Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 636 Don't Think About a Peaceful Year

Chapter 636 Don't Think About a Peaceful Year
Before Su Yun's car arrived home, they first saw the car parked not far away, and then caught a glimpse of a person squatting on the edge of the bamboo grove closest to their house.

"It's a knife."

Su Yun spoke to Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin nodded, "Daughter-in-law, don't panic, let's go over and see what happened."

"it is good."

But before they drove past, Xiaodao stood up when he heard the sound of the car, revealing the two people who were tied up behind him.

"What is this? What's going on?" Su Yun had a bad premonition in her heart, but she tried her best not to let herself think about it. Xiao Lin parked the car nearby, and before Xiaodao came over, Su Yun pushed it away. car door.

"Xiaodao, what's the matter? Who are these two people?"

"These two people..." Xiaodao kicked the dying Zhao Laowu's feet, and then continued: "I heard from grandma that these two people pretended to be charcoal sellers and deceived Ah Zhou. After opening the door, people are stunned with drugs and want to enter the house to steal children..."


Su Yun was startled, and the expression on her face changed again and again, "Where's the child? How is the child?"

"They're fine, sister, don't worry. Thanks to Mama Zhang, I stopped these two people alone." Xiaodao said, combining what he saw when they arrived, combined with the simple story the old lady told him Su Yun explained.

Let her have a good idea.

At this time, Xiao Lin and the two old men also got out of the car. After listening to Xiaodao's words, the three of them's faces darkened, and their expressions were extraordinarily solemn.

"It's so good, how can there be such a person?" Old Master Fang spoke out first, thinking that his three good great-grandchildren were almost snatched away, he didn't get angry at all.

"Fortunately Junjun is here, otherwise..." The old man raised his head and gave Xiao Lin a hard look in the middle of his speech.Isn't this village an ordinary village?Why are there so many strange things in the village?

Xiao Lin also couldn't understand.

How can there be so many things in this village?So many wicked people?Still forcibly robbing the child?Xiao Lin's face was almost as heavy as water, and water could drip out at any time.

He took a step forward, stepped on the palm of Wang Laoba, who was relatively sober, and said, "Steal the child? Steal from our house? Who told you to come?" They have been back to the village for a few days, and they have not taken the three children I took it out.

The farthest place to go is here in front of my own house, so how did these two people know that they have three children in their family?And it's such a coincidence that they came here just when they were going out?You said there was no premeditation, Xiao Lin didn't even believe it.

Su Yun didn't believe it either.

Wang Laoba was stepped on and let out a wail of pain.

"My hand..."

"Speak or not?" Xiao Lin exerted force on his toes, and the strength was so heavy that when it was crushed on the back of his hand, it was like a stone grinding on the back of his hand, causing Wang Laoba's face to twist in pain.

Not only pain, but also a killing intent.

It's this time, their lives are almost gone, what else do they have to hide?
"I...we...we don't know that person...he said...he said that your family has three children, as long as we steal the children and give them to him, he will give us money...we...we really don't...not on purpose Yes..."

Wang Laoba stumbled and told the ins and outs of it.

When they heard that these two people were really ordered to come here, everyone present was stunned.

Su Yun grabbed the corner of Xiao Lin's clothes, her hands tightened again and again, "Brother Lin..."

"Don't worry." Xiao Lin held Su Yun's hand instead, telling her not to be too nervous. "It's okay, the child is fine, you go in and take a look first? Leave it to me here?"

Xiao Lin looked down at Su Yun, Su Yun shook her head, "It's okay, I'll listen here too, I want to see who asked them to arrest my child."

Su Yun was very angry, but she still wanted to hear for herself how many crazy things these people could do for money.

Xiao Lin nodded, and stepped on the back of Wang Laoba's toes slightly harder.

"Drug, where did it come from?"

"This... This is also... It was also given by that person..."

Wang Laoba spoke.

He wanted to put everything on that person, but he hesitated for a while, but Su Yun and the others heard that this bastard was lying.

They have drug channels, and they are relatively proficient, so they don't ask for goods once or twice.

This reminded both Su Yun and Xiao Lin that when they were in Nancheng a few years ago, in the Tianshui Hutong where they lived, there was a mother and son called Li Jiabao or something.

It's been too long, and there are some unimportant people, so Su Yun doesn't remember their specific names.

I just remember that their surname is Li, that son is not a good person, and in the end he killed his mother together...

"Brother Lin, is this with the people from Nancheng?"

Su Yun tugged at the corner of Xiao Lin's clothes and asked.

Xiao Lin shook his head, he is still unable to determine the source of Wang Laoba's drug, this matter has to be investigated slowly.

Next, no matter how much they asked, Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba couldn't find anything useful out of their mouths, so Xiao Lin and the others let the old man and Su Yun into the house, and he and Xiaodao took the The two turned them over to the village chief's house, and talked to the village chief first.

Zhao Hongwei has been overwhelmed by the dead people in the village these days, and finally sorted out a subsidy plan. He just wanted to take a break and have a good New Year tomorrow, but Xiao Lin and Xiaodao twisted Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba here. It broke Zhao Hongwei's last thought of wanting to have a good New Year.

When he heard Xiao Lin talk about what these two people did, Zhao Hongwei wanted to slap Zhao Lao Wu and Wang Lao Ba to death.These two old things also have family members, so they dared to do such a thing of stealing children and selling them.

When doing these things, don't they think about their wives and children at home?
Zhao Hongwei is so angry!
Seeing the two people who had been beaten so badly, he couldn't hold back and stepped forward to kick each of them.

"Let you not be a good person, let you be fooled by money to do those outrageous things, let you tarnish the reputation of our village, let you do it."

Zhao Hongwei originally just wanted to kick, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he got, and finally he kicked several times. If Xiao Lin hadn't stopped Zhao Hongwei when he saw that something was wrong, I'm afraid Zhao Hongwei would have two more lives under his feet coming.

"Village chief, these two people have a very powerful drug. They still refuse to reveal the source. We have to spare their lives and let the police comrades ask them about the source of the drug."

Xiao Lin stopped Zhao Hongwei from explaining.

When Zhao Hongwei heard it, he was still drugged? "Okay, you guys are so capable that you can even get that kind of medicine that hurts nature? Well, it's very good. Come on, get some of their drug, and let their children and mothers-in-law taste it too. Take a taste of that."

(End of this chapter)

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