Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 635 Killing Cheng Yaojin Halfway

Chapter 635 Killing Cheng Yaojin Halfway

Neither Zhao Laowu nor Wang Laoba thought that after they had been in this business for so long, they would fall to this woman despite all the turmoil.

Zhang Ma, who fought the enemy with a bayonet, can the blood on her body be wiped out by time?She didn't want to join the army later, otherwise, with her achievements, she would definitely be able to give her a good rank.

But Mama Zhang declined.

She would kill the enemy entirely because Mr. Fang was killing the enemy, so she also wanted to kill the enemy.Afterwards, peace came and she grew up, and being with old man fang would bring bad influence to old man fang, so she chose a partner for herself and got married.

But her luck is not very good, the other party passed away after about ten years of marriage, and she has been single and widowed until now...

Yes, she didn't even have a child.

In the eyes of outsiders, Mama Zhang is just an ordinary woman, and Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba also thought so, so they were severely planted in Zhang Mama's hands.

Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba were forced to retreat by a wooden stick. They should have escaped at this time, but their poor self-esteem because they didn't want to lose to a stinky woman prevented them from choosing the most sensible one. road.

"You stinky bitch, we're going to fight you."

"Today either you die or we die!"

The two roared loudly, and rushed forward with red eyes.Zhang Ma's face was still cold, she held the stick horizontally in her hand and looked at Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba coldly.

In the distance, a small car drove towards Xiao's house.When Xiaodao saw the two people rushing up with their knives at the door, he realized that something was wrong.

"No, something happened."

"what's up?"

Lin Sanchun was lowering his head to coax his son Jiang Kai, when he heard the voice, he raised his head, just in time to see the knives in the hands of Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba slashing at Zhang Ma's head.She let out a shriek and put her hands over her mouth.

"Small knife..."

"Don't be afraid, I'll help right away."

Xiaodao stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

Mama Zhang happened to be facing the direction of the knife, and when she saw the oncoming car, she immediately stepped aside.Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba, whose backs were facing the road, were not so lucky. They turned their heads when they heard the sound of the car, and the front of Xiaodao hit them.


With a sound, Zhao Laowu, who was unable to dodge in time, was thrown by the head of the car and fell to the ground on one side. Although Wang Laoba escaped by chance, his arm fell when he rolled to the ground.

"My arm..."

Wang Laoba screamed.

The knife stopped the car, and the man quickly opened the door.He first protected the wife and son in the back row and let them enter Xiao's house, then he turned around and cleaned up Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu.

With the help of a small knife, and the fact that Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba were already injured, Zhang Ma and the others could easily twist the two of them together, cut off their ragged cotton jackets, and twisted their arms backwards. behind.

"Mother Zhang, what should I do with these two people?"

Xiaodao tied a knot with a torn cotton jacket, and after making sure they couldn't move, he raised his head and asked Mama Zhang who was on the side.

Zhang Ma leaned on the stick and took a few breaths. Not to mention that she hadn't exercised for a long time, after such an intense exercise suddenly, she still felt very tired after relaxing.

Glancing at Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu, Zhang Ma sneered and said, "These two actually want to steal the family's children? I think they are well-prepared for drugs and other things in their hands, and they are not very kind. Bind it here, and deal with it when your sister and the others come back."

"it is good."

After Xiaodao finished speaking, he stood up, and took advantage of the opportunity to kick Zhao Laowu who was constantly wailing: "What's your name? Shut up for me!" When Xiaodao became ruthless, he was still very fierce.

Zhao Laowu was kicked until his face turned green.

"you you……"

"What are you? You dare to steal our children while my brother and sister are not at home?" Xiaodao sneered, then raised his hand in front of Zhao Laowu and pinched Zhao Laowu's chin: "Who gave it to you?" courage?"

Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba are already meat waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board at this moment. In the situation where people are knifed and I are fish, if they keep their mouths stubborn, it will be hard for their own lives.

"I don't know, we don't know." Zhao Laowu admitted his cowardice, and when he opened his mouth, Wang Laoba on the side also echoed, "Yes, we really don't know, we are instigated by others. It was ordered by someone."

"Yes, good man, please forgive me. We were instigated by someone. He told us to steal the three children of the Xiao family to him, and he would give us 3000 yuan. If we didn't do it, he would kill us." , we are forced to."

"Yes, yes, we really have no other choice!"

The two sang together, as if they were really threatened by someone and had no choice but to do such a thing.

But whether it is Xiao Dao or Zhang Ma, they are all people who have seen the storm, and it is impossible to believe their words just because of the one-sided words of these two people.It's not kids anymore, who will believe them?
And just like Zhang Ma said, these two people not only have drugs, but also special custom-made knives. Are you saying that this is the first time to steal a child on a temporary basis?Even a three-year-old might not believe it.

Therefore, no matter what they said, Zhang Ma and Xiaodao were unmoved.

"Tie them to a tree on the side, and then go to see Azhou."

Mama Zhang suggested.

Xiao Dao nodded, he raised his foot and kicked the two people a few times, dragged them like dead dogs to the side of the bamboo forest and tied them up. After making sure that they couldn't break free with their own abilities, he walked back to the the door.

Together with Mama Zhang, they helped Chen Jinzhou, who was out of strength, into it.

"How is Azhou?"

Chen Jinzhou was in a daze. He heard someone talking to him. Although he couldn't use his hands and feet, he could barely answer.

"I...take a break,'ll be fine..."

In fact, it's not that Chen Jinzhou is incompetent, it's that the effect of the smoke is really too powerful, Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba used a higher dose, Chen Jinzhou was unprepared and actually took two puffs, let alone one A human, even a cow, will really fall down.

It is very rare for Chen Jinzhou to maintain his sanity.

Xiao Dao nodded, and helped him into the yard. Old Mrs. Xiao hurried over, holding a bowl of warm water in her hand.

"What's wrong with Azhou?" She looked anxious, very worried.

"Drugged." Zhang Ma replied, "Don't worry, he should recover after a short rest when he is young."

"Ah...Okay, okay, drink some water first, drink some water?" The old lady Xiao heard the sound outside just now, but she wanted to guard the three children, fearing that someone would lead the tiger away from the mountain and have other accomplices, so she just Did not go out to check.

Now that the child was being watched by Lin Sanchun, she hurried out of the yard.

I'm afraid that something might happen to Chen Jinzhou, and she can't explain it to the old man.

Fortunately, after Chen Jinzhou drank warm water, the effect of the drug gradually dissipated.

At this time, Su Yun and the others were also on their way back to the village.

 update completed

(End of this chapter)

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