Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 631 Going to the Market Before Years

Chapter 631 Going to the Market Before Years
When talking about the past, Su Yun's tone was cheerful, and she could hear that the memories of sharing the fish were very good.

"When grandpa was still there, he would make a whole fish feast every time he divided the fish..."

When Su Yun thought of when old man Su was still alive, he felt sorry for himself, the 'sinner of the whole family'.

"The sinner of the Su family" is what Li Cuifen said.

Whenever Li Cuifen was in a bad mood and scolded herself, she would put the name of Su family's sinner on Su Yun's head.What Li Cuifen said, the reason why the old Su family has no descendants (here refers to no son. No son in the countryside means no descendants, no descendants) is entirely because of Su Yun.

So Su Yun is a sinner of the Su family, a big sinner through and through.

Su Yun didn't understand in her previous life, and being scolded by Li Cuifen every day, she was about to be scolded as a fool.Fortunately, grandpa was kind to her, so she didn't foolishly lose her life early.

What made Su Yun the happiest before was when the fish was divided in the village.

Every time he divided the fish, he would give himself the fattest piece of fish belly. Even though Li Cuifen and Su Ying protested, the old man still insisted on doing so.

If it is said that Su Yun suffered a lot because of Li Cuifen and Su Ying in the past, but Mr. Su also treated her very well, which many people can't compare to.

Thinking about it from another angle, if it weren't for Li Cuifen and Su Ying's targeting and bullying, she might not have been able to learn the culinary skills of her grandfather, right?Su Yun laughed after thinking about it.

As the vehicle drove forward, they also watched and chatted. They talked about the difficulty of building a reservoir. Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen also talked about how they worked with the local villagers to build fields and dig river ditches when they were young.

Recalling the past, that's more to say.

Talking all the way, soon arrived in the town.

The crowded market in the town made them forget what they said just now, and they were stunned by so many people in front of them.

After a while, Mr. Fang came back to his senses and said three good things loudly: "Good, good, good! Such a prosperous scene proves that the lives of ordinary people are getting better and better."

"That's right, it's much better now than when we were young." Mr. Chen also nodded in agreement.

Su Yun planned to take them for a stroll, but both Mr. Fang and Mr. Chen waved their hands, and Mr. Fang even chased them away, "Go shopping by yourself, we two old men will go shopping on our own. "

Mr. Chen nodded: "Yes, yes, yes, you go to buy new year's goods. Your grandpa and I will take a look around by ourselves. There are some novel gadgets that we old people like, but you may not like them."

Su Yun couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, no, she originally planned to take them to the market, why did she speak well at home, but let them go shopping by themselves at the market?

"Then grandpa, you have to be careful, the car is parked here, and I will go to you after Brother Lin and I have finished shopping, and you must not wander around." Su Yun warned worriedly.

Mr. Fang blew his beard and glared at her: "You girl, is your grandfather the kind of person who doesn't even know the way when he's old?"

Su Yun laughed and said, "No, I'm not worried that you and grandpa will be targeted by bad guys."

"What kind of bad guys can there be? The residents in this small town are the most honest." Mr. Fang really didn't think there would be bad guys in this small town.In other words, there are no bad guys (enemies) as he thinks.

As for some sneaky things, Mr. Fang didn't care at all.

Although he is an old bone, he is quite sure about dealing with one or two little thieves.What's more, there is Lao Chen by his side?Old Chen was about ten years younger than him. At this age, couldn't Lao Chen deal with three or four by himself?

If not, don't tell the outside world that they are in-laws, he can't afford to lose face.

After hearing what his old boss and in-laws said, Mr. Chen couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry Su Yatou, your grandpa is right, even three thieves can't do anything against us."

"Four or five."

Mr. Fang stubbornly corrected Mr. Chen's words.

Mr. Chen nodded and agreed: "Yes, yes, four or five, four or five." Who made the in-laws older and his old chief?For his words, he could only nod in agreement.

However, although Mr. Chen promised, he still did not forget to wink at Su Yun and the others, which meant that Mr. Chen was old and wanted to make him happy.

They must not take it seriously.

Su Yun: ...

Xiao Lin also couldn't laugh or cry, his grandfather has become more and more like a child recently.

"I said, little Chen, what are you doing?" Unfortunately, Mr. Chen thought he was secretly winking at Su Yun and the others, but was seen by Mr. Fang.

The old man's tone was very unfriendly, and old man Chen turned around with a cry: "Dear family, I said the weather is really nice today, do you think we should find a place to have a drink in such a good weather?"

Mr. Fang snorted, "You want to make a mistake?"

"Oh, I'm no longer in the position." Mr. Chen and Mr. Fang walked away shoulder to shoulder. Su Yun couldn't help laughing seeing their brother's good looks.

"I'm afraid Grandpa and the others have never thought that one day they will become in-laws, right?"

"En." Xiao Lin also nodded with a slight smile on his face, and took advantage of the situation to hold Su Yun's hand, protecting her within his range to ensure her safety.

"It's thanks to the fact that I married a good wife, so they can become in-laws."

"So I'm still the one who deserves the most credit?" Su Yun raised her eyebrows and looked at Xiao Lin, her eyes full of misery.

Xiao Lin raised his other hand to scratch the tip of her nose, and smiled and agreed yes yes yes.Now the folk customs are much more open than in the past few years. In a place like the town, if a husband and wife walk together holding hands, no one will make a fuss anymore.

The young couple shuttled through the lively market. On both sides of the market were villagers from various villages setting up their stalls, leaving two roads in the middle for people to walk.In this stall, there are chicken sellers, duck sellers, and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. There is also a meat stall at the end of the stall. It is because there are too many pigs in the nearby village, which were specially killed and sold years ago. of.

However, since every household was allowed to raise pigs, people seem to have less rare meat.

Most of the people who buy meat today are people from the towns or villages whose families are struggling and who are reluctant to kill or cannot afford to feed the pigs.

Su Yun plans to buy a pig's head and bring it home to marinate, and use it to worship the ancestors tomorrow.So they come to the meat stand first.

When they came over, there happened to be a pig's head on the stall, and it hadn't been bought yet.It was said earlier that most of the people fed the New Year’s pigs and they didn’t lack much meat, but the habit of eating fat meat has not been changed for a while, so in everyone’s eyes, there are not many pig heads, trotters and ribs, which are not the first. options.

This is also the reason why Su Yun and the others were able to successfully buy the pig's head.

(End of this chapter)

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