Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 634 Zhang Ma is not an ordinary person

Chapter 634 Zhang Ma is not an ordinary person
Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba rushed up separately to control Chen Jinzhou and Zhang Ma who rushed over. Chen Jinzhou was dizzy now, seeing Zhao Laowu's figure swaying in front of him, he gave birth to seven children. Eight images are so many.

He frowned and shook his head, shaking off the images in front of him,

Zhao Laowu chuckled, "Don't insist on the younger generation. This is something that can be used to pour five hundred catties of buffaloes. What are you insisting on? Close your eyes obediently and go to sleep. After sleeping, the children at home will be gone, haha Ha ha……"


At this moment, Chen Jinzhou wanted to strangle Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba to death. He never expected that there would be such a crazy person in such a small village.

He also hated himself for not being more cautious?Why do you feel that the people in the village are simple, honest and harmless...

Zhao Laowu was still laughing and moving forward, while Chen Jinzhou had already retreated to the door with his footsteps flabbergasted, with his back against the door panel, unable to retreat.Zhao Laowu raised the butcher knife in his hand high...

"Azhou squat down."

There was a shout from Zhang Mama behind him, and Chen Jinzhou squatted down subconsciously, and then a big wooden stick swept over with a whistling sound. Zhao Laowu originally thought it was a trick by an ignorant woman, but he reached out to catch it. When the wooden stick was swept across, the wooden stick made his tiger's mouth numb, and he failed to catch the wooden stick, and was swept back a few steps, and retreated down the steps.

"Fifth, what's the matter with you? Can't an old lady solve it?"

Wang Laoba spoke dissatisfiedly on the side.

Zhao Laowu raised his hand, looking at his unconscious tiger's mouth, he suddenly showed a touch.

"This old woman is still a practicing family."


Wang Laoba, who originally planned to rush into the house with a knife to find an opportunity to bring the child out, stopped when he heard Zhao Laowu's words.He turned his head to look at Zhang Ma who was holding a wooden stick across the gate of the courtyard, and sneered.

"Have you ever practiced?"

Mama Zhang snorted.

There was also a sneer.

"Where did the ignorant thieves come from? How dare you set their minds on your aunt? Is it because you can't keep your heads on your shoulders?" Zhang Ma looked at Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba with a sneer, and the other He also tugged on Chen Jinzhou's sleeve.

"How is Azhou?"

Chen Jinzhou shook his head.

The double image in front of him is still there, and the feeling of weakness and sloppy footsteps has never disappeared.He seemed to have been drained of strength all of a sudden, and he was also like a trapped beast tightly entangled by countless thorns and vines.

"Mother Zhang..."

"Don't talk." Zhang Ma said, "Persevere, I'll come after I clean them up."

Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba laughed when they heard Zhang Ma's words. The two of them raised their knives and waved them at Zhang Ma.

But since Mama Zhang said that she is practicing family, it is definitely impossible for her to talk big and have no hands-on ability.No, Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba rushed over with their knives in hand, Zhang Mama turned her hand, and swept the end of the stick with both hands towards Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba's stomachs.

"Little thief, you don't want to ask. Where were you when your aunt followed the old man to suppress the bandits? Today, you are lucky to run into your aunt's hands."

When Zhang Zhang hits people with a stick, that action can be called smooth and smooth!Not to mention that Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba didn't expect Mama Zhang to be so agile, even Chen Jinzhou didn't expect it.

Is Mama Zhang so powerful?Is this the middle-aged woman who always looks at the child with a kind smile?

As it turns out, yes.

When Mama Zhang was young, the family was killed by horse thieves who came down from the mountain.Not only the family, but even the entire village were killed by horse thieves.She hid in the cellar used to hide sweet potatoes, winter melon and cabbage. The blood of the murdered people in the village dripped down from the cellar lid.

At that time, she didn't dare to move, she hugged tightly the burden that her mother had stuffed into her in the morning, and huddled in the corner, trying to minimize her sense of existence.

I don't know how long I've been inside, but when I heard Zhentian's shouts of killing again, Mama Zhang turned into a bloody person.When the lid of the cellar hidden by the pigsty was finally opened.

Mama Zhang couldn't see her original appearance anymore.

She raised her head blankly, and saw a handsome man who looked like her private school teacher.

Mr. Fang went down to the cellar himself, carried Mama Zhang, who was only eight or nine years old, out of the cellar, asked her name, and asked if she had any other relatives.

Mama Zhang shook her head.

Last year her grandmother's village was killed by horse thieves who came down the mountain, and this year it was their village's turn again. She no longer has any relatives, and all relatives were killed.

(Here is a digression. The bandits in the past were really fierce, especially our southwest side. When my grandparents were still alive, they often told us that when the bandits went down the mountain, the people in the village immediately ran to the mountain to hide Get up and wait for the bandits to leave before you dare to return to your house.)
Mr. Fang still has to march and fight, and it is impossible to take a child with him all day long, but his family members have also passed away, so he wants to take Mama Zhang, who was not called Mama Zhang at that time, and was still a skinny The little girl who just lost her family is named Zhang Wanjun.

Mr. Fang wanted to entrust Xiao Wanjun to someone else, but she didn't want to.She didn't speak, but insisted on grabbing the corner of Mr. Fang's clothes. She followed him wherever he went. When he went to the bathroom, she stood outside and waited...

At that time, many people said that this child might be a little out of his mind, and it would be fine if Mr. Fang found a good family to raise him, otherwise, it would be bad if a little girl followed them in a hail of bullets, wouldn't it?

Mr. Fang naturally understands this truth, but the problem is that this little girl won't leave.Except when she separated from herself when she went to the toilet, she followed her all the time and didn't talk, she didn't say anything when she asked her, and she didn't talk when she was hungry.

just follow.

Very stubborn.

This made Mr. Fang vaguely see his shadow when he was a child. At that time, his friends all had slingshots to go hunting birds in the woods. He also wanted one.But his father refused to let him, so he just followed behind his father without saying a word, just kept following.

Just like Zhang Wanjun now.

Thinking of the past, Mr. Fang couldn't help laughing, and he planned to adopt Zhang Wanjun as a righteous daughter.

But Zhang Wanjun didn't speak, and didn't know whether she agreed or not.When Mrs. Zhang was still in the pain of losing a loved one, Mr. Fang didn't force her so quickly, so he temporarily took her by his side...

This area has been brought since I was eight years old.

So in the past ten years, Mama Zhang has participated in all the wars that Mr. Fang participated in.Everyone still laughed at Mr. Fang, who brought his daughter to the battlefield to kill the enemy...

After being tempered by the war, Zhang Ma, who has experienced countless bullets flying over her head, although she is now in her 40s, she will not be timid when she sees the two thieves Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba.

On the contrary, they also aroused the blood in her bones!
(End of this chapter)

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