Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 630 It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come

Chapter 630 It's not that I don't report it, the time has not come

"Isn't it?" Zhang Ma continued: "This person, you must not do bad things, otherwise when the retribution comes, it will be called heaven and earth will not work."

"That's right, the old saying has been said, it's not that we don't report, the time has not yet come, my natal family..." Aunt Yu continued to chat with Zhang Ma, and Su Yun listened with a slight smile on her face. , has not interrupted much.

Wang Yuhua received retribution, Li Cuifen also received retribution, and Su Ying, she gave her life early.

So, I really answered that sentence, didn't I not report, the time has not come yet?

She lowered her eyes and thought about it, then smiled.

Whether he retribution or not, anyway, they have nothing to do with her, she takes good care of her family and her job.

"Xiao Yun..."

The old lady Xiao's voice came from outside, "Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, are you going to the town to go to the market? You take grandpa and the others to the town to see?"

Mr. Chen was fine before he participated in the revolution. His family was a wealthy family with a solid family background. Even if the times were not good, they would not have a miserable life.Like going to the market or something, I can often go there.

But Mr. Fang is different. Mr. Fang was born in a poor family.When he was a child, he grazed cattle for the landlord's family, not to mention going to the market during the Chinese New Year, even an extra bite of food was a luxury.

The old lady's name is Su Yun, and she mainly wants Su Yun to take Mr. Fang outside to feel the lively atmosphere.

It happens to be the 28th of the twelfth lunar month today, so the town will definitely be very lively.

Su Yun sighed and stood up: "Mother Zhang, sister-in-law, do you want to go shopping in the town?"

"I won't go." Zhang Ma said: "I will take care of the children at home with the old lady, Xiao Su, take the old man and the others to the town."

The triplets will be one year old soon, but I don't know if it's because the weather is too cold and the clothes are too thick, so that none of the three brothers and sisters wants to stand up.

Su Yun was not in a hurry either.

I heard Mrs. Zhang tell Mrs. Xiao that as long as this child starts to stand up, he will not be far away from walking.And after the child dares to take the first step, the follow-up will naturally go away.

"Then it will be hard for Zhang Ma and grandma."

"What hard work? The three babies are very obedient. I have never brought such a worry-free child." Zhang Ma smiled and waved her hand. Su Yun also smiled and did not show any politeness to Zhang Ma, and turned and left the room.

It just so happened that the atmosphere in the village was very depressing these days, so Su Yun also wanted to visit the town to change her mood.

Besides, the new year is coming soon, and they can't just celebrate the new year without preparing anything.Su Yun made up her mind to call Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen. Hearing that she was going to take them to the town, Mr. Fang was also very happy.

"Okay, let's go then, do you want to take the children or keep them at home?"

"Let's stay at home. It's cold outside. Grandma and Zhang Ma will take care of them at home."

"Hmm..." Mr. Chen took a look at the yard, and asked Chen Jinzhou to stay. "Azhou, you stay and help Zhang Ma and your grandma take care of the children."

After all, there are three children in this family. If they were to be left in the town like this, Mr. Chen would not be at ease.

Besides, the accident happened only a few days ago in the village, and no one knows if there will be another accident.It's better to keep more people at home, so don't worry.

Chen Jinzhou naturally had no objection to this arrangement.On the contrary, Su Yun felt a little guilty: "Why don't I go to Azhou and I stay at home?"

"No need, Xiao Yun, you stay at home as a lesbian. If some bad guys really come, you can't beat two of them." Old Master Chen rejected Su Yun's proposal first.

Su Yun could only agree with a smile.

They packed up and went out, leaving Chen Jinzhou, the old lady, Zhang Ma and three children at home.Aunt Yu also went out after they went out. Mrs. Xiao closed the door from the inside and played with Zhang Mama and the children in the house.

It was cold outside, and their Xiao family didn't have any relatives or friends in the village, the only one they got along with was the Yu family.This sister-in-law Yu also went out and said that she was going to the town to go to the market, so no one would come to look for them.

Oh, I forgot, there is another Wan Zhao Di.

But Wan Zhaodi is also busy when the Chinese New Year is coming, so she won't come to her door for no reason.

So it makes sense for the old lady to bolt the door.

Su Yun and the others went to the town together in the car left by Yu Hu. In order to make it easier for his family to come and go, Xiao Lin specially asked Yu Hu to rent a car and put it in his hometown. The car asked Yu Hu to return it.

Xiao Lin was in charge of driving, Su Yun sat in the co-pilot, and the two old men sat in the back seat.

The spirit of going out today is much better than when they came here before.

When the two of them came that day, they had been on the train for a long time, and the car was bumping all the way, and no matter how strong their bodies were, they would be exhausted.But today is different. Today they just came out from home, rested well, and are in good spirits.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window along the way, the two old men praised this is a good place from time to time.

The road to Zhaojia Village runs along the river, with the river on one side, low hills on the other, and a river about 20 meters wide in the middle.

This river flows from Zhaojia Village. It is fine in winter. During the dry season, the water is not too much. You can see the riverbed under the gurgling water.But when the water rises in summer, the water in this river is very deep.

There are several tributaries in Su Yun's village, all of which converge into this river.In her previous life, she drowned in this river, when the rain was the most abundant...

Suddenly thinking of what happened in her previous life, Su Yun looked at the gurgling river, and for some reason felt that it had become scary, like a man-eating monster with a hideous face.

"Girl, what is girl thinking?"

When Master Fang's question came from behind, Su Yun suddenly realized that she was so distracted that she didn't hear Grandpa calling her.

"Sorry Grandpa, I was just thinking about something."

Su Yun came back to her senses, and smiled apologetically at the old man.When she turned her head, she found that Xiao Lin was also looking at her, with a worried face on her face.

"I'm ok."

She spoke silently.

Xiao Lin hummed, turned her head and continued to focus on the car driving ahead.Su Yun stopped looking at the river outside, but concentrated on listening to the two old men chatting.

"Girl, is there a reservoir above this river?" Mr. Fang asked again.

Su Yun hummed: "Yes, Grandpa, how do you know?"

"Well, I guess. There are so many fields in your village that need to be irrigated. I guess the river will have so little water in the dry season. That way it won't be able to irrigate the crops, so a reservoir should be built on it."

"Well. When my grandfather was young, it is said that he participated in the construction of a reservoir. The reservoir is not far above our village. When the water was released before, every household in our village could get a lot of fish."

 It's late today.It was supposed to be updated at ten o'clock, but the car broke down and I couldn't go home. I waited for someone to change the battery on the road and got home after ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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