Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 638 Do not cry without seeing the coffin

Chapter 638 Do not cry without seeing the coffin

Just after turning off the radio, before he had time to take a sip of water and take a breath, the outside door was pushed open.Wang Laoba's old mother brought her daughter-in-law and Wang Laoba's old brothers-in-law to kill them.

As soon as she entered the door, the old woman Wang howled, "Did that goddamn mess wrong my old man? My old man worked so hard to sell charcoal. Who is jealous?"

"My poor old eight..."

Old lady Wang yelled loudly, walked in beating her chest and stomping her feet.

It was as if she had suffered a great injustice. If Zhao Hongwei didn't make the decision for her, she wouldn't be able to survive.

Zhao Hongwei's head hurts a bit. This old lady Wang is usually famous for being picky. She can say dead people with her mouth when she has nothing to do. It will be even more serious when she encounters something related to their Wang family.

The old lady Wang will only give up if she has to peel off a layer of skin.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang walked in aggressively, Zhao Hongwei pinched his sore brows as if Zhao Hongwei would not let her go until he gave her an explanation.

"Aunt Wang, Wang Lao Ba did the unconscionable thing. He himself admitted it. There is no such thing as being wronged."

"What? He admits it himself? How is it possible? My eighth son is the most honest and kind-hearted. He is reluctant to step on an ant to death when he usually walks. How could such a pure and good person do such a thing? "

"I don't believe it, the old woman absolutely doesn't believe it, don't try to fool me, don't try to fool me."

Mrs. Wang couldn't believe her son did such a thing, and gave an example of how kind her son Wang Laoba was.Zhao Hongwei was furious when he heard that.

"Kind? Your bastard is kind? Then there will be no kind people in this world."

"Zhao Hongwei, what do you mean by that? Are you saying that my eighth brother is cruel?"

Mrs. Wang questioned aloud, her tone was very severe.

Zhao Hongwei was stunned.

It wasn't that he was intimidated by Mrs. Wang, he was intimidated by Mrs. Wang's thick skin.We are all from the same village, under the same sky, drinking the water flowing from the same reservoir, how could such a thick-skinned person be raised?

Is this all evidence conclusive, or do you refuse to admit it?The thickness of this face can be compared with that of a city wall.

When Zhao Hongwei was stunned with anger, Mrs. Wang caught Zhao Hongwei even harder, insisting that he release Wang Laoba immediately. "If you don't let my eighth son go back, I'll hit my head and die here."

Mrs. Wang pointed to a wall in front of her and threatened Zhao Hongwei loudly.

Zhao Hongwei: ...

"You hit it!"

A cold female voice came from the side, and Su Yun and his wife, who were supposed to go home, walked over from the side.The words were spoken by Su Yun, her face was gloomy and cold, with visible dissatisfaction on her face.

The members of the Wang family were attracted by the sudden voice of Su Yun. They turned around together and saw Su Yun and his wife approaching.Zhao Hongwei also saw Su Yun and the others, and he had a headache, fearing that their husband and wife would be entangled by Mrs. Wang.

Su Yun was not afraid.

She has met all the pungent people before, and she is not inferior to Mrs. Wang.

She walked straight up to Mrs. Wang, who was rolling around and refused to give up until she got an explanation, and said with a cold face, "You refuse to admit that your son has done something utterly unconscionable? It doesn't matter, if the police find it, it will be fine." It's done."

Mrs. Wang didn't realize it at first, but after listening to Su Yun's words, she realized it. Okay, how did she say that her good son suddenly became a bad person who kidnapped and trafficked children?It turned out to be the work of the evil spirit of the Su family!
"You shameless wave hoof..." Mrs. Wang pointed at Su Yun and scolded, before she could finish her sentence, she was stared at by Xiao Lin's sharp eyes and closed her mouth.

Mrs. Wang is also afraid of that invisible pressure.

She swallowed her saliva, slapped her leg and said loudly, "I knew it, I knew that my eighth child was wronged, you evil spirit, look at how many people you have harmed? You How many people around you are good? They were all harmed by you, you killed your sister, your mother-in-law and your mother, they are not enough, you have to come and harm my son, right? "

"My God, you have no eyes, why don't you put this evil spirit away, God, open your eyes and see..."

The sound of old lady Wang's wailing shook the house, and people's ears were also buzzing.After the words in her mouth came out, the expressions of the people around her were all different, and Xiao Lin's face was covered with frost.

As far as Su Yun's face didn't change, as long as she didn't deal with her family, it didn't matter what she said.Anyway, she didn't take these things to heart, she went in one ear and out the other.

Instead, she looked at the old lady Wang with great interest and asked her to say more.

"Speak, try to speak, otherwise you may not have a chance to speak after tomorrow."

Mrs. Wang was scolding vigorously, and when Su Yun said that there was no chance to speak again, she became even angrier, "What do you mean by that? You can still care if I say or not?"

"I don't care if you talk or not, but there is a son of a criminal, and the son's head is about to be separated. I think you must have no interest in talking anymore."

Su Yun's tone was indifferent, as if what she said was something that couldn't be simpler, rather than something that the other party would soon be beheaded.

When Mrs. Wang heard that her son was about to be beheaded, her arrogance was not as high as before, but she still cursed and refused to believe it.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you are neither the police nor the law." Su Yun said, turning her head to look at Zhao Hongwei who was on the side, "Village chief, Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu have already sent back the charcoal with smoke in their hands. Now, since the old lady doesn't believe it, let them experience it for themselves."

"In case her son's head falls off, she is still saying that we wronged her son."

Zhao Hongwei nodded.

"That's right. Are Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba's family members here?" If Mrs. Wang didn't come to make such a mess, Zhao Hongwei might have forgotten about it.But Mrs. Wang brought people here to make a fuss, so let them see for themselves, no, it should be to experience the feeling of being poured by the drug, and then tell whether their son was wronged.

"Go, get ready, let them have a good experience." Zhao Hongwei waved his hand to summon the militiamen and ordered, "Whoever doubts Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu should experience their methods and speak after they have experienced it."

"Of course, not only their family members, but other people in the village who have opinions can also experience it."

Zhao Hongwei decided to end all of this quickly. Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, and he doesn't want to keep these shitty things until the new year.

Su Yun and Xiao Lin also agreed with Zhao Hongwei's approach.As for the members of the Wang family, they are definitely opposed, but their objections are not important, because they are now the family members of criminals, and their opinions have no reference value.

Don't listen to them either.

(End of this chapter)

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