Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 626 The accident is not an accident, it is man-made

Chapter 626 The accident is not an accident, it is man-made
Su Yun was puzzled, but she didn't think too much about it.

Now regardless of Zhao Qiming, saving people is the most important thing.


With the cooperation of men, women and children in the whole village, as well as the help and cooperation of the police and doctors, Xiao Lin and the others were busy until the afternoon, and finally moved all the stones that could be moved from the quarry.

They also rescued many people from underneath.

But not everyone is so lucky to have the luck to survive.Among the people rescued by Xiao Lin and the others, eleven lost their lives...

Among the sacrificed people, Zhao Weimin was not seen.

Xiao Lin asked a survivor and found out that Zhao Weimin was the only one left in the quarry who hadn't been dug out.Xiao Lin looked at the biggest rock in the middle, and they cleared away all the surrounding rocks, leaving only the big rock the size of a small room.

If Zhao Weimin is under pressure...

There is no chance of survival.

It's just that they have limited tools at present, and it is difficult to remove the big rock, and the distance between the big rock and the ground is only a palm width, and the person who is pressed under it may have been crushed into a meatloaf...

Everyone knew about it, but no one said anything.

As for whether to continue to think of ways to break the big rock, the villagers are not sure about paying attention.The decision can only be handed over to the village chief Zhao Hongwei.Zhao Hongwei had no choice but to look at the police on one side.

The police frowned, thinking about it, they still wanted to save people.

"Go to the next village and call some people, and we will remove this big rock together."

If ten people can't move it, then a hundred people, if a hundred people can't move it, call all the strong laborers from the nearby villages and ask them all to come and help.

Zhao Hongwei let out a cry, and immediately sent someone to the next village for help.

When tens or hundreds of strong laborers from the two neighboring villages came over, Xiao Lin and the others had already tied up the big stone with ropes, some villagers were pulling the stone on both sides, and some people were behind the stone to help push the stone...

With the cooperation of almost two hundred people, the huge stone was finally moved away.Fortunately, there were a lot of them, otherwise, without any tools, it would be impossible for them to remove the stone with only one villager.

Not surprisingly, I also saw Zhao Weimin who was not angry at all...


Zhao Hongwei rubbed his eyes, still couldn't believe what he saw.How could this old man who was strolling in the village yesterday be crushed under a big rock today...

The nearby villagers didn't speak when they saw this scene.

They don't know what to say.

In the end, the police in the town spoke up and asked a few close relatives of the Zhao family, such as Zhao Weimin's younger brother Zhao Dashan, to restrain Zhao Weimin's body...

It is impossible to use this quarry again.

Comrade Public Security put up a wooden sign on the spot, prohibiting people from approaching.

"You folks have worked hard."

The police thanked the police who came to help, and told them to go home to eat and rest.As for those whose lives were taken away by stones, they were guarded by the police, and their relatives came to claim them.

People came soon, and they were crying on top of their family members, and there was a lot of crying near the quarry.

The policeman with shallow tears also took off his hat and wiped the corners of his eyes.

"Comrade Public Security..."

Xiao Lin walked to the side of Zhang Huaishan who was leading the team, and said in a low voice, "It doesn't look like an accident that the quarry collapsed."

Zhang Huaishan was stunned for a moment, and he looked at Xiao Rin incomprehensibly: "What do you mean? Is it not an accident?"

"Could it be that such a big disaster is man-made? How insane must the other party be?" Zhang Huaishan turned pale with shock, as if he had never encountered such a thing before.

Xiao Lin nodded. After finishing his work, he went around the landslide with Chen Jinzhou, and he found that there were a lot more blastholes than normal ones.

Some of the blastholes were drilled by Zhao Weimin and the others to blow up the rocks above them, but as Xiao Lin said, there were too many of these blastholes.

"What do you mean by that? Someone drilled extra holes and filled them with explosives?"

Zhang Huaishan asked Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin nodded, he thought so.

But the muffled sound in the morning didn't seem like the sound of extra explosives detonating, but the sound of normal detonation... Could it be?Xiao Lin narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Huaishan.

"Perhaps the quarry didn't intend to blast the stones today?"

So that muffled sound in the morning, but the sound of someone else detonating explosives?

The more Xiao Lin thought about it, the more he felt that this inference was reasonable. He immediately turned to Zhang Huaishan to ask the surviving workers, and learned that they really had no plan to detonate this morning...

The worker raised his other bruised hand, wiped his face and said, "How could we get so close when the detonation happened? We are all old workers in the quarry, and we know how to hide when the detonation happens." It's open..."

They were fascinated by their work this morning, when suddenly a muffled sound exploded above their heads. As soon as they raised their heads, they saw a large piece of rock on top of them collapse...

They were all stupid at the time, and when they came to their senses, the stone had already rolled to them.

He was also desperate to run sideways in order to get his life back.

For those who lost their lives, he was really lucky.

Zhang Huaishan: ...

This has changed from an accident to a deliberate murder, and it is such a big murder that they are going to finish it in Hongqi Town this year...

"This matter is of great importance, report it immediately."

Zhang Huaishan asked his colleagues to call the county seat, while he continued to investigate with a few police officers.

In the evening, Xiao Lin and Chen Jinzhou returned home.

Their steps were a little heavy, and their faces were very solemn.Seeing them coming back, the two old men immediately called Chen Jinzhou over to ask how the situation was going, and Su Yun also walked in front of Xiao Lin.

"Brother Lin, you've worked hard, how are things going?"

She handed Xiao Lin a towel moistened with warm water, and asked him to wipe off the dust on his face.

Xiao Lin showed a gentle smile to his wife, took the towel in her hand and wiped it before speaking: "Including Zhao Weimin, twelve people died in total."


Su Yun thought that someone would die, but she didn't expect so many people to lose their lives.

Xiao Lin nodded solemnly: "Yes, counting Zhao Weimin's concubine, there are 31 people in total. Apart from the twelve who lost their lives, there are nineteen people who were seriously injured."

Su Yun also saw a lot of injured people in the village. Seeing those people in pain, she felt uncomfortable.

"Brother Lin, can we do something?"

"Now wait for the police to investigate. It is almost certain that this incident is man-made. Let's see if they can find the murderer." But Xiao Lin thought, even if the murderer was found, the other party would not be able to do so. So much money to compensate for such a big loss.


Su Yun was stunned.

This thing is actually man-made?When she was in the village in the afternoon, the aunts in the village suddenly flashed through her mind, saying that Zhao Qiming was beaten by Zhao Weimin yesterday, but today he went to the quarry to save people for the first time...

Is he not saving lives?

"Has Zhao Qiming gone to save someone?"

(End of this chapter)

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