressing on Du Juan.Originally, I thought that after removing the stone, I would see Du Juan covered in blood, or the lower body was destroyed, but to my surprise, Du Juan was fine.

Speaking of this, it is thanks to the biggest stone on Dujuan's body, that stone was just cushioned by another stone, and then the other stones fell on top of the big stone, and did not directly press on Dujuan's body.

As for the blood on Du Juan's arm, it came from under her body. She was already turning red when she moved her fetus.

Yu Hu and others pulled Du Juan out, her face turned pale from the pain, and her whole body kept trembling.

"Help, help me, help me..."

Du Juan dragged Yu Hu and grabbed the blood from Yu Hu's arm.

Yu Hu frowned and moved the person aside: "Don't get excited, find a place to lie down first."

Yu Hu doesn't know how to treat a woman who is about to have a miscarriage, but he vaguely remembers that when his sister-in-law was about to give birth, the doctor made his sister-in-law lie down with her head down, so he felt that this method might also be suitable for Du Juan use.

But obviously, Dujuan didn't want this.

She was probably scared too?He held Yu Hu's arm tightly with both hands and refused to let go: "Please take me away, take me away right away. I am willing to do anything for you."

Yu Hu: ...

Does this person not understand human speech or what?What is the situation now that she doesn't understand?She is still pregnant with Zhao Weimin's child, shouldn't she be concerned about her own body and the condition of the child at this time?

What's the matter with pestering yourself?
Yu Hu frowned even deeper, glanced at the flustered Du Juan, and said in an unfriendly tone: "If you get agitated any more, the child in your stomach will die."

"It's gone..." Du Juan replied without thinking.

Yu Hu's face became even colder: "What do you mean by that?"

His eyes were a bit fierce, and Du Juan burst into tears under Yu Hu's gaze: "When the stones fell down just now, he was inspecting the innermost part of the quarry, so many stones fell down..."

Du Juan didn't finish speaking, but Yu Hu and the others already knew what Du Juan meant.

Does that mean that Zhao Weimin must die?

He asked Du Juan where Zhao Weimin was, and Du Juan pointed.

"Over there, he brought a few workers there."

"How many people are there in the quarry?" Xiao Lin's voice came in from one side, and soon he came here with Chen Jinzhou and the others.Du Juan's eyes lit up when she saw Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou, she had never seen such a handsome man.


Du Juan lowered her head shyly.

She obviously didn't even know what was going on with her right now.Xiao Lin glanced at Yu Hu, Yu Hu spread his hands helplessly, what can he do?It was also very troublesome for him to meet such a confused person.

Saving people is the most important thing, Xiao Lin didn't delay with Du Juan, but asked Du Juan to tell the situation of the quarry in a very stern tone.He said that if Du Juan concealed it intentionally and delayed the rescue, then she would be arrested and put in jail.

When Du Juan heard that he was going to jail, all his charming thoughts were gone.

She said straightforwardly: "Some workers in the quarry are not fixed, so there is no count of how many people there are every day. Today, because a large piece of rock is to be blown off, there are more workers, probably There are about twenty or thirty."

"so many?"

Not only Xiao Lin, Chen Jinzhou, and Yu Hu were taken aback, but even the other people who rushed over were also taken aback by the number Du Juan said.

About 30 people?And most of them are in the innermost part of the quarry, closest to the landslide...

"Second brother, go to the village to find more people to help, and report to the police immediately."

Xiao Lin opened his mouth to give orders to Yu Hu who was on the side, and at the same time led the people to walk towards the place full of stones.

This matter is too serious, if it is not reported to the police, it is absolutely impossible.It is necessary to let the comrades of the police come down and stabilize people's hearts.

When they were moving stones here, Zhao Hongwei also arrived with other people from the village.When he heard that there might be [-] or [-] people under the quarry, Zhao Hongwei's face turned pale.

"Twenty or thirty people... this... what should I do? What should I do... how could such a thing happen, how could such a thing happen..."

Even Zhao Hongwei was shocked when he heard the huge number.He kept murmuring with a pale face, he couldn't believe that such a thing would happen when the Chinese New Year was coming soon.

Zhao Hongwei was a little lost.

"Move the stone away first."

Xiao Lin stood on the side of the stone and made a sound, Zhao Hongwei oh oh twice, and quickly reacted to call people to remove the small stones that can be moved first.

Some of them can be moved by one person, and if they can't be moved by one person, two people will lift it, three people will lift it, and four or five people will work together to roll the big stone to the side.

During this period, none of the villagers complained of suffering or tiredness.Because someone is directing, everyone works in an orderly manner, and the efficiency is very high.

It didn't take long for them to move out of a large place and rescued three villagers who were trapped under the rocks.

Although they all suffered injuries to varying degrees, fortunately, that injury was not life-threatening.This is a blessing in misfortune.

"Someone will carry them to the open space over there, be careful."

Several villagers carried the people to the grass in the open space, and then cut down trees to make stretchers, and carried the injured people to the village.

Meanwhile, the village.

The police and the town's doctors all came to the entrance of the village.

Su Yun was waiting at the entrance of the village early in the morning. When she saw the police and the doctor, she quickly walked over: "Comrade Public Security, you have worked hard. The quarry is over there."

She pointed in the direction of the quarry, and the police followed her fingers to look over, and happened to see a few villagers carrying the wounded out.

The headed policeman saw this scene, his expression became very serious, he turned around and said to the doctors and nurses behind him: "Please, comrades, go to the village to have a look immediately."

"it is good."

Everyone knew the urgency of the matter, so they didn't say much, and hurried to the village department.Su Yun had to tell the person who carried the injured about this, she ran towards the quarry.

When passing by Zhao Qiming's canteen, Su Yun glanced at the closed door of the canteen, and she frowned slightly.

Zhao Qiming also went to the mountains?
(End of this chapter)

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