Chapter 629

Chen Jinzhou returned to the village when it was dark.

He got out of the car and first reported his gains from this trip to the two old men who were waiting for his news.

"Grandpa, I asked in the town. Some time ago, there was a group of people who robbed houses and robbed houses. They did all sorts of crimes. The town's police sent out to track them down, but they never caught that group."

From the residents of the town, I know that those people came out to commit crimes in the middle of the night. There are only eight police officers in the town police station. Catch people and let them run away...

In fact, before today, Zhang Huaishan had been looking for someone in the town to help with the case, but he couldn't find it.

Those people are afraid of the most vicious bandits.

"According to the residents, these public security comrades haven't had a good rest for a long time, and today such a big incident happened in the village. It is reasonable for Captain Zhang to see that he wants to invite him to help."

In other words, if Chen Jinzhou faced such a situation, he would also want to ask for help.

Mr. Fang, Mr. Chen, and Xiao Lin were all listening to Chen Jinzhou.After listening to his words, they thought for a while and nodded.

"That being said, the security task in this town is indeed very heavy."

"Insufficient manpower at the grassroots level is also a big problem."

Mr. Fang fell into deep thought. He really wanted to help find a way, but he didn't have any good ideas for a while.

This matter was put on hold for the time being.

After dinner in the evening, they chatted for a while before going back to their room to rest.Because such a big incident happened in the village, although there were no relatives of Su Yun and the others in it, many innocent people died, and Su Yun was not in a high mood.

After taking a bath, she lay under the blanket and reached out to burp the baby who had just drunk milk.

Xiao Lin lay on the outside, with his arms around her shoulders, holding her half in his arms.

The husband and wife chatted in a low voice without saying a word.

"Then Zhao Qiming found it. He said he was beaten up last night and hid in the cellar of his house. The cellar was locked. When the villagers found him, Zhao Qiming had only one breath left. gone."

"Huh? Dead?"

Su Yun asked directly.

But the person beside her was her husband, so there was no need for Su Yun to beat around the bush.So I just asked what I wanted to ask: "There was such a big accident in the quarry today, and he was beaten to the last breath, isn't it a bit of a coincidence?"

Xiao Lin actually thought it was too much of a coincidence, but Zhao Qiming's injury was indeed real.

In order to confirm, he went to see it again.It was discovered that Zhao Qiming had been beaten in fatal places, and the opponent's shots were fierce, and he didn't hold back at all.

Therefore, Xiao Lin felt that the chances of Zhao Qiming cooperating with others in the design were relatively small.

It's not that Xiao Lin doesn't like Zhao Qiming's bastard, but that Zhao Qiming really doesn't have the courage to let someone kill him. (He guessed right, if Zhao Qiming was an educated youth in advance, he would never be beaten severely.)
Su Yun groaned, and the child beside her also fell asleep.She turned around and lay on her back, found a good place in Xiao Lin's arms, grabbed his fingers and whispered: "Brother Lin, I feel that this trip is not going well, or you can tell grandpa and grandma Say, we will go to the capital after the new year?"

In fact, she wanted to say that she would go back to the capital in the next two days, but thinking that Mr. Chen came all the way to visit her father-in-law, and went back after two days of rest, the old man's body couldn't bear it.

Xiao Lin hummed.

"I bought a ticket for the first day of junior high school, and we will go to Nancheng after the New Year's Eve dinner at home, and take the bus back to Beijing on the first day of junior high school."

"it is good."

The husband and wife talked for a while. Although the two were cuddling, but such a thing happened in the village, no matter who they were, they didn't have that kind of thought.

They hugged each other and fell asleep.

The weather on the second day was a bit colder than the day before, and the clouds in the sky were low, giving people a feeling that they could almost touch the clouds with their hands.On the branches of the village, flocks of crows are constantly quacking on the branches.

There is a saying in the village that the more crows there are and the louder they cry, it means that people are going to die in that place.

Flocks of crows bent the branches of the old banyan tree on the other side of the village.

This kind of weather, coupled with the crows of swarms, always makes people feel depressed.When Su Yun woke up, she faintly heard the sound of funerals coming from the village.

She changed her clothes and left the room. The old lady came out from the kitchen and beckoned her to have dinner.

"Anzi and Azhou have gone to help, breakfast is in the pot."

Xiao Lin got up to make breakfast.Because of the cold weather during the two days back, Xiao Lin didn't let Su Yun's hands touch the cold water, whether it was breakfast or dinner, he and Chen Jinzhou provided them all.

If Su Yun really wanted to touch her hands, she would have to wash the vegetables in warm water or something.

Xiao Lin's nervous appearance made Su Yun mistakenly think that she had some serious disease that could not touch cold water.

Thinking of Xiao Lin's thoughtfulness, Su Yun frowned.

"Okay Grandma, I'm getting up late."

"It's okay, there's nothing to do when you get up early in winter."


Su Yun sweetly agreed, and walked into the kitchen.

The village has been gloomy and gloomy for the past few days, and the crying has never stopped no matter whether it is day or night.When Wang Yuhua came back from the police station in the town, she learned that her man had been crushed into a meatloaf under a big rock, and she fainted on the spot.

However, this did not exonerate her from the crime of cooperating with others to drug Su Yun.

With the help of her family's brothers, Zhao Weimin was wrapped in a straw mat and buried in a hasty manner. Before she could take a look at Zhao Qiming, who was hospitalized in the county hospital, Wang Yuhua was arrested again.

Zhao Weimin's death and Zhao Qiming's serious injury hit Wang Yuhua hard. Under the sudden questioning by the police, she finally admitted that she got the medicine that Li Cuifen and Su Ying gave Su Yun...

Wang Yuhua admitted, then it will be easy.

The police directly sentenced her to a ten-year farm labor camp, and sent her to the farm on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

When Su Yun heard the news, she was cutting the nails of several children.Hearing Mrs. Yu's words, she paused slightly.

"I said that Wang Yuhua's conscience is really bad, and that Li Cuifen, how cruel are they to plot against a little girl like you, Xiaoyun? Fortunately, you didn't have an accident at the time. If there was an accident, they would be on their backs." A life was lost."

"I don't know if they will have a guilty conscience if that's the case."

Sister Yu spoke angrily from the side.

Human life?
In their previous life, after they learned that they were dead, they were as happy as if nothing happened.

Zhang's mother on the side also interjected: "It is said that in this world, tigers do not eat children. If you are not Li Cuifen's child, Xiao Su, you can still make sense, but you happen to be her biological daughter, how can she treat you like this? "

Su Yun showed a faint smile and shook her head.

"They are now getting their payback too."

(End of this chapter)

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