Chapter 628 Zhao Qiming is dying

This person is none other than Zhang Huaishan who just left the Xiao family.

In other words, it wasn't Zhang Huaishan either.

The real Zhang Huaishan passed away a few years ago, and the current Zhang Huaishan is an impostor.Relying on Zhang Huaishan's identity information stolen from him by the organization, he has been lurking here for several years, and no one has been able to find out.

Not to mention, he played the good guy quite successfully, and no one noticed something wrong with him for so long.

"Do you need it?"

A gloomy voice sounded from the side. Zhao Qiming, who had been missing since last night, came out from the side, looked at 'Zhang Huaishan' and said, "To provoke them on purpose? To create trouble for yourself?"

Zhao Qiming didn't quite approve of 'Zhang Huaishan''s approach.

According to Zhao Qiming's plan, he would finish the matter quietly and leave this place.

Zhang Huaishan clicked his tongue and looked at Zhao Qiming with a smile: "What? Can you swallow this breath? Doesn't their family hate you for taking your wife? This is why you can't bear it? Let it go?"

Since Zhao Qiming joined their team (gang), Zhao Qiming's background has been dug out by them long ago.These people also knew about the previous relationship between Zhao Qiming and Su Yun.

But think about it, after all, they are a group of maggots who can't get on the table, and if you want to join them, you must check them out.Otherwise, if they got into an undercover agent or something, not only would they not be able to complete the task, but they would also be taken over by someone, which would be a shame for years of forbearance and lurking.

Having said that, you should know who the people in this organization are.

Zhao Qiming glanced at Zhang Huaishan faintly, the expression on that face seemed to be looking at a clown.

"That's my business, it has nothing to do with you."

Zhang Huaishan snorted, he hated Zhao Qiming's appearance the most.If it wasn't for the orders from above not to allow them to kill each other, he would have killed Zhao Qiming early in the morning.

A person who is neither yin nor yang for a day, always puts on an appearance that he is very calculating, which is very annoying.

Just when the atmosphere between the two became more and more strange, another person came out from the bamboo forest.He was dressed in ordinary clothes, and his expression was similar to that of farmers in the village.

The only difference is that there is killing intent in the eyes.

He is the boss of the organization that Zhao Qiming joined. I don't know what his name is, but everyone calls him Brother Guang.

Brother Guang is about forty years old, not tall and not good-looking.But the method is first-class and ruthless.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked aloud, which looked like a question, but neither Zhao Qiming nor Zhang Huaishan dared not answer.In other words, they have no right not to answer.

"Brother Guang..."

"Brother Guang..."

Zhang Huaishan and Zhao Qiming yelled together, and Zhang Huaishan said first, "Qiming said that there are some great people in the yard. I just went over to find out the news."

It is true that Zhang Huaishan went to Xiao's house to inquire about news.

Brother Guang nodded: "What did you find out?"

"I didn't see what those two people looked like, but I saw a young man who didn't look like an ordinary person." Zhang Huaishan said that the young man was Chen Jinzhou.

Brother Guang nodded, and his eyes fell on Zhao Qiming who was on the side.

"Qiming, what do you think?"

Brother Guang prefers Zhao Qiming to Zhang Huaishan.Not for anything else, just because Zhao Qiming is ruthless.Like today's accident, the other party was his own father, but he still killed him if he wanted to.

This really couldn't be better for Brother Guang.

Only such ruthless people can manage their organizations well and carry forward their careers.

Brother Guang thought for a while, and said to Zhao Qiming: "If you don't disappear for a day, they might suspect you."

Zhao Qiming looked at Brother Guang, not quite understanding what Brother Guang meant.But Brother Guang had already made his decision.He glanced at Zhang Huaishan, and his eyes signaled him to move away.

He had something to say to Zhao Qiming alone.

Even if Zhang Huaishan didn't like it, he didn't dare to disobey Brother Guang's opinion.He went to the periphery to help guard the sentry.

Brother Guang walked over and suddenly beat Zhao Qiming severely.

Zhao Qiming didn't react at all, and was knocked to the ground by Brother Guang, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.He raised his head and looked at Brother Guang in disbelief: "Brother Guang..."

Brother Guang ignored Zhao Qiming, he glanced at the person lying on the ground, squatted down and stuffed a small bullet into Zhao Qiming's hand.

Zhao Qiming was even more surprised.

Brother Guang lowered his voice and said, "This is the key to the base, and there are things I left for you inside."

Brother Guang is a capable person. Recently, he has been feeling that his time is approaching.Before that, he must find a successor for the organization.

Obviously, Brother Guang's favorite successor is Zhao Qiming.

Zhao Qiming didn't expect Brother Guang to give him such an important thing. He knew that Brother Guang was in charge of the entire Nancheng area.After so many years of operation, there must be no need to talk about connections and money.

"Brother Guang..."

Zhao Qiming looked at Brother Guang with obvious meaning in his eyes.He can't hold such an important position.

Brother Guang snorted and said, "You can do it if you tell me to do it. What are mothers-in-law and mothers doing? I'm going to take someone to do a big ticket these few days. Regardless of whether the big ticket is successful or not, I will never show up again." gone."

After doing it for so many years, he actually wanted to quit.But the organization is kind to him, and he can't just live up to the trust of the organization.

So he decided to make a big deal, with the determination to die.

"I will take Zhang Huaishan with me, don't worry, when you go to Nancheng with a brand new identity, no one will know about your past."

"Brother Guang..."

"Okay, that's it."

Brother Guang waved his hand, and the matter was settled.


In the evening, Zhao Hongwei was so busy that he felt dizzy when suddenly someone came to report that he had found Zhao Qiming.

Zhao Hongwei frowned: "Found it? Then tell him to come over to deal with his father's funeral." The bodies of these workers who lost their lives were almost taken back by their families, and Zhao Weimin, who was turned into a meatloaf, was almost missing.

Originally, Zhao Hongwei asked Zhao Dashan and the others to take Zhao Weimin back, but Zhao Dashan was so frightened that he peed his pants when he saw his brother's unrecognizable appearance.

I can't even stand firmly by myself, let alone bring people back.

Zhao Hongwei was so angry that he scolded Zhao Dashan and told him to leave.

Now that Zhao Qiming has been found, he must be asked to come and take away his father's body. "Tell him to come here quickly."

Zhao Hongwei was tired all day, and his tone was not very good.

The person who came to report paused.

Looking at the village head very embarrassed: "The village head...this...maybe...can't come..."

"what happened?"

"Zhao Qiming, he... is about to die."


(End of this chapter)

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