Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 637 Everyone has to be responsible for their actions

Chapter 637 Everyone has to be responsible for their actions

Zhao Hongwei also said such words because he was dizzy with anger. After all, there is a saying that the crime is not as good as his wife and children, not to mention that it is still a new society now?There is no such crime of sitting together.

But as soon as Zhao Hongwei's angry words came out, no matter whether it was Wang Laoba or Zhao Laowu, the expressions on their faces changed.

This... is this going to let their wives and children experience the effect of the drug?

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lin, who had been paying attention to the faces of the two, immediately said to Zhao Hongwei: "What the village chief said is that they also have wives and children. In this case, I think it's good to let their wives and children feel it." .”

Xiaodao immediately understood what his brother meant, and added, "Yes, I think it's best to find two traffickers to sell their wives and children, so that they can experience the life of those families who lost their children and wives. How did it go?"

Xiao Lin nodded, "Xiaodao is right, the village chief can consider it."

Of course Zhao Hongwei knew that the two of them were trying to scare Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu, and he was about to nod in agreement, but Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu were terrified.

I don't feel so much pain anymore.

"Village chief... Village can't do this, our children and mother-in-law are innocent, they are innocent, this matter cannot be blamed on them, village chief, village chief..."

"Yes, village head, we know we are wrong. We are obsessed with ghosts and money. It is our fault. You can treat us however you want, but you can't blame our children. They are innocent."

"Your children are innocent, do our children deserve it?"

Su Yun's voice came in from the side. She walked in with Lin Sanchun from the outside, and before she got close, she heard Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu shouting for innocence.She was furious all of a sudden, and before Zhao Hongwei could answer, she spoke out first.

After she said that, she stepped over the threshold and came in. She stopped in front of Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba, first glanced at them, and then turned to look at the village chief Zhao Hongwei.

"Village chief, I implore the village chief to post a notice in the whole village, and use the radio to broadcast the crimes of the two of them for three consecutive days."

She pointed to Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu and said to Zhao Hongwei, her tone of voice was indifferent, "Before they do such a thing, they should consider that after being arrested, in addition to legal sanctions, there are also moral considerations." sanction."

"They are able to attack children they have never met before. I don't think there is any need for us to cover up for them."

Su Yun felt that it was best to tell the villagers clearly about what Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba did, so that everyone would know what happened.

This also prevents their descendants from feeling that their father was wronged and someone harmed them.

Everyone has the right to know the truth. Whether his family can accept it or how others will treat their family after knowing the truth is out of the scope of consideration.

Again, everyone has to pay the price for their actions. Even if the price involves family members, it is because they did it first, and there are consequences.

Zhao Hongwei agreed to Su Yun's proposal.

And he still planned to give the pile of drugged charcoal to the families of Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba, so that they could feel the despair of those who were killed by them at that time.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

"Thank you, village chief, for your hard work." Su Yun nodded faintly to Zhao Hongwei, and they followed the village chief to the village.

Soon, the broadcast in the village, which was used to announce important events, rang in the afternoon. Zhao Hongwei used his thick voice to speak word by word in front of the microphone, one by one. The crimes committed were read out.

The families who are relatives of these two people can't wait to dig a hole in the ground after hearing what they have done.

"Oh my god, how can there be such a bad conscience? No wonder I said how they could sell charcoal so that they could set up a red brick house with electricity and buy a TV. It turned out that selling charcoal was only theirs. On the surface, their real purpose is to steal other people's children!"

"It's heartless, it's really heartless!"

There are villagers who are blinded by money in the village, and there are also kind-hearted and simple villagers.Most of the relatives of Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba, after hearing the broadcast from the village head, immediately went to the village head in groups to sever kinship with the two of them under the witness of the village head.

The family members of Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba were also stunned after hearing the broadcast.

Older people did not expect that what they said was easy to make money, turned out to be so easy.And the young one still didn't understand what was said on the radio, so he tilted his head and asked the brothers and sisters around him, what is patting Hanako...

Children who are already in their teens understand what the village chief said on the radio.But they never expected that their father was such a bad person. How could they hold their heads up in front of their friends in the village?
"Mom, what should I do?"

Regardless of whether it was Wang Laoba's family or Zhao Laowu's family, after hearing the news, their respective wives immediately went to their respective mother-in-laws for advice.

Zhao Laowu called a few times and didn't hear her mother-in-law agreeing. She stretched out her hand and opened the door, scared out of her wits by the scene in front of her.

Just now, I told them that I would like to make some dishes for the New Year tomorrow to worship the ancestors, to thank the ancestors for blessing the mother-in-law who has blessed another year with good weather, but she was hanged on the beam of her room with a hemp rope.

The white socks in that pair of black cloth shoes were particularly dazzling.

"Come... come..."

Mrs. Zhao, the fifth wife, fell to the ground and raised her head just in time to see her mother-in-law who was hanged on the beam of the house.

Her sons and daughters rushed over when they heard the sound, and brothers and sisters also ran over when they heard the sound. When they saw the old lady on the beam, they were all ashen ashes...

On Wang Laoba's side, Mrs. Wang did not hang herself.

When Wang Laoba's wife opened the door and went in to ask what to do, she sat up from the bed and leaned heavily on the floor with the stick in her hand.

"What should we do? Who saw with his own eyes that the eighth child of our family was sold? These are all rumors, rumors, go, call Uncle Shang and the others, and we will go to the village head to discuss an explanation."

"I'd like to see, who did the eighth of our family sell? If they can't say they are ugly, I will kill the old lady in the village."

The same old lady in the village, the same son committed a crime, but their different personalities made them make different choices.Although it is a bit extreme for the old lady of the Zhao family to hang herself, there is no doubt that her behavior may save a little face for the other descendants of the Zhao family.

And Mrs. Wang, who is fiercely trying to settle accounts with Zhao Hongwei, is destined to make the Wang family the most shameless existence in the village, and the last thing they want to associate with.

In the village, Zhao Hongwei broadcasted three times in a row before turning off the broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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