Chapter 640 The storm is coming
Several people entered the village office together.

This matter is of great importance, Zhao Hongwei asked the militiamen to guard outside, and only he, Su Yun, his wife, and Wang Laoba, the insider, were in the office.

The door was closed and locked from the inside.

Zhao Hongwei then grabbed Wang Laoba and asked, "The Zhang Huaishan you mentioned is the town's police?"

Wang Laoba nodded.

"Apart from him, who else?"

The reason why they didn't get caught so smoothly in the past two years is due to Zhang Huaishan's contribution.Wang Laoba is also a discerning person. After joining the line of Zhang Huaishan, he will pay tribute to Zhang Huaishan every six months...

The relationship between the two has always been good.

Zhang Huaishan is also willing to maintain a cooperative relationship with Wang Laoba, until now...

"Village Chief, I really can't help it! I admit that I was obsessed with my own thoughts in the early stage, but Zhang Huaishan forced me to do it later."

After listening to Wang Laoba's words, the other three people in the office fell into silence.

Xiao Lin quickly recovered his senses and looked at Wang Laoba, "Tell me honestly, did Zhang Huaishan tell you that our family has three children?" Now that he thought about it carefully, their children did not take them outside Several times, the number of people in the family has not been told to others.

But Wang Laoba and the others were able to get the news so accurately, it's not that someone stepped on it in advance and Xiao Lin didn't believe it.

Wang Laoba shook his head, "He really didn't ask us to do this, it was someone else."

"Wang Laoba..." Zhao Hongwei looked at Wang Laoba with displeasure on his face, "It doesn't make any sense for you to be stubborn now."

So it's better to be honest.

"What I said is true, village chief, he really didn't tell us!" Wang Laoba showed an anxious look on his face, what he said was true, what happened this time was really not what Zhang Huaishan asked them to do of.

Xiao Lin glanced at Wang Laoba, then looked back at Su Yun beside him.

"What do you think, daughter-in-law?"

"Well... what he should say is true."

Xiao Lin also nodded.

He is also inclined that Wang Laoba did not lie this time.Wang Laoba didn't expect that the couple who chose to believe in him in the end turned out to be the couple whose child was almost stolen by him. He raised his head and looked at them with unpredictable expressions on his face.

There is disbelief, surprise, shame...

"Brother Xiao..." Wang Laoba's voice was choked with tears, and there were tears in his eyes.

Perhaps by now, Wang Laoba is really ashamed and regretful, but it has no effect.The child who was abducted by them will not return to his parents because of his shame after the incident.

Those broken families will not return to normal because of his irrelevant tears.Wang Laoba's tears are nothing but crocodile tears.

After figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Xiao Lin and the others did not delay any longer, turned around and left from the village and decided to go home first.

Zhao Hongwei frowned and couldn't relax. Seeing Xiao Lin and the others leave, he quickly chased up a few steps and asked, "Xiao Lin, look at this..."

He really wanted Xiao Lin to intervene.

If possible, he would like to give up the position of village chief to Xiao Lin. Of course, the premise is that Xiao Lin is willing.As long as Xiao Lin is willing, he can offer the position of village head with both hands.

Who would have thought that the head of a seemingly simple village would have so many troubles?Forget about trivial matters in daily life. The damage to the quarry a few days ago, plus today's abduction case, should not be handled by a village head.

If there was a suitable candidate, Zhao Hongwei would have already picked him up.

Xiao Lin also saw what Zhao Hongwei meant.

It is definitely impossible for him to take over the village chief or something, but if Zhang Huaishan is to be taken care of by the village chief, it is obviously embarrassing for the village chief.

"I'll go back and talk to Grandpa and the others."

Although he didn't directly promise Zhao Hongwei that he would take over Zhang Huaishan's affairs, but these words were almost as good as a direct promise.Zhao Hongwei knew about the extraordinary identities of the two old men, and after they heard about it, they definitely wouldn't ignore it.

He nodded at this thought.

"Okay, okay, okay, thank you, thank you."

Xiao Lin nodded slightly, and led Su Yun back home.

As for Wang Laoba, it's better to lock him up first.Those members of the Wang family didn't dare to mess around anymore after being tortured.Oh no, they haven't woken up yet!
Su Yun and the others returned home and reported the matter to the two old men.

Whether it was Mr. Fang or Mr. Chen, when they heard that this was the case, they were so angry that their beards straightened.

"A scum, a scum!" Mr. Fang slapped the table next to him, feeling too angry.

Mr. Chen glanced at Mr. Fang, then looked at Xiao Lin and the others who were standing aside, and said in a low voice: "Old boss, don't be so angry. Just think about it, this Hongqi town is so remote, Zhang Huaishan alone How can people have the kind of medicine for tigers and wolves that can only be obtained in big cities?"

Mr. Fang was furious. He paused a little when he heard Mr. Chen's words, and glanced at Mr. Chen, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means, is he... from the other side of the river..." Mr. Chen didn't finish his sentence, but everyone present understood the meaning.

Mr. Fang, Mr. Chen, and Xiao Lin have received professional training, so they know how unwilling the people on the other side of the river are.In order to destroy their good life, they did not hesitate to use all kinds of cruel means...

As for Su Yun, it was because she inadvertently saw some records about this era in the white mist after her death in her previous life, and knew who took it as her duty to destroy and disrupt the normal life of ordinary people, or more precisely, to kill The life of others is an honorable task...

So that quarry?
They had always thought that the peaceful and peaceful town had a monster like Zhang Huaishan lurking?This……

A light flashed in Su Yun's mind, and she subconsciously held Xiao Lin's hand tightly.

Xiao Lin happened to think of the same point as her.

Noticing that Su Yun's hands were trembling slightly, he turned around and gave Su Yun a reassuring look.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid."

Knowing that the nature of this matter had changed, Xiao Lin was also a little worried, but he was the head of the family, so although he was worried in his heart, he didn't show it.

At this time, he can't be messed up first.

Su Yun nodded.

"Brother Lin... I heard, I heard that people like them take pleasure in destroying other people's lives and taking their lives. Then we have such people here, our side..."

She paused and suddenly said loudly: "Reservoir!"

"Will they choose to attack the reservoir now that they have attacked the quarry?"

Right above their Zhaojia Village, there is a large reservoir.If that reservoir became their target, wouldn't it be impossible for the hundreds of people in Zhaojia Village downstream of the reservoir and the thousands of people in Hongqi Town further downstream to escape?
"Brother Rin!"

 update completed

(End of this chapter)

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