Reborn 1980: My sister control group, I got rich

Chapter 639 I Can't Hold It Anymore

Chapter 639 I Can't Hold It Anymore
Zhao Hongwei is the head of the village, and the head of this village still has a lot of power at critical times.Coupled with the fact that Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu committed crimes clearly, he decided to let the militiamen arrest the loudest people, especially the old lady Wang, who was the first to be among them.

Originally, according to Zhao Hongwei's intention, if Mrs. Wang didn't come to make such a fuss, then Zhao Hongwei would save Mrs. Wang for her age.

But it is different now.

The old lady Wang overturned Zhao Hongwei's decision by herself, so that Zhao Hongwei no longer has any compassion.

Not only that, but he even felt that the reason why Wang Laoba would get to where he is today is most likely because of a crappy old woman like Mrs. Wang, and that's why he was not educated well since he was a child.

Zhao Hongwei decided on the spot and started right away.

The Wang family sat neatly in the square downstairs of the village headquarters, with two militiamen behind each of them guarding them.That posture gives people the feeling that the Wang family are all criminals.

Even the arrogant Mrs. Wang was frightened by this battle.

Will she end up like this?
Mrs. Wang's complexion was ashen, and she could no longer be arrogant.

In front of the Wang family, there were four frames of charcoal, which were the evidence of Wang Laoba's crime.

Of course, Zhao Hongwei would not really burn all the charcoal. He still wanted to keep the evidence and hand it over to the police. Now he just wanted to let those members of the Wang family experience the feeling of being overwhelmed by drugs.

No need to burn charcoal.

"Bring Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu out." Zhao Hongwei gave an order, and the militiamen immediately went to bring out Zhao Laowu and Wang Laoba who were also imprisoned in the village. god.

Zhao Hongwei coughed and said, "Wang Laoba, look up and see who is in front of you."

Wang Laoba slowly raised his head when he heard the voice. He was still holding a little bit of luck, but when he saw his old mother, wife, and children, his face changed suddenly.

"The village chief... the village chief..."

"You still have a chance now, either watch your family suffer, or tell the truth, who did you buy these things from?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't say anything, let your family members feel it first."

After Zhao Hongwei finished speaking, Su Yun, who was at the side, said again, "Village Chief, there are quite a lot of drugs here, and they can take turns to let their family members feel the night."

What she said was actually quite vicious.

If a girl said such a thing, if it was an ordinary person, she would definitely be scolded to death.But obviously, Su Yun is not an ordinary person, and she doesn't care about being scolded.

If it is possible, she would like to kill the two bastards Wang Laoba and Zhao Laowu with her own hands.As people with children, don't they know what a child means to a family?

For money, they can bring pain to countless families, so in order to find out the truth, Su Yun feels that it is okay to bring a little pain to Wang Laoba's family.

Zhao Hongwei pondered for a moment and nodded.

"Okay. Just do what Xiao's wife said."

After the words fell, the militia captain, who completely covered his mouth and nose with a cloth, had already walked over with the drug.This powerful drug is really powerful. As soon as I put it in front of Wang Laoba's wife and asked her to take a sip, the woman rolled her eyes and fell back onto the ground.

Wang Laoba was in a hurry.

"His mother, his mother..."

Mrs. Wang also turned pale, and she called her daughter-in-law a few times tremblingly, "Yaozu his mother, Yaozu his mother, what's wrong with you, wake up, Yaozu his mother..."

The son of Wang Laoba, named Yaozu,
The meaning of Guangzong Yaozu.

But obviously, with such a father, it would be good if he didn't devote himself to being a man in his life. I'm afraid he won't be able to count on Guangzong Yaozu or something.

The members of the Wang family fell down one by one, and the surrounding villagers took a breath when they saw this scene. Those villagers who thought it was not a big deal at first felt the fear of the drugs in Wang Laoba's hands completely at this moment.

Such a big person took a sip, and fell down after a sip.

Where did Wang Laoba and the others get such a drug that is more poisonous than tigers and wolves?Is there anyone else who has this medicine?The villagers thought of this, and for a moment everyone looked at Wang Laoba with hatred, and asked him who gave the medicine.

Wang Laoba had no choice but to see that the old lady was still sitting there, and it would be her turn soon.He said anxiously, "I bought it from the guy in town, the guy named Zhang Huaishan."



The people in the village, including Su Yun, Xiao Lin, and Zhao Hongwei, were stunned when they heard Wang Laoba say Zhang Huaishan's name.

Especially Zhao Hongwei, who was so shocked by the name that he couldn't even close his mouth.

"What are you talking about? Tell me again who you bought this medicine from?"

"Zhang Huaishan, it's Zhang Huaishan." Wang Laoba said with tears streaming down his face, "It was he who sold this medicine to me, he was the one."

Everyone was immersed in the name Zhang Huaishan, but no one noticed the strange look on Wang Laoba's face.He remembered what that person said to him, if there was really no other way, he would confess Zhang Huaishan.

Of course, Wang Laoba did not lie, his medicine was indeed given to him by Zhang Huaishan.But they had made a poisonous oath before, if they told the source of the medicine to the second person in this life, then Wang Laoba would die badly...

As long as there is still a way, Wang Laoba will not betray Zhang Huaishan.But now there is no way, no way at all.His family members were all overwhelmed by the medicine, and according to the village chief's intention, they had to be poured medicine several times.

When Zhang Huaishan gave him this medicine, he said that this drug is very strong, and inhaling it once in a while will not have much effect on the body, but if inhaling it many times, the human brain will become dull.

To put it simply, after inhaling it many times, a smart person will become a fool.

Wang Laoba has only one son, and he still counts on him to honor his ancestors. After his death, he will have the face to meet the ancestors of the Wang family, so his son must not have any accidents, and he cannot become a fool.

Therefore, Wang Laoba did not hesitate to violate the original oath, regardless of the consequences of his possible death after breaking the oath, and confessed to Zhang Huaishan.

Zhao Hongwei recovered from the shock, and only felt that the matter was of great importance when he heard the name Zhang Huaishan.He beckoned the militiaman to stop what he was doing, while he raised his head and glanced at Xiao Lin.

"Shall we go inside and talk?"

If it's really that Zhang Huaishan in the town,'s hard to say!
Zhao Hongwei was very worried.

Xiao Lin didn't expect it to be like this, so he nodded.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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