Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 633: Chen Jinzhou Was Calculated

Chapter 633: Chen Jinzhou Was Calculated

Some people in the village will come to buy charcoal.

This is the same as the street peddler, which is more common in the village.Moreover, the other party claimed that he was from the village and was familiar with the situation of the Xiao family, so Chen Jinzhou didn't think much about it for a while.

He promised through the door, "Wait for me to ask."

The sound of Chen Jinzhou's footsteps disappeared, and he walked outside the room after a while, asking Mrs. Xiao if she wanted to buy some charcoal.

"Is it a charcoal seller?"

The old lady Xiao didn't expect that it was a charcoal seller. She glanced at the half bag of charcoal in the corner, thought for a while and said, "Open the door and buy some."

It just so happened that the charcoal in their house was about to run out. The whole family was at home and burned two braziers a day to warm up the fire. The charcoal was never broken, so the charcoal did go away faster.

Chen Jinzhou nodded.

"Okay, I'm going to ask them to weigh some."

"Okay, I'll get the bag."

The old lady Xiao turned around to get the sack to fill the charcoal. Zhang Ma saw it and stopped the old lady, suggesting that she just go and get it.

"Old aunt, you sit and watch the child, I'll get it, and move around by the way."

The three children were full and tired from playing, and fell asleep side by side on the bed by the window.There is a small gap in the window to let the outside wind blow in, so that it will not blow directly to the child, but it will not prevent the air in the house from flowing.

It is still very particular about burning charcoal at home.

The old lady didn't know what carbon monoxide poisoning was, but when she was young, the third brother from the neighbor's family burned charcoal at home with the door closed, and died the next day.There is such a precedent, the old lady should pay attention when burning charcoal.

Mama Zhang is from the north. She took care of Mr. Fang and lived in the north. She is really not used to the life of burning charcoal at home in the south.So after sitting for a while, I felt pain in my waist and legs, and I wanted to go for a walk.

Just in time to see someone selling charcoal.

The old lady Xiao nodded and agreed, "Okay then, go to the kitchen and get a bag, it's almost enough to buy a fifty catties."

They will leave the day after tomorrow, and they will not be able to use up as much as they buy. Fifty catties is already quite a lot in the eyes of the old lady.

Mama Zhang agreed, she gathered her clothes and quickly went to find the sack, then walked across the yard to the door.

Chen Jinzhou also reached out and opened the door.

Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba outside the door didn't expect such an ending. They thought there was no chance, but they didn't expect such a surprise.

The two looked at each other, covered up the joy on their faces, put on another honest and honest smile, and waited for Chen Jinzhou to open the door.

The gate of the courtyard was opened, and there were indeed two men wearing tattered padded jackets, thin but with shrewd eyes, and each of them had a load of charcoal in hand.

Seeing people coming out, Zhao Laowu bent over and smiled and said: "The charcoal in our house is very good. It burns through and has a strong firepower without smoke. Burning one piece is equal to the firepower of others burning several pieces."

Chen Jinzhou definitely didn't study things like charcoal.

After all, he has lived in a compound like the capital city since he was born. Charcoal is not common in their side, and coal is more common.

Therefore, when Zhao Laowu introduced it, Chen Jinzhou looked down at the dark charcoal in the sack, and didn't know how to distinguish whether they were good or bad.

Wang Laoba on the side also took the opportunity to say, "You are a relative from Brother Xiao from the city, right? Don't worry, we are all from the same village, and we will definitely not lie to you."

"You don't know how to choose this charcoal, I will choose for you, and I will show you what kind is good without smoke."

As he spoke, Wang Laoba picked up a piece of charcoal and shook it in front of Chen Jinzhou. He didn't forget to play tricks on Zhao Laowu where Chen Jinzhou couldn't see it.

Zhao Lao Wu nodded, ready to go.

"Yes, yes, look at the quality and the sound, only good charcoal can make it." Zhao Laowu hid the drug in the charcoal under the palm of his hand, and used the charcoal as a cover to reach the tip of Chen Jinzhou's nose.

"Weigh fifty catties for me."

Chen Jinzhou smelled a bad smell, he couldn't tell what it was for a while, frowned slightly and stepped back, looking at the two people in front of him with some displeasure.

"Why does your carbon have a strange smell?"


Zhao Laowu's face froze, and he turned to smile and said, "The tip of your nose is really sharp, this is a kind of tree in our mountain called camphor wood. This camphor wood has the same taste as its name. A kind of tree that emits fragrance, if you don’t believe me, smell it again to see if there is a fragrance of wood?”

As Zhao Laowu said, he handed the charcoal to Chen Jinzhou again in a very quick motion. Chen Jinzhou subconsciously stepped back and kicked the charcoal in Zhao Laowu's hand.

He took two steps back, feeling dizzy and unsteady on his feet.

"You are..."

No matter how slow Chen Jinzhou was at this time, he could still sense that something was wrong.There are ghosts in the charcoal of these two people, no, they should have ghosts.


Seeing that Chen Jinzhou had inhaled the drug, his face had turned a little pale, Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba smiled and did not hide it, and dropped the charcoal in their hands and moved forward step by step.

"I said young man, what's wrong with you? Is this a disease? Let's help you in to rest..."

Zhao Laowu stretched out his hand first, but before he touched Chen Jinzhou, he threw it away forcefully.Zhao Laowu's face was slightly dry, and cruelty appeared on his face that had always been smirking.

"Stinky boy... don't you eat fine wine when you toast?"

Zhao Laowu glanced at Wang Laoba. Both of them were extremely vicious. They looked at each other, and directly drew their specially made long knives from under the shoulder pole.

"Today, I want to see whether your bones are tough or your knives are tough."

They walked towards Chen Jinzhou step by step.

"What are you doing?"

Mama Zhang's voice suddenly sounded, Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba were distracted by the voice, they looked into the yard, and saw Mama Zhang swinging a big wooden stick towards them.

"Ignorant woman, looking for death."

Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba didn't take Mama Zhang seriously at all.In their view, Chen Jinzhou is their threat, but the biggest threat right now has been drugged by them, and it will be useless for a while.

What can a mere woman do?It's just to die.

"Lao Wu, make a quick decision, get them to hold the children, don't delay our happy new year." Wang Laoba is even more ruthless than Zhao Laowu, seeing the wrist holding the knife when Zhang Ma rushed out After a turn, he planned to go up and deal with Zhang Mama.

Zhao Laowu nodded. These two people have been stealing children and abducting lesbians for the past two years, and they have encountered many people who resisted, but they were still overwhelmed by the special medicine they got.

They make a lot of money.

They are eyeing the triplets of the Xiao family today, and they feel that the result will be the same.

"Old Ba, do it."

 Come on, alas, there are a lot of things on weekends, and I rushed to the manuscript not long after I came back, but fortunately I caught up

(End of this chapter)

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